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Faults and Earthquakes. BASIC DEFINITIONS FAULT: A surface or narrow zone along which one side has moved relative to the other. FAULT: A surface or narrow.

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Presentation on theme: "Faults and Earthquakes. BASIC DEFINITIONS FAULT: A surface or narrow zone along which one side has moved relative to the other. FAULT: A surface or narrow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faults and Earthquakes

2 BASIC DEFINITIONS FAULT: A surface or narrow zone along which one side has moved relative to the other. FAULT: A surface or narrow zone along which one side has moved relative to the other. Faults are classified based upon their direction of movement. Faults are classified based upon their direction of movement.

3 HANGING WALL vs FOOTWALL A fault divides rock into two fault blocks A fault divides rock into two fault blocks For any inclined fault, the block above the fault is the hanging wall block, and the block below the fault is the footwall block For any inclined fault, the block above the fault is the hanging wall block, and the block below the fault is the footwall block

4 CLASSIFICATION of DIP-SLIP FAULTS NORMAL FAULTS: Dip-slip faults on which the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall NORMAL FAULTS: Dip-slip faults on which the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall Place younger rocks on older rocksPlace younger rocks on older rocks Form in regions of lateral extensionForm in regions of lateral extension Module/footnt02.html

5 EXAMPLES OF NORMAL FAULTS Conjugate Normal Faults, Canyonlands National Park Normal Fault Scarps, Turkey Outcrop scale normal faults

6 CLASSIFICATION of DIP-SLIP FAULTS THRUST or REVERSE FAULTS: Dip-slip faults on which the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall THRUST or REVERSE FAULTS: Dip-slip faults on which the hanging wall moves up relative to the footwall Place older rocks on younger rocksPlace older rocks on younger rocks Form in regions of lateral compressionForm in regions of lateral compression Module/footnt02.html

7 EXAMPLES OF THRUST FAULTS Thrust Fault in Concrete from 1964 Quake, Anchorage, Alaska Thrust Fault in Sediments Outcrop scale thrust faults

8 CLASSIFICATION of STRIKE-SLIP FAULTS RIGHT-LATERAL (DEXTRAL) FAULTS: Strike-slip faults across which the block moves to the right RIGHT-LATERAL (DEXTRAL) FAULTS: Strike-slip faults across which the block moves to the right LEFT-LATERAL (SINISTRAL) FAULTS: Strike-slip faults across which the block moves to the right LEFT-LATERAL (SINISTRAL) FAULTS: Strike-slip faults across which the block moves to the right

9 EXAMPLES OF STRIKE-SLIP FAULTS San Andreas Fault, CA pp1515/chapter2/fig2-21.jpg Right Lateral Slip, Izmit, Turkey, 1999 Quake index.php?topic=earthquakes&lang=en Right Lateral Fault in Asphalt

10 Earthquakes

11 Epicenter and Focus

12 Seismograph and Seismogram

13 Determining Earthquake Distance

14 Locating an Epicenter

15 Global Seismicity

16 Richter Scale… A Measure of Earthquake Size

17 Convergent Plate Boundaries

18 Sumatra Site of M9.3 Earthquake, December 26, 2004

19 Convergent Plate Boundaries

20 Chile Site of M9.5 Earthquake, May 22, 1960

21 Convergent Plate Boundaries

22 Pakistan Site of M5.2 Earthquake, July 16, 2005

23 Transform Plate Boundaries

24 San Andreas Fault Boundary Between the North American and Pacific Plates

25 San Andreas Fault San Francisco Site of M7.8 Earthquake, April 18, 1906

26 Plate Boundaries

27 Seismicity of the US, 1968-2003, M>3.5

28 NE Seismicity 1977-1999 (22 Years) Blue Circles: M≥4


30 Seismic Zones for Building Codes

31 Liquifaction…

32 Manhattan Site Classes, Census Track - Based A Hard Rock0.8 B Firm Rock1.0 C Firm Soil1.7 D Soil2.4 E Soft Soil3.5 Amplification at 1.0 Hz

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