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Adv. Digital Circuit Design

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1 Adv. Digital Circuit Design
EE365 Adv. Digital Circuit Design Clarkson University Lecture #14 CPLDs & FPGAs

2 Topics CPLDs FPGAs Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

3 PLDs 16V8 (20 Pins) can have 16 inputs (max) and/or 8 outputs (marcrocells) has 32 inputs to each of the AND gates (product terms) 22V10 (24 pins) can have 22 inputs and/or 10 outputs (max) has 44 inputs to each of the AND gates How about a “128V64” for larger applications? It will be slower and will more wasted silicon space Solution? Use CPLDs Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

4 GAL16V8 (review seq_1.ppt) The OR gates
Each output is programmable as combinational or registered Also has programmable output polarity XOR gates to make inverting or non-inverting buffer And Plane Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

5 A General CPLD structure
A collection of PLDs on a single chip with Programmble interconnects Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

6 Let’s takes a look at this
Who makes the CPLDs? Manufacturer CPLD Products URL Altera MAX 5000, 7000 & Altmel ATF & ATV Cypress FLASH370, Ultra Lattice ispLSI 1000 to Philips XPLA Vantis MACH 1 to Xilinx XC Let’s takes a look at this Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

7 The Xilinx 9500-series CPLD
The internal PLDs are called Configurable Functional Blocks (FBs or CFBs) Each FB has 36 inputs and 18 Macrocells (effectively a “36V18”) Each CLPD is packaged in a plastic-leaded chip carrier (PLCC) The number of I/O pins are much less than the total number of Macrocells in family of devices Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

8 Xinlinx CPLDs Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

9 Architecture of Xilinx 9500-family CPLD
36 Signal pins 18 outputs Global Clock Global set/reset 18 Output enable signals Global 3 state control Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

10 Architecture of Xilinx FB
Most CLPDs have fewer AND terms per macrocell XC9500 has 5 whereas 16V8 has 8 and 22V10 has 8-16 But…each macrocell can use unused ANDs from its neighboring macrocells using the “product-term-allocators” Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

11 XC9500 Product term allocator and macrocell Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

12 ISP Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

13 Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

14 XC9500 I/O Block Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

15 Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

16 Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

17 XC4000E I/O Block Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

18 FPGAs Historically, FPGA architectures and companies began around the same time as CPLDs FPGAs are closer to “programmable ASICs” -- large emphasis on interconnection routing Timing is difficult to predict -- multiple hops vs. the fixed delay of a CPLD’s switch matrix. But more “scalable” to large sizes. FPGA programmable logic blocks have only a few inputs and 1 or 2 flip-flops, but there are a lot more of them compared to the number of macrocells in a CPLD. Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

19 General FPGA chip architecture
a.k.a. CLB -- “configurable logic block” Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

20 Xilinx 4000-series FPGAs Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

21 FPGA specsmanship Two flip-flops per CLB, plus two per I/O cell.
25 “gates” per CLB if used for logic. 32 bits of RAM per CLB if not used for logic. All of this is valid only if your design has a “perfect fit”. Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

22 Configurable Logic Block (CLB)
Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

23 CLB function generators (F, G, H)
Use RAM to store a truth table F, G: 4 inputs, 16 bits of RAM each H: 3 inputs, 8 bits of RAM RAM is loaded from an external PROM at system initialization. Broad capability using F, G, and H: Any 2 funcs of 4 vars, plus a func of 3 vars Any func of 5 vars Any func of 4 vars, plus some funcs of 6 vars Some funcs of 9 vars, including parity and 4-bit cascadable equality checking Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

24 CLB input and output connections -- buried in the sea of interconnect
Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

25 Detail connections controlled by RAM bits Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

26 Programmable Switch Matrix
programmable switch element turning the corner, etc. Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

27 The fitter’s job Partition logic functions into CLBs Arrange the CLBs
Interconnect the CLBs Minimize the number of CLBs used Minimize the size and delay of interconnect used Work with constraints “Locked” I/O pins Critical-path delays Setup and hold times of storage elements Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

28 Oh, by the way -- I/O blocks
Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

29 Problems common to CPLDs and FPGAs
Pin locking Small changes, and certainly large ones, can cause the fitter to pick a different allocation of I/O blocks and pinout. Locking too early may make the resulting circuit slower or not fit at all. Running out of resources Design may “blow up” if it doesn’t all fit on a single device. On-chip interconnect resources are much richer than off-chip; e.g., barrel-shifter example. Larger devices are exponentially more expensive. Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

30 Next time SRAM DRAM Lect #14 Rissacher EE365

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