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Diversity Fellow Americans, we must ask ourselves: Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed.

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Presentation on theme: "Diversity Fellow Americans, we must ask ourselves: Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diversity Fellow Americans, we must ask ourselves: Do we truly believe that ALL red-state residents are ignorant racist knuckle-dragging NASCAR-obsessed cousin-marrying roadkill-eating tobacco-juice- dribbling gun-fondling religious fanatic rednecks; or the ALL blue- state residents are god-less unpatriotic pierced-nosed Volvo-driving France-loving left-wing communist latte-sucking tofu-chomping holistic-wacko neurotic vegan weenie perverts? Yes. This is called “diversity,” and it is why we are such a great nation – a nation that has given the world both nuclear weapons AND SpongeBob Squarepants. (Dave Barry)

2 Diversity Management Q: If I tell you that my company has a diverse workforce, what do you think that I mean? Q: If I say that my workforce is ethnically diverse, is that the same thing? How do companies interpret ‘diversity’?

3 Diversity - Defined Definition: …the mgmt of people on the basis of (but is not limited to): Gender; race; age; educational background; sexual orientation or preference; physical abilities or qualities; social status; religion and/or economic status; marital status/ family status; lifestyle,…

4 Diversity is... Diversity is... “An inclusive process of appreciating what individuals with different backgrounds bring to the organization.” -Hattie Hill Enterprises, Inc. “The condition of being different.” Random House College Dictionary:

5 Q. -Why does workforce diversity exist? Pride in cultural heritage Stronger religious orientations Immigration to the U.S. Higher birth rates among ethnic minorities More women entering the workforce Population aging Increased recognition that the disabled can function effectively in society

6 and the workforce is changing Women Minorities Older Workers Undereducated Workers with Disabilities

7 Key Dimensions Of Diversity Physical Challenges Religion Family Status Values Age Sexual Orientation Socio-Economic Status Appearance Gender Education Level Marital Status Professional Background Workstyle Race Merging Culture Work/Life Balance

8 Diversity Management Goal: High performance organization in which every individual can perform to his/her potential. Benefits: maintaining and increasing market share reducing costs increasing productivity improving the quality of management avoiding potential legal issues

9 Americans with Disabilities Act Disability is any physical of mental impairment that limits one of life’s major activities or having a history of such impairment or being perceived as having such impairment ~43 million Americans are covered (20%) ~29 million are between the ages 16 & 64 Employers must make: “reasonable accommodations”

10 Diversity Management Census Estimates By 2050: U.S. population = ~395 million (in 1995, 263 million) Hispanic Americans ~25 % of population total greater than African Americans, Asian Americans & American Indians combined

11 Areas Affected by Diversity Ambition Work ethic: Time consciousness & use Personal space Cleanliness Methods of conducting business Problem-solving methods Group consensus vs. individual decisions Group conflicts Relationship building Assertiveness Ethics View of women Style of leadership

12 Diversity Affects: Recruitment Interviewing Disciplinary actions Rules of conduct Dress codes Perceptions of time Work procedures Motivation for professional development Counseling Work schedule Role of women in operation

13 Steps for Fostering Diversity Seek out issues regarding div. Strengthen top mgt commitment to div. Choose solutions that balance div. Set goals for div.

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