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Job Shadowing and Work Experience Opportunities Within School Districts By: Valerie Rogers.

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Presentation on theme: "Job Shadowing and Work Experience Opportunities Within School Districts By: Valerie Rogers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Job Shadowing and Work Experience Opportunities Within School Districts By: Valerie Rogers

2 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Purpose This is designed to help teachers and school personnel in: This is designed to help teachers and school personnel in: Setting up a successful Job Shadowing or Work Experience program, Setting up a successful Job Shadowing or Work Experience program, Utilizing the many positions available within a school building and school district to broaden your and your student’s options Utilizing the many positions available within a school building and school district to broaden your and your student’s options To provide a thorough (but not exclusive) list of these possible job options— there are so many out there! To provide a thorough (but not exclusive) list of these possible job options— there are so many out there! The jobs are organized using the 10 Occupational categories from the U.S. Department of Labor (see references). The jobs are organized using the 10 Occupational categories from the U.S. Department of Labor (see references). Some occupations taken directly from the Occupational Outlook Handbook found at the U.S. Department of Labor website. Some occupations taken directly from the Occupational Outlook Handbook found at the U.S. Department of Labor website. Some are a sample of jobs from a school district’s Human Resources Department. Some are a sample of jobs from a school district’s Human Resources Department. This list is not complete –there are endless possibilities (depending upon your creativity). This list is not complete –there are endless possibilities (depending upon your creativity). This is to help you provide students with a wide range of observational and hands-on experiences—of occupations available within your school or district. This is to help you provide students with a wide range of observational and hands-on experiences—of occupations available within your school or district. The possibilities are nearly endless! The possibilities are nearly endless!

3 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Management Occupations  Administrative Services Managers  Elementary and secondary schools  Education Administrators  Principals  Assistant Principals  Financial Managers  Treasurer  Controller / Comptroller  Food Service Managers  Human Resources, training, and labor relations managers and specialists  Others depending on school district

4 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Professional & Related Occupations  Interpreters and Translators  Audiologists  Dieticians and Nutritionists  Occupational Therapists  Physical Therapists  Speech-Language Pathologists  Computer Programmers  Computer Support Specialists  Psychologists  Counselors  Librarians, Library Technicians  Teachers (Special Education), Teacher Assistants  Athletes, Coaches, Umpires, & Related Workers  More depending on school district

5 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Service Occupations  Occupational Therapist Assistants and Aides  Physical Therapist Assistant and Aides  Security Guards  Chefs, Cooks, and Food Preparation Workers  Building Cleaning Workers  Grounds Maintenance Workers  Student Intervention Assistant  Braillist Assistant  Extended Care Coordinator  Parent Educator  Parent Liaison-Exceptional Children  Youth Development Coordinator  Many more depending on school district

6 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Sales and Related Occupations  Cashiers  Purchasing Agent  Cost Clerk  Receiving/Fixed Assets Clerk  Others depending on school district

7 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Office and Administrative Support Occupations  Data Entry & Information Processing Workers  Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks  File Clerks  Human Resource Assistants  Library Assistants  Clerical  Office Clerks – general  Secretaries  Administrative Assistants  Additional jobs depending on school district

8 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations  Groundskeepers  Horticulture Teachers  Agricultural Workers  4-H Group Director  More depending on school district

9 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Construction Trades & Related Workers  Painter  Roofing/Paving Specialist  Carpenter  Plumber  Electrician  Heavy Equipment Operator  Construction Project Manager  Many more depending on school district

10 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Installation, Maintenance, & Repair Occupations  Custodian  Warehouse Worker  Parts Procurement Specialist  HVAC Specialist  Computer Repair Technician  Shop Foreman  Supervisor – General Maintenance  Supervisor – Mechanical Systems  Director of Maintenance  More depending on school district

11 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Production Occupations  Courier Print Shop Worker  Printing Technician  Welder  Print Shop Supervisor  Computer Programmer/Analyst  Supervisor – Data Information Resources  Senior Systems Analyst  More depending on school district

12 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Transportation  Bus Drivers  Transportation Director  Mechanic  Heavy Equipment Operator/Driver  Zone Routing Specialist  Route Coordinator – Vehicle Maintenance  Route Foreman  Zone Transportation Supervisor  Supervisor – Route Operations  More depending on school district

13 Fall 2005Transition Services Preparation & Training Resources  Department of Labor –  Guilford County Schools, NC – gn_classes.htm gn_classes.htm gn_classes.htm

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