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Resiliency of Public Services in Social Sectors Kenichi Yokoyama, ADB Country Director, Nepal.

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Presentation on theme: "Resiliency of Public Services in Social Sectors Kenichi Yokoyama, ADB Country Director, Nepal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resiliency of Public Services in Social Sectors Kenichi Yokoyama, ADB Country Director, Nepal

2 Structure of the presentation Multi-dimensional approach to social services (relief, recovery, reconstruction) 1.Definition 2.Relief & recovery phase 3.Reconstruction phase: Spotlight on schools 4.Closing thoughts

3 ‘Public services’ for social sector: post-disaster context Sectors Main government roles Service provider Regulator (compliance, enabling environment) Relief/Recovery / Resilience (access to finance; subsidies; targeted programs for vulnerable) Social A Public schools; health posts, other services XXX Social B Housing, private schools, hospitals XX

4 How is resiliency defined? Ability to buffer shocks, continue services bounce back quickly Sector resilience AND community resilience 2-pronged approach 1.Engineering - ‘hardware’; systems thinking 2.People & Institutions – ‘software’, policies, functions, processes, capacity, communities

5 Public services: rescue & relief Critical to have 24/7 central disaster operations Plan, provide, monitor, coordinate rescue & relief Essential services for all affected: Shelter, medical, education, water, food, etc. Strong coordination, strategic partnerships Operations at different levels (center, district, VDC)

6 Public services: recovery Critical to have a Transition plan Continue services until reconstruction is complete Role of sector agencies Special focus on most vulnerable Ensure safety Critical Need for Contingency Planning for Rescue, Relief and Early Recovery Phases

7 Reconstruction: focus on schools ADB/JICA/GON project - $200 million -Government & Education in Emergency Cluster commitment for temporary & transitional schools -ADB $3 m grant to PM’s fund transferred to MOE for recovery phase Platform for co-financing reconstruction

8 Build on the experience of retrofitting 160 schools under MOE–Australia–ADB Partnership

9 Schools – Greater Engineering Resilience Professional demolition (recovery to reconstruction) Proper clearing of sites Involving community for debris removal Multi-hazard risk reduction Seismic designs Ensuring safe site (landslide risks, soil bearing capacity, elevated structure in flood prone areas) Stronger construction & engineering specifications National standards/type designs Retrofitting Quality assurance Dedicated team for technical audit

10 Schools–People & Institutions Resilience (1) Technical Backstopping and Regulatory Functions Supporting national building code update (DUDBC) Private school safety regulations: Building examination, licensing, and enforcement Trained Human Resources Govt engineers skills strengthened for seismic engineering Teachers trained to adapt while education targets still met Masons trained (complementary project) Better prepared communities School management committees trained in disaster response Curricula revised for mid level – university to include lessons on climate change risks (complementary project)

11 Schools – People & Institutions Resilience (2) Community level, education planning School consolidation & relocation Consultative process for planning & implementation Serve most vulnerable populations Reach remote & disadvantaged communities Ensure education continued for all children

12 Schools – People & Institutions Resilience (3) Multi-sector integration Schools with WASH facilities, solar panels, road access, ICT, etc.. Dual function as emergency shelters Strategic investment planning Maximize benefits through strategic planning Nationwide replication following updated National Master Plan in School Sector Reform Program (SSRP) II

13 Closing thoughts Government has a leading role to play in provider of public services, and as regulator and enabler for public safety and economic recovery Opportunity must be taken to strengthen resilience holistically – engineering, people, institutions We have an opportunity to build the platform now for greater future resilience and a stronger Nepal

14 Thank you

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