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Digital Preservation. The Past is Prologue Developing Preservation Approaches.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Preservation. The Past is Prologue Developing Preservation Approaches."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Preservation

2 The Past is Prologue Developing Preservation Approaches

3 Diagram by Nancy Y. McGovern based on PhD Research, March 2001

4 5 Stages of Digital Preservation 1. Digitization leads to understanding that digital content needs to be managed and protected 2. Digital Preservation Projects are initiated 3. Digital Preservation Projects segue into Programs 4. Digital Preservation Programs become comprehensive and coordinated 5. Institutional Programs embrace Inter-institutional Collaboration

5 Digital Preservation Officer First DPO appointed January 2002 coordinates digital preservation policy development and implementation serves as the liaison to digital preservation initiatives and projects developing a conceptual framework for a cohesive digital preservation program

6 Models and Standards Attributes of a Trusted Digital Repository (RLG-OCLC) OAIS Reference Model (CCSDS)

7 Models and Standards SIP Transfer Issues: Producer-Archive Interface Methodology Abstract Standard (CCSDS) AIP Components (OCLC/RLG PMWG): Content Information Preservation Description Information Format Issues: Draft Standard - Data Dictionary - Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images (NISO)

8 Attributes of a Trusted Repository

9 1. Administrative responsibility Provide evidence of fundamental commitment to standards, best practices Commit to OAIS model Meet standards on environment (6) Share measurements with depositors (6) Involve external community experts in validating/certifying practices (6) Commit to transparency and accountability (6)

10 2. Organizational viability Demonstrate viability and trustworthiness (3) Reflect commitment to long-term retention/management in mission statements Have appropriate legal status, staff and professional development (1)(3) Establish transparent business practices, effective management policies (6)(3) Define inclusive agreements with depositors (6) Review/maintain policies and procedures (6) Undertake risk management, contingency and succession (trusted inheritors) planning (6)(3)

11 3. Financial sustainability Establish/maintain good business practices and an auditable business plan (1)(2) Demonstrate financial fitness and ongoing financial commitment (1)(2) Balance risk, benefit, investment, expenditure Maintain adequate budget and reserves and actively seek potential funding sources

12 4. Technological suitability Consider/adopt appropriate preservation strategies (6) Ensure appropriate infrastructure for acquisition, storage, access (5) Establish technology management policy for repository (2)(3) Comply with relevant standards and best practices, adequate expertise (6) Undergo regular external audits on system components and performance (6)

13 5. System security Assure security of systems for digital assets (3) Establish policies and procedures to meet requirements (4)(6) Stress processes that will detect, avoid and repair loss, document and notify of changes and resulting actions (4)(6)

14 6. Procedural accountability Enact policies and procedures for tasks and functions, document practices (1)(2) Establish monitoring mechanisms to ensure continued operation of systems and procedures (4)(5) Record/justify preservation strategies (1)(2) Set up feedback mechanisms for problem resolution; negotiate evolving requirements between providers and consumers (1)(2)

15 Framework Components Administrative Responsibility Organizational Viability Financial Sustainability Technological Suitability System Security Procedural Accountability

16 Diagram by Nancy Y. McGovern based upon the RLG-OCLC Attributes of a Trusted Repository

17 Open Archival Information System (OAIS)

18 Framework to Model

19 Overview of the OAIS Model from Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System [4]

20 OAIS Categories [Data Object] Representation Information (Structure, Semantic, and Other Information) Content Information [1] (Data Object + Representation Information) Preservation Description Information [2] (Reference, Context, Provenance and Fixity Information) Descriptive Information (Content Information + PDI) Packaging Information [physically and logically binds]

21 OAIS at Cornell

22 Preserving Essential Elements Content Context Structure Appearance Behavior

23 Emulation Jeff Rothenberg Dutch National Library IBM CAMiLEON Project David Bearman

24 Migration Risk Management of Digital Information: A File Format Investigation Charles Dollar Margaret Hedstrom CAMiLEON Project Dutch Testbed Project

25 XML and Object-Based NARA and SDSC Dutch Testbed Project Victoria Electronic Records Project (VERS) Harvard SIP proposal

26 Project Prism CUL Research Team: Anne R. Kenney Nancy Y. McGovern Peter Botticelli Richard Entlich

27 Risk Management Stages Typical StagesPrism Stages 1. Risk identification 1. Data gathering Characterization 2. Risk classification 3. Risk assessment2. Simple risk declaration 3. Contextualized declaration/detection 4. Risk analysis 5. Program implementation4. Automated enforcement

28 Levels of Context Web page as a stand-alone object, ignoring its hyperlinks in local context, considering the links into it and out from it Web site as a semantically coherent set of linked Web pages as an entity in a broader technical and organizational context


30 Page-level Monitoring Formatting: TIDY Standards compliance Document structure Metadata: HTTP headers HTML headers Changes Content Location Links Out-link structure In-link structure Intra-site Hub Volatility Page provenance URL parsing Log analysis

31 Site-level Monitoring Graph analysis Static site analysis and Longitudinal study Aggregate page analyses Site maintenance indicators Backup and archiving policies and procedures Hardware and software environment Network configuration and maintenance

32 Research Plan Preservation Risk Management for Web Resources: Virtual Remote Control in Cornell’s Project Prism By Anne R. Kenney, Nancy Y. McGovern, Peter Botticelli, Richard Entlich, Carl Lagoze, and Sandra Payette DLib Magazine, January 2002


34 Publisher-Based Digital Archives

35 Subject-Based Digital Archives

36 Intersection of Digital Archives Format-based


38 Relevant Initiatives Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard (METS) [highlighted Web site in RLG DigiNews February 2002] Flexible and Extensible Digital Object and Repository Architecture (FEDORA) Mellon Fedora Project Slides from January 2002 briefing:

39 Relevant External Projects NEDLIB CAMiLEON (CEDARS) PANDORA Harvard University LDI NARA & SDSC

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