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Referencing using Harvard (the name and date system)

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Presentation on theme: "Referencing using Harvard (the name and date system)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Referencing using Harvard (the name and date system)

2 When do you need to reference? Why reference? When do you need to give a reference? What information is included in a reference?

3 Two useful videos:

4 Why reference ?  Prevents the accusation of plagiarism  Gives credibility to your work  Courtesy to the person whose ideas you have referred to  Allows the reader to locate the sources you used  Shows that you have researched an area

5 When do you need to give a reference?  Direct quotes  When you paraphrase or summarise  Source of a theory, argument, viewpoint etc. pecific information - statistics, case studies etc. Whenever you use a source of information

6  Name of the author or editor  Title  Year of publication  Books - give name of publisher ooks - give location of publisher ooks - give edition (if not the first edition)  Journal articles – give the name of the journal and the number of the volume/issue/part  Electronic material - webpage address and when you accessed it What sort of information is included in a reference ?

7 Two parts: 1.When you quote, paraphrase or summarise - place in the text basic details of the source (author, date and page number) 2.Provide a Reference List at the end of the your assignment (arranged in alphabetical order) containing full publication details Harvard referencing

8 Give the author, year of publication and page number in brackets: It has been stated that the use of colour in painting is “arbitrary and unreal” (Batchelor, 2000, p. 52). Unless you put the author’s name in the sentence - then only put the year and page number in the brackets: 1.Citing references within the text Batchelor (2000, p. 52) states that the use of colour in painting is “arbitrary and unreal”.

9  Two authors, give both names: The long-standing debates about the nature of colour are continued by Herringbone and Samuel (1985, p.11), who make the point that…..  More than two authors, cite the surname of the first author followed by ‘et al.’: It has been shown by Rattigan et al. (1989, p.67) that colour…  No obvious personal author, cite the corporate body or the title of the work: Other commentators, such as The Times, agree that the Turner Prize is over-hyped (2004, p.32). 1.Citing references within the text

10 Quoting less than one line: uuse quotation marks kkeep the quotation within the text …the use of colour is “arbitrary and unreal” (Batchelor, 2000, p.52). The long-standing debates about the nature of colour are… more than one line: ddo not use quotation marks sstart the quotation on a new line and indent it After 1945 colour increasingly became the reason for painting: Colour is dangerous. It is a drug, a loss of consciousness, a kind of blindness - at least for a moment. (Batchelor, 2000, p. 51). Another way of exploring colour was expressed in Pop Art, which…

11 2.Listing sources in a reference list and/or bibliography

12 2.Reference List AAlways at the end of your assignment AArranged in alphabetical order by author’s surname PProvide the full publication details of everything you have cited within your assignment TTake the publication details from the title page of the publication DDo not include any page numbers (other than the page ranges of chapters from edited books and journal articles)

13 Your department guidelines may ask for: Reference List only:  Provide a Reference List which only has the resources you referred to in your assignment Reference List and Bibliography:  Include a Reference List as above:  Followed by a Bibliography which has all the references from the reference list and everything else relevant you have looked at for the assignment (but haven’t referred to) 2.Reference List / Bibliography

14 Reference list Batchelor, D. (2000) Chromophobia. London: Reaktion. Stoner, J.P. (1999) Colour in painting. In: Mirzoeff, N. (ed.) An Introduction to Visual Culture. London: Routledge, pp. 89-121. Bibliography Batchelor, D. (2000) Chromophobia. London: Reaktion. Guner, F. (2004) Billy Childish: we are all phonies. Modern Painters, 17 (1), pp.104-106. Stoner, J.P. (1999) Colour in painting. In: Mirzoeff, N. (ed.) An Introduction to Visual Culture. London: Routledge, pp. 89-121. Examples

15 Stone, R. (2009) Modern Law of Contract. 8 th ed. London: Cavendish. Books author year of publication title edition publisher place of publication

16 Freeland, C. (2004) Piercing to our inaccessible, inmost parts: the sublime work of Bill Viola. In: Townsend, C. (ed.) The art of Bill Viola. London: Thames & Hudson, pp. 24-45. A chapter from an edited book publisher author year of publication title of chapter editor’s name title of book page range location of publisher

17 Bellini, A. (2005) New York tales: reflections in a glass curtain. Flash Art, 38 (240), pp. 104-106. Journal article author year of publication title of article title of journal (part/issue) volume page range

18 BBC News UK (2011) Government takes first step towards Asbo abolition. [online] Available from: [Accessed: 7 February 2011]. Website author year title Accessed: date you accessed it web address

19  R Refer to the author, the year published and the page within the text of your assignment  At the end of your text, in your Reference List, give the full publication details of all the works you’ve referred to  Check your department’s guidelines about a Reference List and/or Bibliography Summary

20 WWrite down the details WHEN YOU FIND THE ARTICLE/BOOK etc. UUse RefWorks  Bibliographic management tool - automatically generates citations and reference lists for your assignments  Available on the Library page of the Portal  You will need to register the first time you use it How do I keep track? Attend a workshop on RefWorks -  RefWorks: the basics

21 YYou MUST follow the guidelines of your academic department  Ask your tutor if you are uncertain  Record the details as you go along either on paper or using RefWorks  Take the information from the work itself  Be consistent …and finally

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