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CARERA The Impact of CAP Reform on the Employment Levels in Rural Areas Xueqin Zhu & Alfons Oude Lansink Business Economics, Wageningen University (8 June.

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Presentation on theme: "CARERA The Impact of CAP Reform on the Employment Levels in Rural Areas Xueqin Zhu & Alfons Oude Lansink Business Economics, Wageningen University (8 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 CARERA The Impact of CAP Reform on the Employment Levels in Rural Areas Xueqin Zhu & Alfons Oude Lansink Business Economics, Wageningen University (8 June 2007, Uppsala) D12 An Assessment of the Impact of CAP Reform on the Competitiveness of the Farming Sector (Field cropping)

2 Overview Frontier model (Output distance function) and inefficiency effect model Input and output variables Field cropping in four countries (GE,GR,NL & SW) Input and output prices Explanatory variables (z) of the efficiency effects model Frontier function & technical efficiency estimates Present activities and future plan

3 Output distance function and inefficiency effects model Translog Inefficiency effects model Technical efficiency

4 Outputs and inputs specification 4 Outputs  Cereals  Root crops (aggregated by potatoes and sugar beets)  Other crops (10 remaining crops in FADN data)  Other products (livestock products and other output) 6 Inputs  3 variable inputs Seeds Chemicals (aggregated by fertilisers and pesticides) Other variable inputs (other specific inputs & farm overheads)  Three factors (labour, land and capital)

5 Composition of field crop outputs(%) GermanyGreeceNetherlandsSweden Cereals 2520825 Root crops 22116035 Other crops 14661911 Other output 3931329 Total 100

6 Composition of variable inputs (%) GermanyGreeceNetherlandsSweden Seeds 9132310 Chemicals 21322421 Other 70555369 Total 100

7 Tornqivist price indexes for outputs and inputs  Root crops aggregated by 2 EUROSTAT price indexes  Other crops aggregated by 7 EUROSTAT price indexes  Other output by 2 EUROSTAT price indexes  Chemicals (input) by 2 EUROSTAT price indexes  Other variable inputs by 3 EUROSTAT price indexes

8 Price index of root crops 1995199619971998199920002001200220032004 GE 145105106126116100116110126107 GR 117120121949310096788489 NL 219136137213197100138139136129 SW 130116101110132100117109108115

9 Price index of other crops 1995199619971998199920002001200220032004 GE 109 11111393100111110116110 GR 12011811210397100899910999 NL 94981041031021009994 89 SW 10611011111393100106105103

10 Explanatory variables in inefficiency effects model- exogenous factors z1 (composition of subsidy): coupled (crop) subsidy/ total subsidy z2 (composition of revenue): total subsidy/total revenue z3: farm taxes z4:farm size z5 (crop specialization): crop output/total output z6 (family labour): unpaid labour/total labour z7 (ownership of land): rented land/total land z8 (long term debt):long term loans/total assets z9 (short term debt): short term loans/total assets

11 Explanatory variables in inefficiency effects model- regional Dummy’s 13 regions for Germany Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen,Nordrhein-Westfalen, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern,Saarland, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg- Vorpommen,Sachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt, Thueringen 4 regions for Greece Makedonia-Thraki, Ipiros-Pelponissos-Nissi Loniou, Thessalia, Sterea Ellas-Nissi Egeaou-Kriti 3 regions for Sweden Slattbygdslan, Skogs-och mellanbygdslan, Lan i norra

12 Mean technical efficiency 1995-2004 Germany:0.64 Greece: 0.52 Netherlands:0.75 Sweden: 0.69

13 Technical efficiency over time 1995199619971998199920002001200220032004 GE 0.590.65 0.610.640.690.680.670.600.61 GR 0.630.580.570.390.420.470.520.530.590.58 NL 0.730.75 0.740.750.760.750.77 0.78 SW 0.640.770.740.680.660.650.730.690.660.69

14 Regional technical efficiency Germany 12345678910111213 TE 0.660.650.630.620.630.670.640.670.650.610.670.600.62 Fre.108150178144230936278431456619318887

15 Regional technical efficiency Greece Makedonia- Thraki Ipiros- Pelponissos -Nissi Loniou Thessalia Sterea Ellas-Nissi Egeaou- Kriti Total TE0.510.600.540.500.52 Freq.86163462725140813095

16 Regional technical efficiency Sweden RegionsSlattby gdslan Skogs-och mellanbyg dslan Lan i norra Total TE0.690.670.740.69 Freq.6467920745

17 Impacts of z variables on TE GEGRNLSW Z1 Crop subsidy -0.34*-0.12*-0.65-0.68* Z2 Total subsidy 0.21*0.15* 0.27* Z3 Taxes -0.89*0.38*-0.16*0.50* Z4 Farm size -0.70*-0.150.12*-0.44* Z5 Crop specialization 0.25*-0.94*0.13*0.11* Z6 Family labour - Z7 Ownership land 0.45**-0.23**-0.13*-0.28* Z8 Long run debt 0.290.18*0.17-0.16** z9 Short run debt 0.15*0.17*0.290.22

18 Present activites Efficiency and productivity analysis:  Calculation of production elasticity's of inputs  Productivity analysis and decomposition into technical change, technical efficiency change, allocative efficiency change and scale effects Workpackage 6:  Farmers’ survey  Non-farmer stakeholders’ survey

19 Future plan Interpretation of the results, especially the impact of subsidy’s on technical efficiency, and the regional differences, with cooperation with partners Request to the partners:  Comments on the selection of inputs and outputs  The regional information (Local, national subsidy’s, infrastructural conditions, market access etc.) which can explain the efficiency Cost efficiency of the crop sector Further study on the dairy sector

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