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BIOLOGY Edition. Categories $300 $200 $100 $400 $500 ProteinSynthesisGeneticsMacro-moleculesSciMethodsCellsEnergy Biology.

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1 BIOLOGY Edition

2 Categories $300 $200 $100 $400 $500 ProteinSynthesisGeneticsMacro-moleculesSciMethodsCellsEnergy Biology

3 $100 A: The process that requires glucose and oxygen.

4 $100 Q: What is aerobic respiration?

5 $200 A: The process that uses carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water to make glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 ) and oxygen.

6 $200 Q: What is photosynthesis?

7 $300 A: Thylakoids are stacked on top of one another forming grana in this organelle responsible for photosynthesis.

8 $300 Q: What is a chloroplast?

9 $400 A: A chemical process, occurring in the absence of oxygen, that converts glucose to pyruvic acid which is then converted to lactic acid.

10 $400 Q: What is fermentation (anaerobic respiration)?

11 $500 A: The Krebs cycle and electron transport chain take place in the matrix and inner membrane of this organelle.

12 $500 Q: What is the mitochondria?

13 $100 A: A large organelle located near the center of a cell that houses the cell’s DNA.

14 $100 Q: What is the nucleus?

15 $200 A: A type of cell that contains a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles.

16 $200 Q: What is a eukaryotic cell?

17 $300 A: The passive transport of water across a membrane.

18 $300 Q: What is osmosis?

19 $400 A: This organelle is the “garbage disposal” of the cell, breaking down old organelles, foreign substances, etc.

20 $400 Q: What is a lysosome?

21 $500 A: These organelles organize the synthesis of proteins; may be “free” in the cytoplasm or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum.

22 $500 Q: What are ribosomes?

23 $100 A: The molecule in a cell responsible for storing and transmitting genetic information (info for making proteins); has the shape of a double-helix.

24 $100 Q: What is DNA?

25 $200 A: The complementary base pairs in DNA.

26 $200 Q: What are guanine-cytosine and adenine-thymine?

27 $300 A: The molecules that are linked together to make a protein.

28 $300 Q: What are amino acids?

29 $400 A: The type of RNA that has an anticodon and brings amino acids to the ribosome during protein synthesis.

30 $400 Q: What is tRNA?

31 $500 A: The process by which information in DNA is copied to a molecules of mRNA.

32 $500 Q: What is transcription?

33 $100 A: Is represented with a lowercase letter.

34 $100 Q: What is a recessive allele?

35 $200 A: The process in which an egg cell and sperm cell fuse to form a zygote.

36 $200 Q: What is fertilization?

37 $300 A: The fraction of offspring resulting from a Bb x bb cross that should have blond hair. B = brown hair b = blond hair

38 $300 Q: What is one half (50%)?

39 $400 A: The condition in which a person has 2 alleles that are the same for a trait.

40 $400 Q: What what is homozygous?


42 $500 A: A picture of a child’s chromosomes that is used to determine if a child has a genetic disorder, such as Down’s syndrome (extra chromosome #21).

43 $500 Q: What is a karyotype?

44 $100 A: This is the one variable that differs between the control group and experimental group.

45 $100 Q: What is the independent variable?

46 $200 A: Observations that deal with data that can be represented as numbers.

47 $200 A: What are quantitative observations?

48 $300 A: An observation that describes the qualities or characteristics of something.

49 $300 Q: What is a qualitative observation?

50 $400 A: The process that allows humans to use bacteria to produce large quantities of things like insulin and human growth hormone.

51 $400 Q: What is genetic engineering?

52 $500 A: The process that uses restriction enzymes to cut DNA and then separates the fragments by size using gel electrophoresis.

53 $500 Q: What is DNA Fingerprinting?

54 $100 A: An organic molecule that contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; the hydrogen and oxygen are in a 2:1 ratio, like water.

55 $100 Q: What a carbohydrate?

56 $200 A: The monomers (“building blocks”) that make up nucleic acids, DNA and RNA.

57 $200 Q: What are nucleotides?

58 $300 A: An organic compound with a hydrophilic head and hydrophobic tail; organizes into a bilayer which makes up the cell membrane.

59 $300 Q: What is a lipid?

60 $400 A: The contestant on the right, who is currently losing, will win $400 if she can name the reaction that builds polymers.

61 $400 Q: What is a dehydration synthesis reaction? (a.k.a.: condensation reaction)

62 $500 A: Enzymes, molecules that speed up the rates of chemical reactions, belong to this class of macromolecules.

63 $500 Q: What are proteins?

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