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VLSI Design Full-custom IC Design Flow

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1 VLSI Design Full-custom IC Design Flow
Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems 積體電路概論 VLSI Design Full-custom IC Design Flow 賴秉樑 Dept. of Electronic Engineering National Chin-Yi University of Technology Fall 2007

2 Outline Schematic with Composer of ICFB (Cadence)
Pre-simulation using Hspice Layout with Virtuoso or Laker Verification using Calibre or Dracula DRC LVS PEX Post-simulation using Hspice

3 Custom IC Design We offer the technology files of the following, and copy it to your home directory Technology File Name Purpose TSMC035 display.drf Virtuoso 圖層資料檔 製程檔 mm0355v.l Spice model file Laker ( a directory) Laker 圖層資料檔 calibre.drc DRC calibre.lvs LVC calibre.pex PEX

4 Environment Operation System: Solaris 8 (Sun Blade 2500)
Account is personal student’s identity number, ex. g955168 Using X-win32 or ReflectionX to remote WorkStation

5 Console 登入的Shell is C-shell 1. 目前source license的軟體 家目錄
2. 可修改於home dir/.cshrc

6 Schematic with Composer

7 ICFB Under home directory  Mkdir work_tsmc035 (自設一個工作目錄)
Under work_tsmc035 directory→ icfb & Under your design directory Cadence 的ICFB控制視窗

8 Merge Display File to Virtuoso
加入後 Schematic & Layout view 才能正常顯示顏色與圖層 Key Step: Tools  Display Resource Manger… (1) ../technology/display.drf (2) Add (3) ./work_tsmc035/display.drf

9 建立新的製程 Library 不同的製程需新建不同製程技術的library
Step 1: Select File  New  Library Step 2: Name  tsmc035_techfile (user-define) Step 3: ASCII Technology File  ../technology/ Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

10 建立新的 Design Library Step 4: Select File  New  Library
Step 5: Name  basic_logic (usr-define) Step 6: Technology Library  tsmc035_techfile Step 4 Step 6 Step 5

11 Create a Cellview under Design Library
建立一個cell  inv (inverter) Step 7: Select File  New  Cellview

12 Step 8: 呼叫 analogLib 建立基本的instance
PMOS: pmos4 NMOS: nmos4 加入 instance (hot key ‘i’)

13 加入 input and output (hot key ‘p’)
完成inverter設計 (pmos, nmos, vdd, gnd and wire-connection)

14 Generating Netlist using CDL
Step 9: File  Export  CDL Netlist 的副檔名為 name.sp


16 Modify the inv.sp and Create a another inv_sim.sp
Delete NM  NCH PM  PCH

17 Pre-sim. using Hspice 進行 Hspice 時,netlist 與 Spice Model file mm0355v.l要在同一個目錄下 Console  soclab02% hspice inv_sim.sp 路徑要注意!

18 確定 hspice job concluded  soclab02% awaves & Step 10: Open
Ctrl+a 可將波形視窗分割

19 觀察inverter的input & output 電壓

20 Waveform with Awaves **檢查Pre-sim. 的結果與功能正常後才進行layout**

21 Layout with Virtuoso Editor

22 Layout with Virtuoso Editor
Step 1: Link Calibre into Virtuoso (load(“/usr/mentor/Calibre_ss/cur/lib/calibre.skl”) Step 2: File  New  Cellview Under the same library and cell name Step 1 Step 2 Select Virtuoso, and View Name is layout

23 Virtuoso Layout Window
Make sure linking Calibre success! LSW: 供可選擇之layer,如無法正常顯示顏色,請重做Display resource manger (Merge display.drf)

24 N-Well COMS Inverter The cross-section view and layout of a CMOS(n-well) inverter

25 TSMC035 Minimum Design Rule with COMS Inverter

26 Minimum NIMP extension of N+ Diffusion 0.25 um
Minimum N-Well width 1.7 um Minimum Metal1 extension of Contact 0.15 um Minimum POLY1 extension of Diffusion 0.4 um Contact size 0.4 * 0.4 um Minimum Contact to Contact spacing 0.4 um Minimum N-Well extension of P+ Diffusion 1.2 um Minimum Diffusion extension of Contact is 0.15 um Minimum Metal1 width 0.5 um Minimum clearance from Contact on Diffusion region to a Poly gate 0.3 um Minimum Diffusion width 0.3 um Minimum PIMP extension of P+ Diffusion 0.25 um Minimum Poly1 width 0.35 um

27 An Inverter Layout

28 Layout Verification with Calibre DRC/LVS/PEX

29 Calibre DRC (5/1) Step 1: File  Export  Stream 須先轉成Layout的GDSII的格式

30 Calibre DRC (2/5) Step 2: Calibre  Run DRC Calibre DRC window

31 Calibre DRC (3/5) Step 3: Rules  將TSMC035的calibre DRC rules file加入

32 Calibre DRC (4/5) Step 4:Inputs  Layout  Files  inv.gds (路徑要注意)
可直接由layout view來執行,但電路假如很大,則需較久時間,一般disalbe

33 Calibre DRC (5/5) Step 5:Run DRC
No error! 但可忽略的design rule error 可查閱 “可允許之DRC錯誤-假錯-申請者常犯錯誤”

34 Calibre LVS (1/6) Step 1:修改inv.sp檔局部的netlist成LVS可過的形式

35 Calibre LVS (2/6) Step 2: Calibre  Run LVS

36 Calibre LVS (3/5) Step 3: Rules  將TSMC035的calibre LVS rules file加入

37 Calibre LVS (4/6) Step 4:Inputs  Layout  Files  inv.gds (路徑要注意)

38 Calibre LVS (5/6) Step 4:Inputs  Netlist  Files  inv.sp (路徑要注意)
可直接由schematic view來執行,但電路假如很大,則需較久時間,一般disalbe

39 Calibre LVS (6/6)

40 Calibre PEX (1/8) Step 1:修改inv.sp檔局部的netlist成PEX可過的形式

41 Calibre PEX (2/8)

42 Calibre PEX (3/8)

43 Calibre PEX (4/8)

44 Calibre PEX (5/8)

45 Calibre PEX (6/8)

46 Calibre PEX (7/8) 進行RC值萃取

47 Calibre PEX (8/8)

48 Modify inv_pex.sp inv_pex.sp.inv.pxi & inv_pex.sp.pex為存放PEX萃取出後的RC參數值

49 inv_pex.sp.inv.pxi & inv_pex.sp.pex為存放PEX萃取出後的RC參數值

50 Post-simulation Result

51 附錄: Layout with Laker Editor

52 Laker 開啟Laker g % laker & 建立新專案

53 專案名稱 建立新檔 檔案存放路徑 製程檔

54 Working Window 檔案名稱 選擇專案

55 將Layer Table置於左視窗

56 Change Grid CIC的Grid為0.025um

57 2NAND 建立Transistor





62 PMOS的Body NMOS的Body

63 Stream Out

64 Stream In 專案名稱


66 COMS Inverter

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