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The Depression Model Trait Anxiety Depression SES Loneliness State anxiety Stress Family SS Friend SS Significant Other SS.

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Presentation on theme: "The Depression Model Trait Anxiety Depression SES Loneliness State anxiety Stress Family SS Friend SS Significant Other SS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Depression Model Trait Anxiety Depression SES Loneliness State anxiety Stress Family SS Friend SS Significant Other SS

2 SES Family Social Support Sig Other Social Support Friend Social Support Stress Loneliness State anxiety Trait Anxiety depression Depression

3 Stress State Anxiety SES Trait Anxiety Loneliness SOSS FASS FRSS DEP Path Analysis Assignment 1 Part 1

4 Depression

5 The College Performance Model Gender College Perf SES Math Writing Reading Motivation Locus of C Self Concept HS Program

6 Gender SES Locus of Control Self Concept Motivation H S Program Reading Writing Math College Perf

7 Locus of Control Motivation SES Gender Self concept Math Writing Reading College Performance Path Analysis Assignment 1 Part 2 High school program

8 College Performance

9 The Final Exam Performance Model SAT Final Exam Perf Prior Knowledge Quiz Scores Unit Exam Scores Final Exam Prep Att. Lecture Quality Use of Study Material Lecture Attendance Unit Exam Prep Att. Textbook Reading

10 Prior Knowledge Lecture Quality SAT Use of Study Materials Lecture Attendance Textbook Reading Quiz Scores Unit Exam Scores Final Exam Prep Attendance Final Exam Performance Final Exam

11 Unit exam Prep. Attendance Lecture Quality Use of Study Materials Textbook Reading Quiz Scores Unit exam scores Final Exam Prep. Attendance Final exam performance Final Exam SAT Lecture Attendance Prior Knowledge

12 Final Exam Performance

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