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The Peter’s Kill and Lake Minnewaska Arlington High School Field Trip Data.

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Presentation on theme: "The Peter’s Kill and Lake Minnewaska Arlington High School Field Trip Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Peter’s Kill and Lake Minnewaska Arlington High School Field Trip Data

2 The Peter’s Kill Site The Peter’s Kill is a stream that flows out of Lake Awosting. We are sampling at the gate house to Lake Minnewaska. We sampled on both sides of the bridge.

3 The Peter’s Kill Summary of Observations on Oct. 28, 2010 Color of creek – Golden yellow Temperature – 9.5 oC Conductivity – 28 uS Visibility – to the bottom (.25m) pH of creek – 4.7 Dissolved Oxygen – 9.2mg/L Nitrates – 0ppm Phosphates – 0ppm Presence of tannins – Yes Presence of animal life - No

4 Peter’s Kill Visibility measured with a Sechhi Disc =.25 m (to bottom)

5 Peter’s Kill Temperature and conductivity– using a YSI temp/salinity/conductivity probe = 9.5oC, 28 uS

6 Peter’s Kill pH of Creek using a Pasco pH meter calibrated with 3 test buffers (accuracy +/- 0.2) = 4.7

7 Peter’s Kill Dissolved Oxygen using LaMotte test kits (modified Winkler titration) = 9.2 mg/l

8 Peter’s Kill Nitrate and Phosphates using Lamotte test kits = 0ppm

9 Peter’s Kill Presence of tannins = yes Presence of animal life = no

10 The Sunset Carraige trail Observations up to the Lake  We observed evidence of the Wooly Adelgid and elongate hemlock scale on Hemlocks and many dead Hemlock trees.  We identified trees, fern and moss life cycle stages and observed primary and secondary succession.

11 Lake Minnewaska Summary of Observations on Oct. 28, 2010 Color of Lake– Black/green Temperature – 12.5 oC Conductivity – 33 uS Visibility – 3m pH of Lake– 6.5 Dissolved Oxygen – 9.2mg/L Nitrates – 0ppm Phosphates – 0ppm Presence of tannins – No Presence of animal life – Salamanders and fish

12 Lake Minnewaska Visibility measured with a Sechhi Disc = 3m

13 Lake Minnewaska Temperature and conductivity– using a YSI temp/salinity/conductivity probe = 12.5oC and 33uS all the way to the bottom (16m) Indicates fall turnover.

14 Lake Minnewaska pH of Lake using a Pasco pH meter calibrated with 3 test buffers (accuracy +/- 0.2) = 6.5

15 Lake Minnewaska Dissolved Oxygen using LaMotte test kits (modified Winkler titration) = 9.2 mg/l

16 Lake Minnewaska Nitrate and Phosphates using Lamotte test kits = 0ppm

17 Lake Minnewaska Presence of tannins – no Presence of animal life – yes, we saw lots of fish (golden shiners) and a salamander

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