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I love race cars most of all. Let me ! I just remembered that I saw my picture on the third of the newspaper. page.

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Presentation on theme: "I love race cars most of all. Let me ! I just remembered that I saw my picture on the third of the newspaper. page."— Presentation transcript:


2 I love race cars most of all.

3 Let me ! I just remembered that I saw my picture on the third of the newspaper. page

4 Why did the nice thing come to earth from outer space? I’m looking for my ball of Have you seen it? That’s not It’s a meteor! ice.e.

5 Why did the robot with the smile on its f ace love icecream most of all? Because it is ! ienc ice

6 Earth islarg e.e.e.e.It has a diameter of 7,926 miles. Jupiter is thearestlg planet with a diameter of 86,800 miles.

7 Do you Hello!o! lovethose fish?

8 On top of my sundae all covered with sauce I lost my poor cherry. It really got lost. It rolled off the table, and onto the floor. And then my poor cherry, it rolled out the door. It rolled to the garden and under a bush. And then my poor cherry, it turned into mush. If you love your sundae, all covered with sauce Hold onto your cherry, or it will be lost.

9 Turn thepageand write your name. Do not bend the edg e.e.e.e.

10 The large car will raec ohm e.e.e.e. I love to too. I love to too. Hell o.o.o.o. rac e,e,e,e,

11 It’s my birthday! Look at all those balloons!

12 I to watch fireworks. love large

13 Will you please turn the pag e?e?e?e? Yes, I will!

14 I will not, will not, won’t fall off the of the wall. edge Oops!

15 This butterfly is not. larg e This butterfly is. arlg e

16 The little caterpillar crawled up into a tree, Spun his cocoon and slept so quietly, All through the winter he didn't make a sound, He dreamt of his new life when he'd be flying all around. While he was sleeping the snow did gently fall, Winter came and went, then he heard the robin's call, "Come on Mr. Butterfly, get out of your cocoon. Spread your wings and fly for me, while I sing my tune.

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