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Hydro Models Team. Introduction RHESSys is a spatially distributed model of watershed carbon, water and nutrient dynamics. RHESSys stands for Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "Hydro Models Team. Introduction RHESSys is a spatially distributed model of watershed carbon, water and nutrient dynamics. RHESSys stands for Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hydro Models Team

2 Introduction RHESSys is a spatially distributed model of watershed carbon, water and nutrient dynamics. RHESSys stands for Regional HydroEcological Simulation System.

3 Project Goals Conversion of the client’s C code into an object oriented code in C++ GUI for assembling the necessary input data, carrying out preprocessing and model parameterization and (if possible) output visualization.

4 Successes Timely completion of the C to C++ conversion. Completion of the GUI

5 Model Time step model (1 hr increments) Event driven Multiple level Multiple variables

6 Containment structure

7 Call diagram

8 Inputs / outputs

9 GUI Implemented with Java Swing/JFC Main function: gather user input and construct command line To be implemented: Visualization

10 GUI/Model Communication The model is started in the Java code with a simple exec call of the C++ program. Communication from this point occurs through the standard error and standard output streams.

11 GUI/Model Communication At this point, the model arbitrarily uses either stream to display the progress of the model, and output significant events.

12 Demo

13 Where to go from here? Despite our hard work, there are still problems to solve: General Clean-up Converting v5 to an OO structure Output visualization Implementing the climate as a DLL

14 Questions?

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