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Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 1 of 30 Chemistry 103 (Section 001) Instructor: Dr. Larry Tirri
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 2 of 30 OUTLINE Introduction to Course –Syllabus –i-Clickers What is Chemistry? –Matter defined –Physical vs. Chemical Historical Perspectives The Scientific Method The Periodic Table
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 3 of 30 SYLLABUS CHEM 103 Section 001 Fall 2008 Course: Preparatory Chemistry Text: “Basic Chemistry,” Timberlake & Timberlake, UNLV custom edition Lecture: Section 001:MW 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM CBC A108 Instructor: Dr. Larry Tirri Office: CHE 218 Office Hours:M 1:30 PM – 2:15 PM (CHE 218), W 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM (CHE 101 or CHE 218), and by Appointment. Additional hours TBA. Phone: 895-4281 E-mail: and through
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 4 of 30 Course Description & Purpose: Chemistry 103 (3 credits) is designed for students who wish to qualify for Chemistry 121. Credit is not allowed for both CHEM 103 and 110. The course does not satisfy the General Education Core Science Requirement. Corequisites: Enrollment in MATH 096 or placement in MATH 124 or higher. Course Web Page: http://www.unlv.edu (homepage), top of page under index and campus map click on box and scroll to WebCampus. Four options will be displayed - click on “University of Nevada, Las Vegas”. The WebCampus homepage will be displayed and will require login and password. For assistance, please call the student help line – 895-0761.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 5 of 30 Learning Objectives: The learning objectives of this course include mastery of the following topics: * Mathematic Tools / Skills *The meaning of chemical formulas and chemical equations * Chemical calculations - stoichiometry, gases & solutions * Electronic structure of atoms * Bonding and Molecular Structure * Covalent and Ionic Compounds * Gas Laws * States of Matter * Solutions - Qualitative and Quantitative These topics are covered in Chapters 2-12 in the text.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 6 of 30 Necessities: An i-clicker will be required for each class to participate in class activities and quizzes. A scientific calculator will be required, no other electronic device will be allowed. An alert state of mind will be most helpful. A sense of humor will be appreciated by everyone. PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CELLULAR PHONES AND PAGERS DURING CLASS.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 7 of 30 Expectations: Students are expected to attend every class. Attendance and class participation will be documented using the “i-clickers”. Three or more absences, as documented by the “i-clickers” may result in lowering your final grade. If you are absent from class, regardless of the reason, you will be responsible for the material covered. However, there will be no make up participation activities, quizzes or exams. Learning Enhancement Services (LES) houses Disability Services, Tutoring Services, and Learning Strategies. If you have a documented disability that may require assistance, you will need to contact LES for coordination in your academic accommodations. LES is located in the Reynolds Student Services Complex, Suite 137. The phone number is 702 895-0866 or TDD 702 895-0652. You may also visit their web site at: Class participation and questions will be welcome. However, please be courteous and respectful of others during discussions and question / answer sessions. Inappropriate or rude behavior will not be tolerated.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 8 of 30 Policy: This course will be composed of lectures, un-graded homework (see suggested practice problems), graded in-class quizzes (written and “i-clicker”) and on-line quizzes, three – semester exams, and a final exam. See the tentative class calendar. Generally, quizzes will be worth 10 points and cover the concepts discussed in class. There will be no make-up quizzes given. The lowest quiz score will be dropped when computing quiz averages. The computed quiz average will be equivalent to an exam when computing final grades. Each of the three semester exams will be timed for about 70 minutes. Should the dates for the exams change, however unlikely, there will be at least 1 weeks notice. There will be ABSOLUTELY NO MAKEUP EXAMS GIVEN! The three exams and quiz average will all count equally, and the best three out of four scores will be used when computing your final average. The topics covered in this course form the foundation for future topics. Thus all of the material is cumulative and each exam may have questions for which you will need to draw upon information covered by previous chapters or exams. The final exam will also be cumulative, covering the entire course. You must take the final exam to pass this course.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 9 of 30 Your Final Course Grade will be a letter grade (no S/F grade). Your final grade will be based upon the best three out of four semester exams and quiz average scores, and the final exam. Participation points earned in class throughout the semester will be added as bonus points to your total points earned. The following grading scale will be used. This grading scale may be expanded to broaden or lower the percentage points needed for a particular letter grade, but may be considered to be guaranteed minimums. Grade % % A100 – 93.00C+78.99 – 77.00 A-92.99 - 90.00C76.99 – 67.00 B+89.99 – 88.00C-68.99 – 67.00 B87.99 – 81.00D+66.99 – 65.00 B-80.99 – 79.00D64.99 – 57.00
