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Liaison to Employee Assembly - More opportunities to interact with senior administrators - Get exposed to a different assembly culture - the EA has its.

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Presentation on theme: "Liaison to Employee Assembly - More opportunities to interact with senior administrators - Get exposed to a different assembly culture - the EA has its."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liaison to Employee Assembly - More opportunities to interact with senior administrators - Get exposed to a different assembly culture - the EA has its own style - Very useful networking opportunity - Friendly, low-stress group that is genuinely curious about what the GPSA is doing - Hear about Cornell transitions from the people implementing them - Essential position for cross-assembly communication - More free food!

2 Liaison to Cornell Cinema Attend meetings of the Cornell Cinema Advisory Board Represent Graduate and Professional Student concerns to the Cornell Cinema Advisory Board Make important decisions regarding cinematic programming at Cornell Report back to the GPSA on pertinent matters

3 GPSA Charter Review Timeline October 4 – Announcement of Charter Review Timeline at GPSA Discussion Meeting # 2 November 8 – Meeting 1 of the Committee, 5:30 to 7:00 pm December 6 – Meeting 2 of the Committee, 5:30 to 7:00 pm February 14 – Meeting 3 of the Committee, 5:30 to 7:00 pm February 21 Business Meeting – Resolution Circulated to Voting Members March 14 Business Meeting – Resolution voted on by Voting Members April 4 Discussion & April 18 Business Meetings – New Voting Members/Officers elected in accordance with new charter

4 GPSA Charter Review Committee The Operations and Staffing Committee is required to review the Charter during non-Activity Fee setting years. All Committee meetings shall be open to the graduate and professional student community. Voting Members of the Operations and Staffing Committee shall include all standing committee chairs (Appropriations, Communications, Events, Financial Commission, and Student Advocacy). During Charter review years, standing committee chairs may appoint a representative from their committee to serve in their place in the charter review process. The Committee encourages interested graduate and professional students to attend meetings of the Committee.

5 Finance Commission 2010/2011 Preview Graduate and Professional Student Assembly September 24, 2010 By: Robert Hartshorn GPSA Finance Commission Chairperson JGSM Voting Member

6 Cornell University GPSA Finance Commission Preview GPSA Finance Commission Summary of Commission –Roles –Meeting dates –Members Funding Preview –Source –Balances –Recent Activity –Upcoming Activity

7 Background The funding arm of the Graduate and Professional Student Assembly (GPSA). The GPSAFC is responsible for funding over 200 registered graduate and professional student organizations on the Cornell campus. Meetings –October 5 th, November 2 nd, and December 7 th –Sage Hall room 141 –6:30PM to 8:30PM

8 Members Seeking two additional representatives –Ideally from Vet, Law, Humanities, or Biological Sciences

9 9 7/15/2015 Cornell University GPSA Finance Commission Preview

10 10 7/15/2015 Cornell University GPSA Finance Commission Preview - total 6353

11 Cornell University GPSA Finance Commission Preview Members Figures from Office of Assemblies Funding Funding Balances Spring 2010 Beginning Balance (pre-budget )  $106,451 Requested:  $345,232 –3x available balance –201 groups filed for annual funding –~30% of 09/10 allocations went unused Allocated:  $150,459 –140% of balance –43% of requested amount Spring 2010 Ending Balance (post-budget process)  ($44,008) Fall 2010 Income from Student Activity Fees  $152,125 Estimated Fall 2010 Beginning Balance  $108,117 Note a buffer of $50,000 is kept to protect against over draft.

12 Recent Funding Activity September Special Request  5 –Environmental Law Society –Gender & Sexuality Reading Group –CU Chinese Students & Scholars Assoc. –SPICMACAY –Society for Horticulture –TOTAL : $2,589 Late Submissions for Annual Budgets  23 / 13 / 12~ Appeals  3~ October Special Requests  4~

13 September Allocation: Environmental Law Society 42 Gender & Sexuality Reading Group 400 CU Chinese Stdts & Scholars Assoc. 947 SPICMACAY 700 Society for Horticulture 500 Total: 2589 Spring Annual Budget – no funding list Africana Student Association Animal Behavior Club Chinese Basketball Club Vet-Equine Practitioners NWAEG

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