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Embedded XINU and Beyond B. Ramamurthy. Embedded XINU Platform WRT54GL Understand the various components CPU, different types of memory, its classification.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedded XINU and Beyond B. Ramamurthy. Embedded XINU Platform WRT54GL Understand the various components CPU, different types of memory, its classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedded XINU and Beyond B. Ramamurthy

2 Embedded XINU Platform WRT54GL Understand the various components CPU, different types of memory, its classification as an embedded system, devices, device drivers, kernel Various software components in the xinu software Shell, device drivers, memory layout Read the embedded xinu UML class diagram.

3 Beyond Exinu How does one apply the knowledge acquired in the class to other applications? What are the emerging application in this area? One particular emerging area is that of “Internet of Things” It is also known as Internet of objects, refers to the interconnection of very objects.

4 Reference Internet of Things. last visited Nov 2010.

5 Things It started with simply electronic tagging of items to automate the identification, inventory control, supply chain management etc. Surveillance, security, healthcare, safety, food industry People location, geo-signals, object detection Tele-operation, tele-presence, remote operations Embedded within things are devices that can sense, compute, monitor and control This advance is commonly termed Internet of Things (IoT).

6 IoT Communication is a foundational requirement: – People  Things – Things  Things Things report their status and sensors data and people can respond with actions to be taken. Things can communicate among themselves to adjust to conditions, share data and corrective actions. Example: the famous IBM’s ad on fridge ordering milk for you when the milk is running out

7 Embedded Controllers Most everyday objects have embedded controllers in them: automatic coffee maker The combination of embedded microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, network interfaces, and the greater Internet makes it possible for the Internet to evolve from an network of interconnected computers to a network of interconnected objects.

8 Other requirements Sensors: sense the environment Positioning systems: determine location Biometrics: authenticate requests Machine vision: view the world and identify objects

9 Enabling Technology Machine-machine interfaces and protocols of electronic communication Microcontrollers (MIPS processor of WRt54GL) Wireless communication Identification technology (RFID), QR code Energy harvesting technology Sensors and transducers Actuators: pneumatics, pumps, etc. Location technology Software: Still lot to be done

10 Think of the possibilities Lets discuss some From shopping to national security and military

11 Applications That push the boundaries of IoT Cell phones as windows on everything Cell phones as remote controllers Continuous monitoring and measuring Locating things: eye glasses and car keys Loosely organized things Just-in time diagnosis and maintenance of vehicles and machinery Healthcare and caretaking Deterring thefts and knockoffs Standards, food safety, energy conservation, cyber warfare

12 Summary Internet of things is a natural evolution of the current internet and the devices It requires a lot of work from dedicated development environment to standards. You can use all your embedded systems expertise to contribute to advances in this area.

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