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Fertilization Gametogenesis and Fertilization 陳建榮

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1 Fertilization Gametogenesis and Fertilization 陳建榮

2 Gametogenesis Spermatogenesis 精子生成 Oogenesis 卵子生成

3 Meiosis 減數分裂 Mitosis  meiosis Homologous chromosomes 同源染色體

4 Spermatogenesis  Spermatogonium 精母細胞  1 0 spermatocyte 初級精細胞  2 0 spermatocyte  Spermatid 精細胞  Spermiogenesis 精子形成  spermatozoon Haploid chromosome (double chromatin) Haploid chromosome (single chromatin)

5 Spermatogenesis World's oldest father has 21st child at 90

6 Spermiogenesis 精子形成 穿孔體

7 Mature sperm Sperm : -Head -Neck -Tail -Middle piece -Principal piece -End piece 5 um

8 Sperm Capacitation - Hyperactiviated motility

9 Culture medium: -Ca2+, -HCO3-, -Albumin Or oviduct fluid Capacitation 獲能反應 Human - 7hr Rat - 1hr

10 Transportation of gamets: sperm  Reflex ejaculation Emission 遺洩 Emission 遺洩 Ejaculation 射精 Ejaculation 射精  Semen 3.5 ml 3.5 ml 200-600 million sperms 200-600 million sperms 2-3 mm/min (30~50 um/sec) 2-3 mm/min (30~50 um/sec) Survive < 48 h in female genital tract Survive < 48 h in female genital tract Survive 24h in vitro Survive 24h in vitro Dog: 2~3 days in vitroDog: 2~3 days in vitro Virginal plug 陰道栓 Deferentectomy 輸精管切除

11 Sperm activity Sperm number: -100 million / ml -20~50 million / ml -- receivable -<10 million / ml -- sterility

12 Oogenesis Oogonia  mature oocytes  Primordial follicle 原始濾泡 Primary oocyte + one layer follicle Primary oocyte + one layer follicle  Primary follicle 初級濾泡 Primary oocyte + zona pelluida 透明層 + multiple layers follicle Primary oocyte + zona pelluida 透明層 + multiple layers follicle  Secondary follicle Primary oocyte + zona pellucida + multiple layers follicle + antrum Primary oocyte + zona pellucida + multiple layers follicle + antrum  Graafian follicle 成熟濾泡 Primordial follicle Primary follicle Secondary follicle Graafian follicle

13 Oogenesis

14 Follicular Development Primordial follicle Primary follicle Graafian follicle

15 Oogenesis 卵子生成 Birth Oocyte maturation inhibitor(OMI) Meiosis I finish 1st polar body Meiosis II begin Meiosis II finish 2nd polar body 1,700 600,0002,000,000 400-500 Meiosis I begin

16 World's oldest natural mother at 59


18 Comparison of Gametes 22+X or 22+Y22+X Cryopreservation of gametes or embryos

19 依卵黃含量與分佈,將卵分為 : - 無卵黃卵 (alecithal egg): 卵黃非常少。有胎盤哺乳類屬之。 - 寡卵黃或均卵黃卵 (oligolecithal, isolecithal, or homolecithal egg): 卵黃的量少,分佈均勻。無脊椎動物及脊索動物屬之。 - 端卵黃 (telolecithal egg): 卵黃量多,偏於卵的一端。鳥類屬之。 - 中量卵黃 (mesolecithal egg): 卵黃量中等,稍偏於一端,如蛙卵。 - 中位卵黃 (centrolecithal egg): 卵黃集中於中央,昆虫卵屬之。

20 Abnormal gametogenesis -Nondisjunction 不分離現象 -Abnormal structure

21 Ovulation Ovulation 排卵

22 Polytocous Monotocous

23 Uterus : -Fundus -Body -Perimetrium 子宮外膜 -Endometrium 子宮內膜 -Basal layer -Functional layer -Cervix

24  GnRH  FSH  LH  Estrogen  Progesterone Reproductive cycles (Menstrual cycles) 月經期 增生期黃體期缺血期

25  LH surge  Ovulation (12-24 h after LH surge)  Corpus luteum formed  Secretory phase of endometrium

26 Estrus cycle: 發情週期 -Follicular phase 濾泡期 -Proestrus 發情前期 - 濾泡開始發育 -Estrus 發情期 - 子宮內膜充血及水腫,並分泌帶血黏液 ( 狗 ) -Luteal phase 黃體期 -Metestrus 發情後期 - 排卵後黃體開始發育 -Diestrus 發情間期 - 黃體發育成熟 -Aestrus phase 非發情期 - 有的動物並無此期。狗的非發情期約半年。 Ovulation of dog: 發情期前後均有,平均為發情前後 2 天

27 sexual cycle heat( 濾泡期 )pregnancy(day) ──────────────────────── dog 2/year 3w 63(58-66) cat 2-3/year 1w 60-61 pig 21d 3-5d 115 cow 3w 14(2-30)h 285(281-290) sheep 3w 24-36h 149 goat 3w 48h 154 horse 21d(40%) 1-3d 336(310-410) 15-33d(rest) mouse(rat)5d 21 hamster 16 GP (68) rabbit 30 ──────────────────────── 各 種 動 物 的 動情週 期 與 懷 孕 期

28 Fertilization

29 Zona pellucida 透明層 Disappear in late blastocyst 放射冠

30 Fertilization

31 Phase of fertilization : -Passage of sperm through corona radata -Penetration of zona pellucida -Fusion of plasma membrane of the oocyte and sperm -Completion of 2nd meiotic division and formation of female pronucleus -Formation of male pronucleus -Pronuclei fusion

32 Subzonal space 卵黃旁空腔 Preselection of the embryonic sex

33 Fertilization

34 Phase of fertilization: 1.Passage of sperm through corona radata 2.Acrosomal reaction 頭帽反應 3.Passage of sperm through zona 4.Fusion of cell membranes of games 5.Entry of sperm into the oocyte 6.Cortical reaction 皮質反應 7.Extrusion of 2nd polar body 8.Zonal reaction 透明層反應 9.Formation of female pronucleus 10.Dissolution of nuclear membrane and decondensation of chromatin of sperm 11.Reformation of male pronucleus 12.Two pronuclei migrate to central position 13.Pronuclei fusion 卵黃旁空腔

35 Sperm Binding to the Zona ZP3: species specific

36 Acrosomal reaction Cortical reaction Block to Polyspermy: 1.Fast Block: electrical change in egg membrane; 2.Slow Block: modification of zona pellucida (cortical reaction)

37 Cortical reaction Block to Polyspermy: Slow Block Zona pellusidaCa 2+

38 Block to Polyspermy: Fast Block

39 Parthenogenesis 孤雌生殖 Somatic cell nuclear transfer 一將功成萬骨枯



42 Cell cycle: G1  S  G2  M ( interphase) M phase: -Prophase -Metaphse -Anaphase -Telophase Mitosis 細胞分裂

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