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ASAP/AESOP INTEGRATION OBSERVATIONS ASAP Aircraft –Heat/Momentum fluxes to AESOP –Front mapping for AESOP for float deployment Dedicated P3 AXBT wide area.

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Presentation on theme: "ASAP/AESOP INTEGRATION OBSERVATIONS ASAP Aircraft –Heat/Momentum fluxes to AESOP –Front mapping for AESOP for float deployment Dedicated P3 AXBT wide area."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASAP/AESOP INTEGRATION OBSERVATIONS ASAP Aircraft –Heat/Momentum fluxes to AESOP –Front mapping for AESOP for float deployment Dedicated P3 AXBT wide area survey(s) AESOP TriAxus tows –Initialization/boundary conditions for ASAP Coordinate bottom ADCP locations (Gregg/Ramp) –ASAP ADCPs real time –Gregg could be too using same surface buoys –Coordinate acoustic coms with UPS

2 ASAP/AESOP INTEGRATION OBSERVATIONS Add more ASAP meteorology to FLIP –Fluxes –Means at two levels –Rawinsondes Time lines for LOCO, ASAP, AESOP, UPS

3 ASAP/AESOP INTEGRATION MODELING ASAP Models test new subgridscale parameterizations suggested by AESOP AESOP nonhydrostatic models simulate internal waves observed by ASAP/AESOP vehicles

4 Monterey Bay 2006 Logistics Physical Headquarters –Staging MBARI tin shed MBARI tank room –Command and Control “war room” “web room” (outside MBARI firewall) virtual war room. PC based video conferencing –Office space, internet access MBARI NPS –LOCO out of Santa Cruz –AESOP needs less real time support –UPS needs also AOSN-II type environment (month at most) Data flow/archive –The real time problem –The archive/analysis/synthesis problem Real time communications plan (need manager) –New north coast access point: Pigeon Point light, Ano Nuevo, new CODAR sites –Acoutic Comms –RF Comms –Timing, channels, frequencies, etc. –Cannot preclude real-time feedback control for gliders

5 Monterey Bay 2006 Ships and time lines POINT SUR –4 weeks, ASAP, AESOP, surveys, mooring deploy/recover, Odyssey vehicle REVELLE –4 weeks, AESOP, sonars, Seasoar FLIP –30 days –Moor Outer boundary of ASAP(?) –Moor about 1500 m depth SHANA RAE –Glider recovery –Need lots of Availability, unpredictable –LOCO PARAGON (for LOCO) ZEPHYR –DORADO launch/recovery –ODYSSEY (as available) Small Vessel for beach launches (zodiac) NEW HORIZON (Cowles, 2005) Autonomous Surface Craft (Kayaks) SPROUL (LOCO)

6 Monterey Bay 2006 AUVs SPRAY (Bluefin, 1; Davis, 4) SLOCUM (Fratantoni, 5 ASAP; 6 LOCO) DORADO (Chavez, 1) ODYSSEY (with surface craft, 4) (Schmidt, 2) REMUS (NPS, 1; Moline ?, Goodman,1) ARIES (NPS, 1) SEAHORSE (NAVO, 1) XRAY (D’Spain, 1)

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