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The University of Kent Careers Advisory Service Electronics Placements Applications Talk You can download a copy of this presentation at

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1 The University of Kent Careers Advisory Service Electronics Placements Applications Talk You can download a copy of this presentation at

2 “Sell” your degree Many employers don’t know what an Electronics/CSE degree entails. Lots of “Mickey Mouse” degrees out there Kent degree has a lot of project work and strong technical skills which are attractive to employers. List relevant modules (plus marks if good!) Projects – especially if relevant Programming languages/operating systems/major applications e.g. Java Soft skills – evidence of teamwork, project management, problem solving etc. Link to portfolio For non-IT jobs (e.g. banking) you would need a different CV focusing on your soft skills more than technical skills.

3 Skills gained on a Kent Electronics degree Gather and analyse relevant information from a wide variety of sources Identify and propose solutions to problems Project management Technical skills Work with others in the preparation and presentation of group work (group projects) Work independently (individual projects) Communicate with others in a clear and articulate manner Present ideas and arguments verbally in presentations and seminars, and informal discussions

4 I.T. EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE REVIEW Technical knowledge Quick Learner Planning Establishing priorities and scheduling time. Well organised. Productivity Professionalism - "completing projects on time". Quality of work "On schedule, under budget, works first time Self Development Teaching yourself new skills!“ Communication Presentation skills, Clear, concise, documentation. Teamwork Problem Solving and Judgement Coming up with effective solutions Innovation and Change Receptivity to new ideas. "Flexible designs that can withstand last minute changes" Administration Documentation - "Much of software development involves writing things down and looking them up again"

5 TOP TECHNICAL SKILLS: Computer Weekly Magazine 2009 More on interviews, application forms & covering letters – less on CVs

6 Electronics CV Example The medium is the message. If your CV isn’t professional – spelling mistakes/lack of attention to detail, the employer will assume that your work will be sloppy too.

7 Check yore speling! I am a prefectionist and rarely if if ever forget details. Proven ability to track down and correct erors. But also read it carefully …. At secondary school I was a prefix But I was not aloud to be captain In my spare time I enjoy hiding my horse I hope to hear from you shorty And use a sensible email address!

8 THE COVERING LETTER First Paragraph State the job you’re applying for. Where you found out about it. When you're available to start work (& end if it's a placement) Second Paragraph Why your interested in that type of work Why the company attracts you. Third Paragraph Summarise your strengths and how they might be an advantage to the organisation. Relate your skills to the job. Last Paragraph Mention any dates that you won't be available for interview Thank the employer and say you look forward to hearing from them soon.

9 On-line Applications Make your draft to lengthy questions on a word-processor - can cut and paste using using CTRL+C (copy) and CTRL+V (paste) keys. Can reuse answers in other applications. Can spell and grammar check. Keeps your work safe Don't use informal English - use the good quality English you would use on a paper form with lots of evidence to show relevant skills.

10 Competency Questions Ask for examples of specific skills such as teamwork, leadership, problem solving e.g. Describe how your personal planning and organisation resulted in the successful achievement of a personal or group task. Give an example of where others have disagreed with your views. Answers could come from  vacation or part-time work;  university clubs and societies;  voluntary work;  study at school or university – especially projects;  holidays and travel or personal and family experiences.

11 The good……. Please describe a time when you saw an opportunity to really make a difference for the future of a group, an activity or yourself. What did you do? During the summer of 2003, I was recruited to be part of a two-month, six- man roadshow travelling around the M25 area promoting tennis and Ariel Liquitabs. Within the first week of the roadshow the event manager resigned and I applied to take over this role. Although I had no specific previous experience, I felt it was a great opportunity to stretch myself and make a difference to my future. I was accepted as the new event manager and took over the very next day, it was extremely difficult initially, but I drew on my experiences of Head of School and captains of numerous sports teams and settled into the role relatively quickly. My role necessitated dealing with a vast range of individuals from Sainsbury’s Managers to children as young as 5 years of age, which improved my interpersonal and communicational skills. In addition, my motivational skills were also tested, as I was constantly required to motivate my staff due to the roadshow becoming monotonous in the latter stages. The roadshow appeared to be a real success with the tennis clubs receiving a 10% increase in applicants and rival soap powder brands putting on extra promotions. The feedback I received on how I managed the roadshow was extremely positive and I have subsequently been put forward to manage numerous other events. Rising to the challenge Selling self Influencing a variety of people Tangible results

