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* In 2008 discussions between Wattle Range & Robe – improve compliance and maintenance of CWEMS Schemes * Shared Services options explored with the LGA.

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Presentation on theme: "* In 2008 discussions between Wattle Range & Robe – improve compliance and maintenance of CWEMS Schemes * Shared Services options explored with the LGA."— Presentation transcript:


2 * In 2008 discussions between Wattle Range & Robe – improve compliance and maintenance of CWEMS Schemes * Shared Services options explored with the LGA through the CWMS Management Committee * Existing CWMS Operations and maintenance programs did not satisfy modern statutory compliance requirements. * Tonkin Consulting commissioned to carry out a first phase investigation and they reported in November 2008 - maintenance shortcomings and offered a number of model options which would enable formalisation of a Shared Services Agreement.

3 * The recommended options were too complex and potentially too costly for the two Councils to undertake * In 2009 four other South East Councils were approached and agreed to pursue further investigation into the potential for initiating Shared Services arrangements * The 6 Councils involved are – DC Grant, Kingston DC, Naracoorte Lucindale Council, DC Robe, Tatiara DC & Wattle Range Council. * Third party assistance provided by Rashlee Pty Ltd and funded initially by the LGA CWMS Management Committee

4 * The combined CWMS statistics for the 6 Councils in 2009 were – * 14 Existing CWMS Schemes with 7,200 live connections * 5 schemes have recently been renovated through the State-wide Wastewater Recycling Scheme to upgrade the schemes and to improve and/or enable reuse of treated wastewater. * Construction of two new CWMS will bring the total number of CWMS Schemes to 16 and the number of live connections to 7,700 * The combined expenditure on CWMS maintenance (Not Capital) in 2008-2009 was $962,427 (direct and contractual expenditure, no allocation of administrative and indirect costs) * The estimated cost of providing a sustainable and compliant CWMS service is between $1.3 to $1.5 million.

5 * The interim report presented in May 2010 - * All 6 Councils involved have made steady progress toward ensuring that revenue raised from the provision of CWMS services will ultimately meet sustainability expectations. * All 6 of the participant Councils currently account for CWMS costs differently. Adoption of a common costing regime will assist in determining actual cost of service provision and provide meaningful benchmarking data * On completion of the State-wide Wastewater Recycling Project most schemes will have meet statutory compliance obligations with a few exceptions in the areas of – * Operations and Management Plans * Identification of the operational storage capacity of their existing * Systems and lagoons, (particularly emergency storage), * Having viable Contingency Plans for emergencies.

6 * Few of the Councils had Infrastructure Asset Management Plans, Capital Expenditure Plans or Operation and Maintenance Plans for their CWMS. Development and adoption of a common approach and standard documentation for these needs has the potential for considerable one off cost savings for each Council compared with “going it alone”. * Councils are individually tendering for various aspects of their CWMS operations, i.e. Septic Tank Pump-outs, Line Flushing, Pump Maintenance & Repairs...... * The CWMS data held by the 6 Councils is fragmented, (including within individual Councils), with only 1 Council having digitised their CWMS network and transferred it to a computerised mapping system.

7 * Most of the 6 Councils employ individuals with significant skills in some aspects of CWMS operation. However, because CWMS forms only one component of their daily work the skill sets available to the 6 councils vary significantly. * Creation of a regional CWMS Skills Register would offer the potential for opportunities of skills sharing and also to initiate/facilitate Shared Services training programs.

8 * In accordance with the recommendations from the Interim Report the “South East Councils CWMS User Group” was created and meet for the first time in July 2010. * The User Group format provided the following benefits – * Easy discussion and consideration of common issues across the region * Minimise Council red tape * Allowed use of email in decision making and exchange of information * Minimise costs * Improve the standard of CWMS operation and maintenance by ongoing efficiency of operation and statutory compliance * Meet statutory compliance obligations and to minimise future operational costs * Potential benefit of planned Capital Renewal using regional experience built through the regional association. (ie: spending the right amounts in the right place at the right time)

9 * Representation from most senior Officers responsible for CWMS * Facilitation and administration provided externally * Funded between Councils on the basis of the number of CWMS connections * Initially meet on an as needs basis, but now on a regular basis to ensure CWMS management issues are kept current and relevant * Model endorsed by the LGA CWMS Management Committee – they are about to embark on a series of regional roadshow events to promote the model to other regions.

10 * Feedback has been positive – * Benefits outweigh going it alone * External facilitator provides focus for outcomes and meeting timelines * Improved understanding of Schemes and supporting documentation * Improved funding allocations to CWMS * Meeting EPA licensing requirements * Shared knowledge and understanding * Understanding the real cost of the CWMS Services

11 * Standardised Accounting frameworks across Councils * Preparation of draft templates to develop long- term capital investment plans * Bulk Procurement – pump station logbooks; maintenance record books; incident reporting * Provision of draft Operation and Maintenance Manual template * System Technical Reviews of each Scheme completed

12 * Upgrading of the emergency communication systems and implementing flow metre installation plans * Develop a timetable for implementing GIS Mapping for all CWMS Schemes * Agreement on the format of desludging documentation to allow for joint tender call * Development of a common services agreement for the provision o pump station maintenance and repairs * Collate and report on fees and augmentation charges with the view to encouraging the adoption of common fees across the region

13 * Development of a regional spare parts register and inventory * Determining and applying sustainable service charges

14 * The “South East Councils CWMS User Group” model has been successful to date * Support and funding from LGA CWMS Management Committee pivotal to success * Commitment from both Councils and Officers has been a hallmark of its success * External facilitation by Rashlee Pty Ltd (Mike Stephenson) has maintained the impetus of the Group’s work


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