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WELCOME!!!. BŪSHŪ CHALLENGE How Bawstin Toks: A AHD = I’d AHL = I’ll AHT = Art AHD like ta get sum culcha, so AHL go to the Myoozam a Fine AHTs.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME!!!. BŪSHŪ CHALLENGE How Bawstin Toks: A AHD = I’d AHL = I’ll AHT = Art AHD like ta get sum culcha, so AHL go to the Myoozam a Fine AHTs."— Presentation transcript:



3 How Bawstin Toks: A AHD = I’d AHL = I’ll AHT = Art AHD like ta get sum culcha, so AHL go to the Myoozam a Fine AHTs.

4 How Bawstin Toks AWLAYIZ = You (plural) AWLAYIZ hafta set goals wicha CeeIze.

5 How Bawstin Toks BZAH BROODLE

6 How Bawstin Toks: B BAYAH = ferocious brown mammal. Bear BEAH = malt beverage BEE YEW students speshully Noo Yawkiz will get cahdid by tha bayahat tha bah. Ifya get in bedda oddah beahs or hahd likka qwikly.

7 How Bawstin Toks: C CHAHLZ = the rivah CHAWKLIT = snickaz CAWFEE = jahver The CHAHLZ yoosta look like CHAWKLIT CAWFEE. BROODLE!

8 How Bawstin Toks: D DAWM = collidj rezidents What DAWM arya in? Sleepah?

9 How Bawstin Toks: E EMEFFAY = Museum a Fine Ahts EYEDEEYER = brainstawm I gotta Eyedeeyer! Wanna go ta tha Emeffay and lookit tha nakid pichas?

10 How Bawstin Toks: F FAWMA = yoosta be FOTTY = foah times ten Fawma AT Students yoosta work fotty hours a week. That wasn’t Fayah.

11 How Bawstin Toks: G GAHDEN = flahwiz grow theyah or wayah the Broons n Seltz play. I gunna go see a YooToo consit at the Gahden

12 How Bawstin Toks: H HAWSPITTLE = place fa health cayah Hahvid n BeeYew own Hawspittles. They don’t do anything Hahf-Ahst.

13 How Bawstin Toks: I IANEAH = EENT hawspittle INJID = hahmd Playaz with injid eahs hafta go ta tha IANEAH.

14 How Bawstin Toks: K KAHKI = staht tha cah witit KWOTTA = $0.25 When I grab my kahkis I grab kwottas becuz I needem for tha meetah.

15 Honors Awards Professional Development




19 Meg Murai Article Published Athletic Therapy Today


21 Debi Scannell Bentley College, Assistant Athletic Trainer Head Athletic Trainer Boston Cannons

22 Sharon Sharpe Salem State College, Clinical Assistant Professor of Athletic Training

23 Matt White Worcester Sharks, American Hockey League, Head Athletic Trainer

24 Chad Fisher Colorado

25 Brett Phelan Appalachian State, Assistant Athletic Trainer

26 Kate Mitchell Stratton Mountain Vermont, Head Athletic Trainer

27 CLASS of ‘06

28 Itoro Victor Passed the certification exam!!! AT/DPT Program Boston University

29 Sandy Soin Johns Hopkins University Passed the certification exam!!! Pre-Medical School

30 Brenna Rutherford Colorado Passed the certification exam!!!

31 Luke Ross Passed the certification exam!!! Winner of the Schepsis – Zimmer Outstanding AT Student Award 2006 UNC-Chapel Hill

32 Alyssa Parish Boston University AT / DPT Program Summer ’06 Clinical Rotation in Sweden

33 David Merson Passed the certification exam!!! DPT Program Boston University

34 Jessica Martinez Passed the certification exam!!! Arizona School of Health Sciences

35 Tara Hodge Passed the certification exam!!! Hawaii Pacific University

36 Michelle Goodrich Passed the certification exam!!! High School AT Massachusetts

37 Dave Merson Passed the certification exam!!! Summer ’06 Pawtucket Red Sox University of Southern Louisiana

38 Jacquie Gaspard Passed the certification exam!!! Summer ’06 Clinical Rotation In North Carolina Boston University

39 Anthony Benyarko Passed the certification exam!!! Summer ’06 Clinical Rotation New York Giants University Albany

40 Jess Barsotti Passed the certification exam!!! AT/DPT Program Boston University

41 GOOD BYE And GOOD LUCK!!! Tara Hodge Anthony Benyarko Michelle Goodrich Luke Ross Jess Martinez Brenna Rutherford Dave Getsoff Sandy Soin

42 Atlanta 2006 Highlights & Lowlights from the Annual Athletic Training Program Alumni & Friends Gathering

43 I’m nauseous thinking about missing the Famous First Meeting! I’m feeling a little uncomfortable too

44 Can you send me an invitation to the Famous “First Meeting of the Semester”? PLEASE!!!

45 But I am a man of my word. A bet’s a bet. I’m torn… Go to the Famous First Meeting Or Stick needles in my retinas.

46 Hey, Check out the KICK ME sign I stuck on Janine’s back! Brandon, Touch me again & YOU DIE! Can we just go eat please! What did I do to deserve this???

47 Are you gonna share that root beer? I think the big guy used car wax on his head. It’s really shiny!

48 Your supposed to smile so they think you’re having fun. I wish she’d get out of the bathroom. I need to go really bad.

49 So, you stand on this, it vibrates and shakes all your money from your pockets. And I profit. I should have thought of this.

50 Why are those two fat guys in speedos? I didn’t know Mark & Larry had rhythm.

51 Of course I enjoy the famous “First Meeting of the Semester.” There’s food there. I miss those meetings

52 He just ain’t right. The first thing I remembered was how much I like the Famous First Meetings.


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