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University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Constraint Logic Programming for Verifying Security Protocols a gzipped tutorial Sandro Etalle Ricardo Corin University of Twente
The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Why another talk Addressing the (old) problem of verifying security protocols. Against e.g., man-in-the-middle attacks. use constraint solving to model efficiently the intruder. It works lazily. We have a very fast tool. Based on: Millen & Shmatikov.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Index How to specify a protocol. The intruder model. The constraint-solving algorithm. Conclusions.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Preliminaries: Prolog’s notation variables: begin with uppercase or with _ Complex terms can be built using predicate (function) symbols: pk(b) Nb*pk(B) is the same as *(Nb,pk(B)) : * is an infix-operator. send(Nb*pk(B)) Lists: [t1,…,tn]
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The same, old example: Needham-Schroeder The same, old example: Needham-Schroeder A->B : [A,Na]*pk(B) B->A : [Na,Nb]*pk(A) A->B : [Nb]*pk(B) Notation msg*k: asymmetric encryption Na, Nb: nonces A, B: Agents (Alice and Bob) pk(A): public key of A First, we want to model it.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Roles Here we have 2 roles: initiator & responder. A role is specified as a sequence of events: send(t) recv(t) t is a term (a message) initiator(A,B,Na,Nb) = [ send([A,Na]*pk(B)), recv([Na,Nb]*pk(A)), send(Nb*pk(B))].
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The Responder Just exchange “send” and “recv” responder(A,B,Na,Nb) = [ recv([A,Na]*pk(B)), send([Na,Nb]*pk(A)), recv(Nb*pk(B))]). Notice the variables. names & nonces are not fixed roles are parametric We still need to: fix some parameters determine how many agents are there, what they know etc. We do this by specifying a session.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Session (scenario) session: set of (instantiated) roles {initiator(a,B,na,Nb), responder(A,b,Na,nb)} Notice the variables Freshness nonces = new terms (ground terms that don’t occur elsewhere ). We can add more agents etc. next: network model & constraint-solving
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The network model Dolev-Yao Constraint Solving: to see what the intruder can generate. Network/Intruder Scenario Agent Role send(t) recv(t)
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Constraints A constraint is a pair: m:T m is a message term, T is a list of terms. is called simple if m is a variable. intuitive meaning: “m is generable from T” The Constraint Store (CS) is a set of constraints.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology the Verification Algorithm S: scenario CS: constraint store (initially empty) K: intruder’s knowledge (K0 is provided by the user) A step of the verification algorithm: choose the first event e from a non-empty role of S case 1) e = send(t) –K := K U {t}; proceed case 2) e = recv(t) –CS := CS U {t:K } –if CS can be solved to CS’ with solution , »S := S ; K:= K ; CS := CS’; »proceed –otherwise, stop
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology What is solvable? CS can be solved to CS’ with solution if we can apply reduction rules to CS until we obtain CS’, where CS’ is empty or CS’ contains only simple constraints. Two kind of rules synthesis. analysis.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Synthesis reduction rules :rewriting step yielding substitution is the empty substitution Local rules: Pair: [m1,m2]:T m1:T, m2:T hash: h(m):T m:T penc: m*pk(a) :T m:T, a:T senc: m+k :T m:T, k:T sig: m*sk(e) m:T Global rule unify: {m:T,C1,…,Cn} {C1 ,…,Cn } provided that =mgu(m,t), t T
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Analysis reduction rules (2) Affect the other side of the constraint. Local rules split: m:{[t1,t2]} T m:{t1,t2} T pdec: m:{t*pk(e)} :T m:{t} T sdec: m:T {t+k} k:T {t-k}, m:T {t,k} forget about this one used only for constructed symmetric keys Global rule ksub: {m:{t*k} T, C1, …, Cn} {m :({t*k} T) , C1 , …, Cn } where =mgu(k,pk(e)), k pk(e)
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology the Result CS0 1 CS1 2 … n CSn each time a constraint in CS is selected and a rule is applied to it The rewriting stops when CSn is empty or made of simple constraints CS is solved the composition of the substitutions is the result of the simplification: := 1 2 … n a constraint is selected that cannot be simplified CS is unsolvable there is no result (failure)
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Properties Is it Confluent? No. Different reduction sequences are possible: in total: 4 sources of nondeterminism choice of the event in the algorithm. choice of the constraint to be reduced. choice of the rule to be applied. in the the analysis rules and in the unify rule there is the additional choice of the term in T to which the rule is applied. Full backtracking to preserve completeness. Local analysis reduction rules preserve confluence, and this can be used for optimization.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Finding Secrecy flaws What is a secrecy flaw? To check if na remains secret, one just has to add to the scenario the singleton role [recv(na)] na remains secret the intruder cannot output it! in practice we define a special role secrecy(X) = [recv(X)].
