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Business Statistics - QBM117 Revising interval estimation.

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1 Business Statistics - QBM117 Revising interval estimation

2 Objective w To develop confidence in identifying the correct formula to use when calculating an interval estimate.

3 Identifying the parameter to be estimated w In this subject we need only concern ourselves with estimating the population mean , or the population proportion p. w Generally it is clear from the question, which parameter we are estimating, if we read it carefully enough.

4 Two confidence interval estimators of  w If  is known, the confidence interval estimator of the population mean  is There are two different interval estimators of the population mean, and the basis for determining which method is appropriate is quite simple. w If  is unknown and the population is normally distributed, the confidence interval estimator of the population mean  is When d.f > 200 we approximate t by thevalue.

5 Only one confidence interval estimator of p w There are is only one confidence interval estimator of the population proportion so there is no choice. w One condition however must be satisfied before it is appropriate to use this formula


7 Example 1 Do we know the population standard deviation,  or do we only have the sample standard deviation s? mean Does the question ask us to estimate a mean or a proportion? S

8 The average assembly time is between 394.67 secs and 405.33 secs

9 C.C. Therefore 166 times should be sampled.


11 Example 2 Do we know the population standard deviation,  or do we only have the sample standard deviation s? mean Does the question ask us to estimate a mean or a proportion? 

12 The average daily income is between $9560.60 and $10 103.40

13 C.C. Therefore 353 businesses should be sampled.


15 Example 3 proportion Does the question ask us to estimate a mean or a proportion?

16 The proportion of depositors with both types of accounts is between 93.5% and 99.7%

17 C.C. Therefore 552 customers should be sampled.

18 Reading for next lecture Chapter 10 Sections 10.1 - 10.2

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