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14.1 Knowledge Management Outline Understanding organizational knowledgeUnderstanding organizational knowledge Mechanisms for sharing and managing org.

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Presentation on theme: "14.1 Knowledge Management Outline Understanding organizational knowledgeUnderstanding organizational knowledge Mechanisms for sharing and managing org."— Presentation transcript:

1 14.1 Knowledge Management Outline Understanding organizational knowledgeUnderstanding organizational knowledge Mechanisms for sharing and managing org. KnowledgeMechanisms for sharing and managing org. Knowledge Describe useful applications for distributing, creating, sharing knowledgeDescribe useful applications for distributing, creating, sharing knowledge Role of technologies in knowledge managementRole of technologies in knowledge management*

2 14.2 Data, Information, and Knowledge “ We are drowning in information but starving for knowledge ”. “ We are drowning in information but starving for knowledge ”. - John Naisbett - John Naisbett ‘ Innovation is everywhere; the difficulty learning from it ’. ‘ Innovation is everywhere; the difficulty learning from it ’. - John Seeley Brown - John Seeley Brown

3 14.3 Knowledge Management Knowledge Management Key Trends Availability of very large amounts of data in electronic form,Availability of very large amounts of data in electronic form, Problem of information overloadProblem of information overload Widely distributed sources of organisational knowledge; difficulty in making it available where and when neededWidely distributed sources of organisational knowledge; difficulty in making it available where and when needed Emerging set of tools, techniques, and methods for extracting, interpreting, validating, using and, sharing “ knowledge ” from the vast amounts of data.Emerging set of tools, techniques, and methods for extracting, interpreting, validating, using and, sharing “ knowledge ” from the vast amounts of data.

4 14.4 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN THE ORGANIZATION KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT: Systematically & actively documenting, leveraging, and managing repositories of knowledge repositories of knowledge In an organization *

5 14.5 KM A cyclic process involving three inter- related activities; knowledge creation, integration, and dissemination – focus on organisational learning.

6 14.6 KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN THE ORGANIZATION Types of org. knowledge: Explicit Knowledge Tacit Knowledge

7 14.7 KM Tools: The Space Document Management Systems/Knowledge Repositories/Case Bases/IntranetsDocument Management Systems/Knowledge Repositories/Case Bases/Intranets Data/Text Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryData/Text Mining and Knowledge Discovery Information Filtering and RetrievalInformation Filtering and Retrieval Organisational Memory SystemsOrganisational Memory Systems Knowledge-Based SystemsKnowledge-Based Systems

8 14.8 Different Perspectives on Organizational Knowledge Systems-theoretical ViewSystems-theoretical View Knowledge as essentially value addition to data/information - an extension of the information- processing paradigm. Pragmatic ViewPragmatic View Knowledge as associated with beliefs and actions produced and sustained by information. The ‘ tacit ’ dimension of knowledge is acknowledged.

9 14.9 System Theoretic View Pragmatic View SourceDocuments, databases, systems, prototypes, processes and procedures, manuals etc. People, communities FormCodified or codifiable; explicit Tacit; implicit; intuitive Sharing Mode/Transf er Exchange of documents, electronic means, formal training Socialization, apprenticeship, osmotic; situated learning Organizatio n Relatively mechanisticOrganic Philosophica l Perspective Cartesian; separation of mind and body. More holistic; unity of mind and body

10 14.10 Communities and KM Based on the view of knowledge workers as reflective practitioners who generate and share knowledge as a by-product of their work within communities;Based on the view of knowledge workers as reflective practitioners who generate and share knowledge as a by-product of their work within communities; Communities-of-practice: consist of people sharing a common practice or a domain of interest. They evolve and are sustained over time,Communities-of-practice: consist of people sharing a common practice or a domain of interest. They evolve and are sustained over time, Communities-of-interest: consist of people from different fields or specialisation who come together for specific projects or to solve specific problems.Communities-of-interest: consist of people from different fields or specialisation who come together for specific projects or to solve specific problems.

11 14.11 SHARE KNOWLEDGE GROUP COLLABORATION SYSTEMS: GROUPWARE: Allows interactive collaboration, approval of documentsGROUPWARE: Allows interactive collaboration, approval of documents INTRANETS: Good for relatively stable information in central repositoryINTRANETS: Good for relatively stable information in central repository DOCUMENT REPOSITORIES SYSTEMS/LOTUS NOTES : Popular proprietary software; flexible changes, updates, editing; more secure than IntranetsDOCUMENT REPOSITORIES SYSTEMS/LOTUS NOTES : Popular proprietary software; flexible changes, updates, editing; more secure than Intranets*


13 14.13 Intranets Enterprise Knowledge portalsEnterprise Knowledge portals Best practise documentationBest practise documentation Expertise DatabasesExpertise Databases Search tools, etc.Search tools, etc.

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