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Alliterative Morte Arthure Late 14 th C – northern dialect Focus on war not love.

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1 Alliterative Morte Arthure Late 14 th C – northern dialect Focus on war not love

2 Morte Arthure opens With a catalog of Arthur’s conquests – Notes that Arthur has recaptured all of his patrimony – all the lands once held by Uther – Arthur has extended his sway throughout northern Europe – Arthur has rewarded his followers and kin with kingdoms, dukedoms, knighthoods Retreat to Wales to hunt and celebrate Christmas

3 Opening of Morte Arthure and Green Knight Morte Arthure New Year’s Day King at table, just served bread & meat Lucius Iberius “Saluz the as sugett” (Greets thee as subject). – Note 2 nd informal pronoun, “as subject” – Demands tribute Gawain & Green Knight New Year’s Day King romping in hall; others served first Green Knight greets all politely, asks for host, offers to play “Christmas game” – Pays homage to Arthur

4 Roman senators Lines 99-101 Now er they herberde in hey and in oste holden are lodged quickly quarters held Hastlyly wyth hende men within thees heegh wallez friendly high In chambyrs with chympnes þey chaungen þeire wedez chimneys they their clothes Lines 103-4 Sone þe senatour was sett... At þe kyngez owne borde soon table

5 Contrast details of feast w/ Arthur’s words We knowe noghte in þis countre of curious metez In thees barayne landez bredes non oþer roasts Forethy wythowytten feynynge enforce ʒow þe more, without feigning To feede ʒow with syche feble as ʒe before fynde.

6 Arthur kills Mordred Lines 825-9 Thane fresheliche þe freke the fence vpe rerys fiercely man shield raises Brochis hym in with the bronde to þe bryghte hiltys Strikes sword And he brawles on the bronde and bownes to dye. squirms turns “In faye,” says þe feye kynge, “fele me forthynkkes, faith doomed (fey) [I think it very bad] That euer siche a false theefe so fair an ende haues.” such has

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