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CSC 8570 -- USI Class Meeting 2 August 31, 2010. Beginnings SOP 1: 1. When you use a (physical) key-based entry device, what do you do to the keys? A.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC 8570 -- USI Class Meeting 2 August 31, 2010. Beginnings SOP 1: 1. When you use a (physical) key-based entry device, what do you do to the keys? A."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC 8570 -- USI Class Meeting 2 August 31, 2010

2 Beginnings SOP 1: 1. When you use a (physical) key-based entry device, what do you do to the keys? A verb, please. 2. When you use a soft keyboard (e.g. iPad touchscreen), what do you do the keys? Another verb, perhaps the same one, perhaps not.

3 Table Experiment  Pass in printed table. –Name on paper  Any difficulties in creating the table? – How many columns? – How many rows?  What software system(s) did you use?

4 Partnerships  Form learning “pairs” as follows: –Vince & Yi-Ling –Dave & Vinay –Matt, Ivan & Gerry  Move to separate spaces in the room

5 Wigdor & Balakrishnan  Sketch the hierarchical organization of the paper.  Create a list of concepts that need further explanation, phrases that need clearer definitions, and descriptions that are just plain mysterious.

6 Pair Reports  Paper structure  Concepts, phrases, descriptions –Steering law? Related to Fitts’ Law? –Crossing-based interfaces? –Statistical terminology and tests –F(1,8) or F(15,120) ? –Errors in paper: jet & let, correlation coefficients vs. graph shape, keystroke per character of corpus

7 Pair Reports (2)  Concepts, phrases, descriptions (continued) –Letterwise, wordwise –Layout of graph description –Figure 3’s meaning? –Does experiment match practical use? –Including numbers in text to key in –Reference to installed base not meaningful –Single tap vs tilt and tap –Sensitivity of tilt sensor to body movement –Error rate as noted in Figure 9

8 Pair Reports (3)  Concepts, phrases, descriptions (continued)

9 Wigdor & Balakrishnan (3) Paper structure (9 sections: 6 main, 3 supplemental)  Abstract  Introduction  Related Work  Design Issues  Evaluation  Discussion  Conclusions and Future Work  Acknowledgements  References (15)

10 Wigdor & Balakrishnan (4) Questions: 1. Circumstances of paper 2. Average text message: 7 words 3. Estimate for number of text messages sent 4. Assertion: tilt with single keypress increases speed of text entry 5. Assertion: 3 techniques for overcoming key ambiguity

11 Wigdor & Balakrishnan (5) Questions (continued) 6. Key sequence 5,3,8 has 27 meanings: calculation? 7. Assertion: 8 ambiguous key presses on mobile phone 8. Assertion: 7 characters per key with upper and lower case

12 Wigdor & Balakrishnan (6) Questions (continued) 9. Key tilt @ keystroke level: push button, tilt phone, release button 10. Absolute tilt @ keystroke level: tilt phone, push button 11. Software still available? 12. Number of participants, compensation

13 Wigdor & Balakrishnan (7) Questions (continued) 13. Corpus of text messages? 14. Each treatment? 15. Within subjects design? 16. Experimental design summary? 17. Faster than computation? 18. Analysis of variance? 19. Power law of learning? 20. Best fit curve?

14 Wigdor & Balakrishnan (8) Questions (continued) 21. Fitts’ Law vs. Fitt’s Law 22. Definitive definition of tilt parameter? 23. Model based on Accot & Zhai 24. Working relative tilt implemention?

15 Wigdor & Balakrishnan (9) Grammar and form:  which vs. that (Intro, l. 12)  the user … their  Reference style –Alphabetized by last name –Date, volume, number, pages –Italics, bold

16 HCI Research  Research project description Research project description Research project description More examples:  MacKenzie, Kauppinen, Silfverberg, Accuracy measures for evaluating computer pointing devices, Proc. SIGCHI ’01, Seattle, 10-16.  Lee & Zhai, The performance of touch screen soft buttons, Proc. SIGCHI ’09, Boston, 309-318.

17 Next time (1)  Perform Experiment 8 and submit the results next time. Experiment 8Experiment 8

18 Next Time (2)  Choose research project team (at most three members) and topic area. The topic should involve user interaction with small devices. Report these to the instructor by Tuesday, September 7 at noon. Report these to the instructor by Tuesday, September 7 at noon. Note the early deadline.

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