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Country : Holland Capital City : Amsterdam Continent : Europe Language : Dutch Coin : Gilden Area : 41,684 km. Population :15,649,729.

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3 Country : Holland Capital City : Amsterdam Continent : Europe Language : Dutch Coin : Gilden Area : 41,684 km. Population :15,649,729

4 In the golden age Holland was the capital of the world and it shows. Amsterdam has a lot of museums filled with modern art, Dutch design, and paintings from famous Dutch painters such as Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Mondrian and more...

5 You can be see windmills, tulips and cheese that you can buy in the market during the day. A tourist can also find wooden shoes that farmers used to wear.

6 Holland Food: cheese, fish, potatoes, and they drink a lot of beer. Special cities: Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Hug, and Utrecht. The traditional village dress are caps and wooden shoes.


8 Christmas is an important time for the whole family to get together. The Dutch celebrate Christmas on both the 25th and 26 th of December. The holiday season is a time for family gatherings and good food.


10 Government Holland is a constitutional kingdom and at the top stands the Queen. She is a symbol of authority.

11 Religions : Moslem, Catholic, and others... Natural Resources: prolific - ground, Natural gas, Paraffin Weather : Holland has a cool climate--cool summers and easy winters.

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