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Sending Interpersonal Messages

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1 Sending Interpersonal Messages
Interpersonal Communication Feedback Listening

2 What are my message-sending habits?
For questions : 3 pts for Usually, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Seldom For questions : 3 pts for Seldom, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Usually Sum up your total points. Scores: >= 26 : Strong understanding of message-sending techniques 21 to 25 : You can improve your message-sending skills <= 20 : You have significant room for improvement

3 Skills Required to Send Messages Effectively:
Using multiple channels Being complete & specific Taking responsibility Being congruent Simplify your language

4 Skills for Developing & Maintaining Credibility
Know what you are talking about Establish mutual trust Share all relevant information Be honest & reliable Be warm & friendly Be dynamic Appropriate self-disclosure

5 Skills for Obtaining Feedback
Take the initiative to ask receivers for feedback Don’t be defensive Check your understanding by summarizing what you have heard Check out underlying assumptions Be sensitive to the provider’s nonverbal messages Ask questions to clarify

6 Providing Feedback For questions : 3 pts for Usually, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Seldom For question 3: 3 pts for Seldom, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Usually Sum up your total points. Scores: >= 16 : Excellent skills at providing feedback 13 to 15 : Some deficiencies in providing feedback <= 13 : Indicate considerable room for improvement

7 Hearing: Merely picking up sound vibrations
Listening: Making sense out what we hear. Effective listening: Active versus passive listening

8 My Listening Habits: For questions : 3 pts for Usually, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Seldom For questions : 3 pts for Seldom, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Usually Sum up your total points. Scores: >= 27 : You're a good listener 22 to 26 : You have some listening deficiencies < 22 : You have developed a number of bad listening habits

9 Active Listening Empathize with speakers to understand the communication from their point of view. Four essential requirements: Intensity Empathy Acceptance A willingness to take responsibility for completeness.

10 Types of Listening I) Content Listening: Understand & retain the speaker’s message. No agree or disagree. Just focus on the information. II) Critical Listening: Understand & evaluate the message. Ask questions. III) Empathic Listening: Speaker’s feelings, needs & wants; Don’t judge.

11 To Listen Effectively Receiving- Physically hearing
Interpreting- Assign meaning Remembering- Short versus long-term memory Evaluating- Critical thinking skills Responding- Reacting

12 Evaluation Factors Be motivated Make eye contact Show interest
Avoid distracting actions Empathy Take the whole picture Ask questions Paraphrase Don’t interrupt Integrate what is being said Don’t overtalk Confront your biases Make smooth transitions between speaker & listener Be natural

13 Barriers to Effective Listening
Checking your watch Making eye contact with someone over the speaker’s shoulder Selective listening Listeners’ minds tend to wander Not sharing enough language or experience with the speaker

14 Overcoming Barriers to Effective Listening
Control physical barriers Avoid selective listening Keep on mind Give the speaker a chance to correct to your interpretation Capture information Improve short-term memory by repeating Improve long-term memory by categorization, visualization, mnemonics

15 Reading Nonverbal Messages
I) Visual Communication Facial expressions Eye movements Postures Gestures II) Tactile Communication Use of touch to impart meaning III) Vocal Communication Changing intonation of your voice

16 Using Nonverbal Communication Effectively
Nonverbal signals match the tone & content of spoken communication Recognizing nonverbal signals: Facial expressions reveal the intensity of speaker’s feelings Watch for clues from gesture & postures Physical appearance Be careful with physical contact, touch etc. Pay attention to the use of time & space

17 Communicating in Teams
Teams: Mission and responsibility => Goals Formal teams: Organization structure Ex/ Committees Informal teams: Solve a problem, work on a specific activity, encourage employee participation Effective communication- essential to every aspect of team performance

18 What is My Teamwork Style?
For questions : 3 pts for Usually, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Seldom For questions : 3 pts for Seldom, 2 pts. for Sometimes, 1 pt. for Usually Sum up your total points. Scores: >= 27 : You're a good team player 22 to 26 : You have some deficiencies as a team member < 22 : You have considerable room for improvement

19 Advantages Improve productivity, creativity and employee involvement.
Core of the participative management. Increased information & knowledge Increased diversity of views Increased acceptance of a solution Higher performance levels

20 Disadvantages Unsuccessful => waste time & money Free riders Cost
Hidden agendas Groupthink

21 Collaborative Communication
Avoid “MY WAY IS BEST!” Right partners Project goals Socializing Clarify individual responsibilities Establish clear processes Tools & techniques Avoid writing as a group Check

22 Group Dynamics Interactions & processes taking place in a team => synergy TEAM ROLES Self-oriented: personal needs Team-maintenance: working together Task-facilitating: solve problems & make decisions

23 Team Evolution I. Orientation
II. Conflict: Constructive (involvement & creative ideas) & Destructive (morale & dividing the team) Resolving conflict: 1) Proaction 2) Communication 3) Openness 4) Research 5) Flexibility 6) Fair play 7) Alliance

24 Team Evolution III. Brainstorming IV. Emergence- Consensus
V. Reinforcement

25 Overcoming resistance
Calm, reasonable, give & take Express understanding Deal directly with the resistance Don’t repeat yourself Hold your arguments

26 Etiquette in Team Settings
Rude to others or an embarrassment Attention to business etiquette In Social Settings: Personal appearance Plan Phone Calls as carefully as you plan meetings: 1) Listen 2) Increase volume slightly 3) Not in a monotone way 4) Speak slowly with the foreign people 5) Stay focused

27 Placing Calls Receiving calls: Be ready before you call
Minimize distractions. Identify yourself, verify if it’s a good time. Not too much time. Close friendly & in a positive manner. Receiving calls: Be positive & How may I help you?

28 Using Voicemail Make it brief & professional
Check & return within 24 hours IF necessary Be careful what you say. Business is often conducted over MEALS: Easy to eat! Not politics, religion & emotions Not too personal. Never complain about work.

29 Making your meetings more productive:
Formal, informal or virtual meetings Avoid when a memo or message would do the job. Avoid holding a meeting without a specific goal. Types: I) Informational (sharing information & coordinating action) II) Decision-making (analysis, problem-solving, brainstorming)

30 Preparation for a meeting:
Identify your purpose Select right participants Choose the time & facility Set the agenda What do we need to do? What issues will be of greatest importance? What information must be available?

31 Leading & Participating in meetings:
Keep the meeting on track Follow agreed-upon roles Encourage participation Participate actively Close effectively: Verify that the objectives have been met.

32 Using Meeting Technologies
Virtual teams: Online brainstorming Instant messaging (security, not lengthy and complex messages; instead ) Videoconferencing

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