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What’s New in “Denali” Engine and Tools Aaron Bertrand SQL Sentry, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s New in “Denali” Engine and Tools Aaron Bertrand SQL Sentry, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s New in “Denali” Engine and Tools Aaron Bertrand SQL Sentry, Inc.

2 Who is Aaron Bertrand? Senior Consultant at SQL Sentry Microsoft MVP since 1997-98 Blog: Twitter: @AaronBertrand@AaronBertrand 2 DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali”

3 Overview Changes to setup, engine and tools Will not be covering BI features Some features NDA or subject to change DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 3

4 Setup New prerequisites: PowerShell 2.0, “no-reboot” package Simpler slipstream process Server Core supported 32-bit still supported (for now) No longer supported: AWE, Itanium DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 4

5 Books Online Revamped content organization Several usability enhancements: Utility to switch local/online preferences Better content updating experience DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 5

6 Availability AlwaysOn Availability groups: databases as a unit Read-only secondaries Compression, encryption, FILESTREAM Requires WSFC Flexible Failover Policy Based on Failure condition, severity, responsiveness DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 6

7 Availability Multi-Subnet Clustering Geographically dispersed failover Requires common domain + Win2008 R2 Local TempDB Use cheaper SSD drives in server DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 7

8 Manageability Contained Databases Isolate parts of a database that are server- or tempdb-dependent Provide alternatives to support containment Identify potential issues via a new DMV UTF-16 Collations (_SC) DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 8

9 Manageability FileTable FileTable managed by SQL using Win32 API Can run set-based DML against files/folders SQL detects external changes Startup options now easier to configure Expanded Policy-Based Management Facets DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 9

10 Security Custom Server Roles Separation of duties at server level New DDL; sp_*role* procedures deprecated HASHBYTES() Supports SHA2_256/512; still limited to 8K New Permissions to Support New Features DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 10

11 Programmability Management Studio Port to VS shell: Multi-monitor support Zoom Powerful region editing Snippets, Surround With IntelliSense improvements Clipboard cycle Debugging enhancements DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 11

12 Programmability SQL Server Developer Tools (“Juneau”) More integrated Visual Studio experience “Reveal Codes”-style table designer Sandbox development and debugging Build/deploy can target 2005+ and Azure Smart refactor/delete, easier CLR Not a full replacement for “Data Dude” or Management Studio DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 12

13 Programmability Metadata Discovery New procedures/DMVs to inspect resultsets Replaces SET FMTONLY ON Automatically used by ODBC / OLEDB DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 13

14 Programmability EXECUTE … WITH RESULT SETS Define a “contract” for shape of result Rename redundant columns, force types Allow apps to adjust to schema changes at different rates DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 14

15 Programmability OFFSET / FETCH Works like MySQL’s LIMIT, but ANSI standard No performance gain, just syntactic sugar SEQUENCE Central IDENTITY mechanism (like Oracle) Performs better than IDENTITY Same transaction limitations DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 15

16 Programmability THROW Raise custom errors without sys.messages Can use in CATCH or outside Outside, severity is always 16 Some RAISERROR functionality is missing DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 16

17 Programmability Windowing Enhancements Moving average and other aggregates based on preceding/following rows LAG/LEAD, DATEDIFF, FIRST_VALUE/LAST_VALUE Distribution / Median CUME_DIST(), PERCENT_RANK(), PERCENTILE_CONT() Can also use WITHIN GROUP DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 17

18 Programmability IIF() This is just syntactic sugar around CASE CHOOSE() CONCAT() Not a group concat function! EOMONTH() DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 18

19 Programmability Date/Time Constructors Construct date/time values without messy string manipulation DATEFROMPARTS, TIMEFROMPARTS DATETIMEFROMPARTS, SMALLDATETIMEFROMPARTS DATETIME2FROMPARTS, DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 19

20 Programmability FORMAT().NET parity, with exceptions PARSE() TRY_CONVERT() TRY_PARSE() DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 20

21 Programmability FORCESEEK enhancements Can now specify index/columns New FORCESCAN hint For obscure scenarios where you want a scan DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 21

22 Programmability Full-Text Search Property searching for Office 2007+ docs Customizable proximity term (NEAR / ~) Spatial Improvements DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 22

23 Performance Column-based storage (“Apollo”) Stores columns together on pages Best for star joins, aggregates Not so good for unions, outer joins Many limitations in Denali DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 23

24 Performance New Online Operations Index rebuild with LOB Add column with default Underlying performance enhancements FILESTREAM, Full-Text Search 2008/R2 fixes ported forward DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 24

25 Troubleshooting Extended Events Investments New profiler-like session viewer New handling for service broker, checkpoint, memory, disk New DMOs / system procedures dm_os_volume_stats, dm_os_windows_info dm_server_registry, dm_server_services sys.sp_server_diagnostics DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 25

26 Testing / Troubleshooting Distributed Replay Utility Easily replay traces from multiple servers More realistic simulation of workloads DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 26

27 What’s Being deprecated? SET FMTONLY DATABASEPROPERTY() osql.exe, sqlmaint.exe, SQL Mail, SQL-DMO SQL Server 2000 (80) compatibility OLEDB provider for SQL Server DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 27

28 Resources DBA-203 | What’s New in “Denali” 28

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