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Composition and Surface Diversity of the Kuiper Belt objects Audrey Delsanti IFA - University of Hawai`i - NAI Audrey Delsanti IFA - University of Hawai`i.

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Presentation on theme: "Composition and Surface Diversity of the Kuiper Belt objects Audrey Delsanti IFA - University of Hawai`i - NAI Audrey Delsanti IFA - University of Hawai`i."— Presentation transcript:

1 Composition and Surface Diversity of the Kuiper Belt objects Audrey Delsanti IFA - University of Hawai`i - NAI Audrey Delsanti IFA - University of Hawai`i - NAI

2 An historical overview… With naked eyes: Venus and Mercury Mars, Jupiter, Saturn With telescopes: Uranus discovered in 1781 by William Herschell 1801: discovery of Ceres by Piazzi 1851: 15 objects known as the “Asteroid Belt” 1846: discovery of Neptune “Planet X” ?

3 Pluto discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh at the Lowell Observatory 33cm telescope Tombaugh looked for other objects for 13 years

4 The outer solar system: First ideas 1930, Leonard see Pluto as the first member of a swarm of distant objects Edgeworth 1943, 1949 Kuiper 1951 Independently described the existence of a disk of a large number of small (kilometer sized) objects beyond Neptune

5 The discovery of 1992 QB 1 August 1992 - Hawai`i UH 2.2m telescope Jewitt and Luu discovered The first Kuiper Belt Object Mauna Kea

6 The Kuiper Belt Objects Now, about 1,000 objects have been discovered (bright end of the distribution) ~ 70 000 objects D>100km ~ 10 objects D>1000 km They might retain the most pristine material of the Solar System ~ 340 objects lost !!! ~ 230 objects in critical situation -> strong need for follow up and recovery !!! 1999 KR 16, D. Jewitt Website

7 Current Outer Solar System view Classical belt Plutinos Scattered disk Centaurs Comets Neptune Pluto Saturn Jupiter Uranus

8 The giant Sedna November 2003 Sedna’s orbit

9 The outer Solar System ?

10 Surface density profile

11 Ecliptic surveys Hainaut & Delsanti, survey 1999-2001 ESO 2.2m + 8x8K, 20 deg 2 on sky, m R ~23, 40 new objects Trujillo et al. (2001) CFHT 4m + 12K×8K, 73 deg 2 on sky, m R ~ 23.7, 86 new objects Allen et al. (2001) CTIO 1.5m + BTC, 1.5 deg 2 on sky, m R ~24.9-25.9, 24 new objects Hainaut & Delsanti, survey 1999-2001 ESO 2.2m + 8x8K, 20 deg 2 on sky, m R ~23, 40 new objects Trujillo et al. (2001) CFHT 4m + 12K×8K, 73 deg 2 on sky, m R ~ 23.7, 86 new objects Allen et al. (2001) CTIO 1.5m + BTC, 1.5 deg 2 on sky, m R ~24.9-25.9, 24 new objects No objects with Perihelion > 50 UA

12 A truncature at 50 AU ? No objects Truncature of proto-solar nebula by a passing star Existence of a Martian-mass body, a~60 AU, 1Gy Initial truncature at 30 AU + further migration Other Objects “cold disk” ? Change of regime in albedo/size distribution ? No objects Truncature of proto-solar nebula by a passing star Existence of a Martian-mass body, a~60 AU, 1Gy Initial truncature at 30 AU + further migration Other Objects “cold disk” ? Change of regime in albedo/size distribution ?

13 Faint (m V ~18-26) distant objects spatially not resolved Difficult to observe  4 to 8m class telescopes needed The bulk of physical information comes from Broadband photometry (Spectroscopy) In the visible & near IR domain HST image of 50000 Quaoar (Brown & Trujillo, 2004) Studying Kuiper Belt Objects properties

14 The surface color diversity of KBOs Near-IRVisible ESO Large Program

15 Reflectivities Meech & Jewitt (1986) Normalization at 1. In V band Spectral slope (%/100nm)

16 Visible near-infrared reflectivity spectra

17 The reddening curve

18 The surface color diversity Intrinsic different composition Same initial composition but different evolution - Surface irradiation by high energy particles (solar UV, cosmic rays, …) - Non disruptive collisions between KBOs - Cometary activity ?

19 Spectroscopic study of bright KBOs & Centaurs KBOs Centaurs

20 Constraints for KBO spectra modeling 1)The presence or absence of absorption bands arising from - minerals - ices (H 2 O, CO, CO 2, CH 4, NH 3, …) - organic solids 2) The spectral range 3) The spectral gradient (ex: V-J color) 4) The surface albedo

21 KBO spectra modeling Radiative transfert model (Douté & Schmitt, 1998) Synthetic spectra of several geographical (spatial) mixtures LIMITATIONS : the component grain size used should be greater than the wavelength of the spectrum THE SOLUTION IS NOT UNIQUE !!! = linear combination of the spectra of the components = juxtaposition of regions covered by a single component  Collisions between KBOs

22 Organics signatures in Solar System objects Ex: carbonaceous chondrites contain amino acids hydrocarbons insoluble polymers close to terrestrial kerogen nitrogen compounds Ex: comets contain Methanol + more complex organics (Bockelée-Morvan et al. 1995) Ethylene glycol in Hale-Bopp (Crovisier et al. 2004) HOCH 2 CH 2 OH

23 Organics in Solar System objects Organic compounds may be - primordial - or the result of on-going chemical reactions Ex: KBO surface irradiation by high energy particles (solar UV, cosmic rays, …)

24 Minerals and silicates Abundant on asteroids surfaces Enter in cometary grains composition Ex: fosferite Mg 2 SiO 4 (magnesium-rich olivine) on comet Hale-Bopp also crystalline pyroxenes, amorphous silicates (Crovisier et al. 2000) centaur Pholus (Cruikshank et al. 1998)

25 Doressoundiram et al. 2003 (26181) 1996 GQ 21 15 % Titan tholin 35 % Ice tholin 50 % Amorphous carbon Visible albedo: 5%

26 Tholins: example of composition NameInitial MixtureReferences Titan tholin90% N 2 – 10% CH 4 (gas)Khare et al. (1984) McDonald et al. (1994) Triton tholin99.9% N 2 – 0.1% CH 4 (gas)McDonald et al. (1994) Ice tholin I86% H 2 O – 14% C 2 H 6 Khare et al. (1993) McDonald et al. (1996) Ice tholin II80% H 2 O – 16% CH 3 OH 3.2% CO 2 – 0.8% C 2 H 6 McDonald et al. (1996)

27 Scattered-disk object Red visible colors Neutral IR colors … 99% kerogen 1% tremolite p V = 2% __ 24% titan tholin 15% ice tholin 54% amorphous carbon 7% water ice p V = 10% Jewitt et al (2001): Water ice Hydroxyl group with possible interaction with an Al or Mg compound (26375) 1999 DE9 Doressoundiram et al. 2003

28 Kerogen and water ice 2000 QC 243 - Centaur 1998 SG 35 - Centaur Suggestion of interpretation for both objects - 96-97 % kerogen - 1% olivine - 3-2% water ice Other results Water ice on 1999 TC 36 (Plutino) Dotto et al. 2003

29 (90482) 2004 DW April 11, 2004 VLT + ISAAC - 38% kerogen - 7% water ice - 55% amorphous carbon Albedo 0.07 at 0.55 µm VLT + FORS2

30 Summary of the current situation Lack of surface albedos Geographical mixture: spectra modeling does not drive to unique solutions  intimate mixture models Lack of optical constants n & k for most components  Laboratory experiments


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