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Finding Authentication Flaws More complex than checking secrecy. What is an authentication flaw? Various definitions. Basically: an input event recv(t) without corresponding preceding output event send(t). Can be checked by e.g., running the responder strand without an initiator role. Presently: a pain in the neck. We are working on it.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology An Example for Laziness send(na*pk(b)), recv(X), recv(X*pk(b)) two constraints are generated: X : {a,b,e} X*pk(b) : {a,b,e,na*pk(b)} by rule (unify): na : {a,b,e} not solvable! we did not know this after the first step.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Bibliography Remark The system is strongly based on that of Millen and Shmatikov [MS01] Various differences: Constraints checked “on the fly” Consider run also with unfinished roles (very important in practice) Few other minor things.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Part 3 Example
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Example Consider the scenario for NS with OA: {initiator(a,B,na,Nb), responder(A,b,Na,nb), {recv(nb)}} A possible interleaving: recv([A,B]), send([a,na]*pk(B)) recv([A,Na]*pk(b)), send([Na,nb]*pk(A)) recv( [na,Nb]*pk(a)), send([Nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... We omit the events after recv(nb)
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Example (cont) recv([A,B]), send([a,na]*pk(B)) recv([A,Na]*pk(b)), send([Na,nb]*pk(A)) recv( [na,Nb]*pk(a)), send([Nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... find out what happens to the CS T = {a,b,e} (intruder knowledge) CS = {}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (1) recv([A,B]), send([a,na]*pk(B)), recv([A,Na]*pk(b)), send([Na,nb]*pk(A)),recv( [na,Nb]*pk(a)), send([Nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... Before the step T = {a,b,e} CS = {} After (T does not change) CS = {[A,B]:{a,b,e}} By applying pair CS’ = {A:{a,b,e}, B:{a,b,e}}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (2) send([a,na]*pk(B)), recv([A,Na]*pk(b)), send([Na,nb]*pk(A)), recv( [na,Nb]*pk(a)), send([Nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... Before the step T = T0 = {a,b,e} CS = {A:{a,b,e}, B:{a,b,e}} After T = T1 = {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (3) recv([A,Na]*pk(b)), send([Na,nb]*pk(A)), recv( [na,Nb]*pk(a)), send([Nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... Before the step T = T1 = {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)} (T0 = {a,b,e}) CS = {A:{a,b,e}, B:{a,b,e}} After CS = {A:T0, B:T0, [A,Na]*pk(b):T1} by penc + pair CS = {A:T0, B:T0, A:T1, Na:T1, b:T1} by nif CS = {A:T0, B:T0, A:T1, Na:T1}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (4) send([Na,nb]*pk(A)), recv( [na,Nb]*pk(a)), send([Nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... Before the step T = T1 = {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)} T0 = {a,b,e} CS = {A:T0, B:T0, A:T1, Na:T1} After T = T2 = T1 U {[Na,nb]*pk(A) T1 = {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)} T0 = {a,b,e} CS is unchanged
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (5) recv( [na,Nb]*pk(a)), send([Nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... Before T = T2 = T1 U {[Na,nb]*pk(A) T1 = {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)} T0 = {a,b,e} CS = {A:T0, B:T0, A:T1, Na:T1} After CS= {A:T0, B:T0, A:T1, Na:T1,[na,Nb]*pk(a):T2} unify! (Na-> na, Nb -> nb and A-> a) The unification has to be applied to the rest…
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (5.1) recv([na,b]*pk(a)), send([nb]*pk(B)), recv(nb)... After the unification: T = T2 = T1 U {[na,nb]*pk(a) T1 = {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)} T0 = {a,b,e} CS= {a:T0, B:T0, a:T1, na:T1} Unify CS= {B:{a,b,e}, na: {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)}}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (5.2) recv([na,b]*pk(a)), send([nb]*pk(e)), recv(nb)... After the unification: CS= {B:{a,b,e}, na: {a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(B)}} ksub (unification B -> e) + split CS= {e:{a,b,e}, na: {a,b,e,a,na}} unify twice, with empty answer CS = {} T = {[na,nb]*pk(a), a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(e)}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (5.3) send([nb]*pk(e)), recv(nb)... Before CS = {} T = {[na,nb]*pk(a), a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(e)} After CS = {} T = {[na,nb]*pk(a), a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(e), [nb]*pk(e)}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The run (5.4) recv(nb)... Before CS = {} T = {[na,nb]*pk(a), a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(e), [nb]*pk(e)} After CS = {nb:{[na,nb]*pk(a), a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(e), [nb]*pk(e)}} pdec CS = {nb:{[na,nb]*pk(a), a,b,e,[a,na]*pk(e),nb}} unify (empty substitution) CS = {} !!!
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology The solution substitution We ended up with an empty CS => the system has a solution in the process, reduction rules gave us the `solution substitution’ = {A->a,Na->na,Nb->b, B->e}
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Part 3 Considerations
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology Laziness We stop simplifying a constraint when the lhs is a variable. This enforces a call-by-need mechanism. As long as the lhs is a variable the constraint is trivially solvable. If subsequent unification step instantiate the lhs of a constraint, then I check further if it can be solved. It would be silly to guess.
University of Twente The Netherlands Centre for Telematics and Information Technology An Example for Laziness Consider two roles: roleA(X,A) = { recv(X), recv(X*pk(A)) } roleB(Na,A) = { send(Na*pk(A)) } and this scenario:{roleA(X, b), roleB(na,b)} initial intruder knowledge: {a,b,e} there’s only one possible order: send(na*pk(b)), recv(X), recv(X*pk(b))
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