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Presentation on theme: "«NEW PARADIGMS FOR CONTROL THEORY» Romeo Ortega LSS-CNRS-SUPELEC Gif-sur-Yvette, France."— Presentation transcript:


2 ContentContent Background Proposal Examples

3 FactsFacts Modern (model-based) control theory is not providing solutions to new practical control problems Prevailing trend in applications: data-based « solutions » Neural networks, fuzzy controllers, etc They might work but we will not understand why/when New applications are truly multidomain There is some structure hidden in «complex systems » Revealed through physical laws Pattern of interconnection is more important than detail

4 Why?Why? Signal processing viewpoint is not adequate: = Input-Output-Reference-Disturbance. Classical assumptions not valid: linear + «small » nonlinearities interconnections with large impedances time-scale separations lumped effects Methods focus on stability (of a set of given ODEs) no consideration of the physical nature of the model.

5 ProposalProposal Reconcile modelling with, and incorporate energy information into, control design.How? Propose models that capture main physical ingredients: energy, dissipation, interconnection Attain classical control objectives (stability, performance) as by-products of: Energy-shaping, interconnection and damping assignment. Confront, via experimentation, the proposal with current practice.

6 Prevailing paradigm Models Control objectives Controller design Signal procesing viewpoint Models  C P  d u z y z d rs P  r d u s z y : Uncertainty  Known structure,   RH d DL

7 Control objectives  z-z d « small »  effect of d on z « small » Controller y z u :C d Class of admissible systems TOO LARGE !!  Conservativeness (min max designs)  High gain (sliding modes, backstepping…)  Complexity Practically useless Intrinsic to signal-processing viewpoint Drawbacks!!!

8   CI Unmodelled environment ii i x c ec e vvv (Energy-based) Control by interconnection Proposed alternative

9 Models PLANT: H(x) energy function, x state, (v,i) conjugated port variables, Geometric (Dirac) structure capturing energy exchange Dissipation ENVIRONMENT: Passive port Flexibility and dissipation effects Parasitic dynamics Control objectives Focus on energy and dissipation Shape and exchange pattern Controller   C I controller, Hc(z) energy power preserving

10 IDA-PBC of mechanical systems To stabilize some underactuated mechanical devices it is necessary to modify the total energy function. In open loop Where q  R n, p  R n are the generalized position and momenta, respectively, M(q)=M T (q)>0 is the inertia matrix, and V(q) is the potential energy MODEL Control u  R m, and assume rank(G)=m < n Convenient to decompose u=u es (q,p)+u di (q,p)

11 TARGET DYNAMICS Desired (closed loop) energy function where M d =M d T >0 and V d (q) with port controlled Hamiltonian dynamics where

12 All assignable energy functions are characterized by a PDE!! All assignable energy functions are characterized by a PDE!! The PDE is parameterized by two free matrices (related to physics)

13 ExamplesExamples BALL AND BEAM

14 Ball and Beam


16 Vertical take-off and landing aircraft

17 Cart with inverted pendulum

18 ExamplesExamples (PASSIVE) WALKING Plant: double pendulum Environement: elastic (stiff) Model

19 (Passive) walking Control objetive: Shape energy

20 (Passive) walking

21 other mechatronic systems: teleoperators, robots in interaction (with environement)

22 Plant: (controlled) wave eq. Environment: passive mech. contact model control objective: shape energy Piezoelectric actuators

23 Control through long cables E.g., overvoltage in drives model control objective: change interconnection to suppress waves




27 Dual to teleoperators Many examples in power electronics and power systems

28 Thank you!!

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