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Archaic H. sapiens Zambia Modern H. sapiens Ethiopia 160,000 ybp 300,000 ybp.

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Presentation on theme: "Archaic H. sapiens Zambia Modern H. sapiens Ethiopia 160,000 ybp 300,000 ybp."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archaic H. sapiens Zambia Modern H. sapiens Ethiopia 160,000 ybp 300,000 ybp


3 Earliest modern humans Africa:c. 200,000 ybp Asia:c. 90,000 ybp Europe:c. 35,000 ybp

4 90,000 ybp Klasies River Mouth Cave South Africa chin

5 Early modern humans more robust than present populations from the same regions Zhoukoudian, China 29,000 ybp Lothagam, Kenya 9,000 ybp

6 Cro Magnon, France 30,000 ybp No trace of Neandertal features

7 Modern Croatian Neandertal; But, Neandertal features in other populations of modern humans


9 Chauvet Cave, France: c. 20,000 ybp


11 Evolution in isolation

12 Homo floresiensis ?

13 Dwarfism and Gigantism on Islands Not universal but fairly common Natural selection – Dwarfism: food energy constraint – Gigantism: availability of large prey

14 Gigantism: Komodo Dragons


16 Stegodon Flores dwarf Est. 800 pounds Dwarfism


18 Liang Bua cave

19 Specialized tools, possibly hafted Note Small size

20 2003 Skeleton Discovery Unearthed a skull, jaw, pelvis, and leg bones. Bones from an adult female. Homo erectus-like features (sloping forehead, arched brow ridges, but much smaller. Smallest brain of genus Homo – 1/3 size of modern humans. Specimen was radiocarbon and luminescence dated at about 18,000 years old.

21 Two dating methods: 35,000 – 18,000 ybp Brain smaller than that of smallest Australopithcines 380-420 cc Homo floresiensis reported in 2004


23 c 3 ft tall c. 55 lbs.

24 Did H. floresiensis interact with H. sapiens? Modern humans arrived in Borneo roughly 43,000 years ago Liang Bua site in Flores was buried by a volcano 11,000 years ago. 20,000 years of possible co-existence.

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