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 10 of 30 The “15 minute rule” will prevail. If for any reason your instructor cannot make a class or appointment and you have waited 15 minutes, then you may assume that the class or appointment has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later time. You must register in the WebCT part of the class, because some quizzes, grades, announcements and discussions will be posted on the site. Registering for WebCT will be covered during the first and second class of the semester. Cellular phones and pagers must be turned to OFF or SILENT while in class. Each student is required to have an “i-clicker” to participate in class activities and take quizzes. Only one “i-clicker“ need be purchased from the bookstore since the same “i-clicker“ can be used for more than one course. Each “i-clicker“ will be registered with the monitoring system during the first week of classes.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 11 of 30 Tips for Success: Attend ALL lectures. Take all quizzes and exams. KEEP UP with the concepts presented in class. Study as often as possible. A typical rule of thumb is to devote two hours of study for each hour of lecture. CHEMISTRY IS CUMULATIVE! Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It is available for the asking. Get help ASAP, do not wait until a day or two before an exam to ask for help. Help may not be available at that time. The purpose of end of chapter practice problems and homework is to allow you to practice the kinds of questions that will help you gauge your understanding of the concepts covered in lecture. Check out the textbook web page. If possible, study with others outside of class. Form a study group. Working with others can be very helpful if each member of the group takes a turn to explain a concept. You may find studying with a tutor to be helpful. One on one attention may work better for you than working with a group. You can contact the Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach in the Reynolds Student Services Complex (895-4777), or at their homepage: for information regarding tutors.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 12 of 30 Academic Dishonesty: Cheating will not be tolerated in this course. See the UNLV Undergraduate Catalogue for a discussion of university policies related to academic dishonesty. Lecture: As stated above, attendance at lectures is essential and expected. You are responsible for all announcements and concepts covered in lecture. To get the most out of lecture, read the chapters and/or suggested pages in your text before coming to lecture. Study tip: After lecture, read the text again along with your notes and work the relevant end of chapter problems. Office Hours: The days and times of office hours are listed on the first page of this syllabus. Although a recitation section is not officially scheduled, you may consider office hours to be a recitation section. Office hours are for your benefit. It is a time where you can seek help, discuss concepts, develop better understanding of topics. A special office hour is scheduled for Wednesdays at 2:30 to be held in CHE 101 lecture hall. This is to accommodate larger numbers of students.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 13 of 30 WeekDatesText ChptChapter Titles 1Aug 251Introduction, Syllabus, iClickers, Element Symbols p 95 Aug 272Measurements 2Sept 1 Labor Day Recess Sept 32Measurements 3Sept 82Measurements Sept 103Matter & Energy 4Sept 153 & 4Matter & Energy & Atoms & Elements Sept 174Atoms & Energy 5Sept 225Electronic Structure & Periodic Trends Sept 245Electronic Structure & Periodic Trends 6Sept 29Exam IChapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Oct 16Names and Formulas
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 14 of 30
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 15 of 30 i-clicker Registration
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 16 of 30 Definition of Chemistry Chemistry is the study of substances in terms of Composition What is it made of? StructureHow is it put together? PropertiesWhat characteristics does it have? ReactionsHow does it behave with other substances?
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 17 of 30 What is it made of? Matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter has both physical and chemical properties Physical properties are: Characteristics observed or measured without changing the identity of a substance. Shape, physical state, odor, boiling and freezing points, density, and color of that substance. Chemical properties describe the ability of a substance To interact with other substances, and/or To change into a new substance.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 18 of 30 Physical Properties of Copper Copper has physical properties: Reddish-orange Very shiny Excellent conductor of heat and electricity Solid at 25 C Melting point 1083 C Boiling point 2567 C Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 19 of 30 States of Matter All substances known as matter exist in one of three forms or states: Solids Have definite volumes and shapes Liquids Have definite volumes, but take the shapes of containers Gases Have no definite volumes or shapes Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 20 of 30 Chemical Properties Chemical properties describe the ability of a substance To interact with other substances To change into a new substance Example: Iron has the ability to form rust when exposed to oxygen. Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 21 of 30 Chemistry 103 This course serves as introduction into the world of chemistry, and includes both chemical and physical processes.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 22 of 30 Historical Perspective Ancient Greeks and the 4 basic elements: Air, Fire, Water & Earth.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 23 of 30 Historical Perspectives Alchemists Attempted to turn base metals into gold Attempted to find the “Elixir of Life” Attempted to Produce the “Philosopher’s Stone” Faust depicted in an etching by Rembrandt van Rijn (circa 1650). Rembrandt van Rijn
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 24 of 30 Scientific Method The scientific method is the process used by scientists to explain observations in nature. The scientific method developed out of the methods used by Alchemists. Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 25 of 30 Scientific Method The scientific method involves: Making Observations Writing a Hypothesis Doing Experiments Proposing a Theory Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 26 of 30 Summary of the Scientific Method Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 27 of 30 Periodic Table Primary resource for a chemist as well as other scientists. Lists all the known elements in a “periodic way” Element - a substance that can not be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means.
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 28 of 30 Periodic Table Copyright © 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 29 of 30 Symbols for the Elements The language of Chemistry HHydrogen OOxygen AgSilver AuGold HgMercury HeHelium NaSodium
Introduction – Chapter 1: Slide 30 of 30 These are the elements and their symbols which you will need to memorize. See page 95 in your text.
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