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Numerical study of transport properties of carbon nanotubes Dhanashree Godbole Brian Thomas Summer Materials Research Training Oakland University 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Numerical study of transport properties of carbon nanotubes Dhanashree Godbole Brian Thomas Summer Materials Research Training Oakland University 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Numerical study of transport properties of carbon nanotubes Dhanashree Godbole Brian Thomas Summer Materials Research Training Oakland University 2006

2 Overview  CNT: The material of the future  Structure of Graphene and CNT’s  Carbon nanotubes: bands and DOS  Infinite CNT’s to quantum dots  Quantum dots: what and why  Numerical results: Coulomb Blockade Kondo effect

3 Why Carbon nanotubes?  Amazing electronic and physical properties Space and mass saving Strength and durability

4  The graphene sheet and its band structure The Graphene Layer (n,m)

5 CNT: band structure and DOS

6 An Infinite CNT to finite CNT DOS

7 Finite CNT to Quantum Dot  Artificial atoms  Transfer of a single electron charge

8 Coulomb Blockade  Increased resistance No conductionConduction

9 Kondo Effect  Low-temp. increase in resistance  Kondo resonance creates existence of a new state

10 Numerical Results: One Level QD  One available state for the electron

11 CNT as a Quantum dot  Carbon nanotubes have two available states for electrons to propagate in

12 CNT as Quantum dot  B field kills Kondo effect…why?

13 Experimental Results Delft University - Netherlands Prof. Leo Kouwenhoven group

14 Conclusion  What we learned Basics of quantum mechanics and its applications in condensed matter physics First time using computer code and programming with FORTRAN Energy dispersion relations and their use in research of CNTs Quantum Dots and the use of CNTs as QDs Modeling and using numerical operations to represent real systems.

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