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Muon rates from minimum bias (without PionDecayer)

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Presentation on theme: "Muon rates from minimum bias (without PionDecayer)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Muon rates from minimum bias (without PionDecayer)

2 Used sample 99000 minimum bias events (no forced decays) –misal1_csc11.005001.pythia_minbias.digit.RDO.v120031 03 Also used (slightly different reconstruction versions) by: –M. Dufour, “Overview of current menu” – Sep 24, 2007: 249100 events –T. Buanes, “Summary of cross section estimates…” – Oct 10, 2007: 1054000 events Study on AANT, information on MC Truth taken from the block Npar (e.g. PtGen->at(j) )

3 p T at truth level Muon source – Pions – Kaons – Charm – Beauty No  cuts applied p T (MeV)

4 p T at truth level Muon source – Pions – Kaons – Charm – Beauty |  |<2.4 p T (MeV)

5 Cross-sections (  barn) Minimum bias (**) LIGHT (***) Minimum bias HEAVY (***) Minimum bias  cb 41.730.533.17446 39.427.030.56539 11.47.0 34.822.6 4.33.5 20.913.9 2.22.6 13.97.8 (*) Y. Oren and A. Nisati DPMJET default for rates computation (more conservative) (**) T. Buanes. Estimate from minimum bias,  tot =54.71 mb normalized to 79 mb (***) Present study. Relative statistical errors 20÷50%,  tot =79 mb |  |<2.7 |  |<2.4 PYTHIA (*)DPMJET (*) Min bias (  only) Min bias (  only)   ot (    ) (all) (  only ) (K only ) (all) (  ± only) (K ± only) 3<p T <45 GeV 38.422.815.581.238.133.836.619.1 36.721.914.877.836.632.434.017.9 4<p T <45 GeV 10.35.984.320.39.488.69.645.39 9.855.734. 5<p T <45 GeV 3.562.041.536.513. 3.421.961.476.252.922.62.951.53 6<p T <45 GeV 1.480.830.642.591. 1.420.790.612.491.

6 p T and  2 after EF Muon source – Pions – Kaons – Charm – Beauty – Pion punchthru – Kaon punchthru |  |<2.4 Truth p T (MeV) Muon source – Pions – Kaons – Charm – Beauty – Pion punchthru – Kaon punchthru Muid CB track  2

7 MuidCB  2 vs. p T Muid CB p T (MeV) Muid CB track  2 Muon source – Pions – Kaons – Charm – Beauty – Pion punchthru – Kaon punchthru

8 EF rates: a first comparison 4 GeV 10 31 cm -2 s -1 Rate (Hz)  /K 240 beauty40 charm25 TOTAL300 4 GeV 10 31 cm -2 s -1 Rate (Hz)  /K 50 beauty120 charm200 punchthru20 TOTAL390 6 GeV 10 33 cm -2 s -1 Rate (Hz)  /K 2800 beauty1300 charm650 TOTAL4800 6 GeV 10 33 cm -2 s -1 Rate (Hz)  /K 2500 beauty5000 charm13000 punchthru1000 TOTAL22000 estimates with muonrates minimum bias counting M.A. Dufour 539 (2  disagree) M.A. Dufour 20600 (agree)

9 Open questions Why is Trygve finding a total cross section of 54.71 mb instead of 79 mb (as by Marc Dufour)? Maybe different versions of PYTHIA? We are not able to download Trygve’s minbias RDO: to be understood…

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