12 The bad….. The biggest challenge whilst carrying out the assignment was conducting a financial analysis on the company. I was assigned this task, as I had previous experience in this area as I have carried out two financial and accounting modules during my University degree. I conducted a full ratio analysis on the company, which included analysing Next's Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet. I presented the ratios and included details of the company's current financial position, along with an explanation of how the company could improve their position. The Presentation involved presenting our group's report on Next Plc to the rest of the Marketing group. Our group conducted a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation, to ensure it was conducted in the most efficient and systematic way. Each member presented their individual section, the final section then included contributions by all group members. Our group had practised the presentation on numerous occasions prior to the final presentation, which ensured a smooth running. Each member of the Marketing class was given a feedback form to report their opinions of the presentation. Our group received all positive feedback and were all awarded a 2:1 for the presentation, this contributed towards the final outcome of or Marketing modules. Apathy- did not put self forward for task. No ownership, leadership. No individual result.

13 And the ugly! Place of birth? - A London hospital Size of employer: about 5’ 10” My health good, that of my parents not so good. Working on a farm has improved my communication skills which are especially important when working with large livestock. Applying for job at biscuit company: my life-long love of chocolate biscuits, is the main reason for my interest in the company It's best for employers that I not work with people On an application for a position requiring considerable people skills - My hobbies include watching television, computer chess, stamp collecting and walking my 2 spaniels. Reason for leaving last job: my employers insisted that all employees get to work by 8.45 am and I could not work under those conditions. I am seeking challenges that test my mind and body, since the two are usually inseparable. I have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse.

14 Action Verbs created instructed analysed produced negotiated designed calculated maintained administered …….

15 IF YOU HAVE A "HOLE" IN YOUR CV....  Often you’re hired as much for your problem solving skills as for your knowledge of a particular application. Emphasise your ability to learn - once you know one or two applications you can be confident that, given a manual and a little time, you can learn a new application in a few weeks. e.g. "I have a limited knowledge of Actionscript but have a thorough knowledge of JavaScript. There are few new concepts and I'm confident I can learn to write well- structured and efficient Actionscript in a short time. More valuable to you and harder to acquire are my problem solving skills, which I can apply in any language."

16 APPLYING FOR JOBS Big companies use on-line application forms Smaller organisations want CVs Practice Interviews Computing Interview Interview Reports

17 DVDs APPLICATIONS, INTERVIEWS and SELECTION CENTRES now streamed on-line BOOKLETS Making Applications Interview Skills Assessment Centres Psychometric Tests All available from Careers Reception

18 Placements VACANCY DATABASE – has placements Electronics Careers Page: useful source for speculative applications Placements Gradcracker – engineering placements excellent!

19 Bruce Woodcock Normally on duty TUESDAY MORNINGS (10.30 am - 12.30 pm) and WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AFTERNOONS (2.00 - 5.00 pm). You don’t need to book an appointment to see me at these times. Email: - for enquires that I can answer BRIEFLY!

20 The University of Kent Careers Advisory Service You can download a copy of this presentation at

21 INTERESTS Reading, cinema, stamp-collecting, embroidery OR …… Cinema: member of the University Film- Making Society Travel: traveled through Europe by train this summer in a group of four people, visiting historic sites and improving my French and Italian Reading: helped younger pupils with reading difficulties at school

22 Quiz! How long should a CV be? How long should a covering letter be? What is the sweet spot of a CV? What is a reverse chronological CV?

23 The ridiculous... Mealtimes are a difficult and challenging time as this is one affair when my friends and I are truly tested in our decision making skills. There has been more than one occasion where a unified agreement on what to do about dinner has proven to be a problem. I therefore take it upon myself to be the spokesperson for the group. One example would be where two of my friends wanted chicken nuggets and hence wished to go to McDonald’s while three others preferred the Chicken Royale from Burger King as opposed the the McChicken Sandwich one can get at McDonalds. Using my initiative, intuition and lateral thinking I suggested that we all go to KFC instead. My reasoning was that this was that KFC do chicken popcorn and are a far better choice than chicken nuggets. While their Fillet Tower Burgers are a step up from the standard Burger King Chicken Royale as they have a hash brown in them as well. Thus using some originality of thought, a certain degree of diplomacy and a persuasive tongue I convinced them all to join me at KFC. Does not bring the group with them. No explanation of how. No recognition of others’ opinions.

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