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Welcome Astronomy 311 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 1.

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1 Welcome Astronomy 311 Professor Lee Carkner Lecture 1

2 Questions to Consider  Am I in the right place?  Astronomy 311: The Solar System  Do I have the right stuff?  “The Solar System” by Michael Seeds  Star and Planet Locator  Calculator

3 Things to Know  Professor  Dr. Lee Carkner  Office Hours  M, W, F 1-2 pm  Science 208  Places  We will normally meet in Science 102  Some classes we will meet in the planetarium (like next Monday)  We will have evening observing sessions in the observatory

4 How Does the Class Work?  Read the book material before class  Come to class  Do the in-class activities  Go out and make the assigned observations and turn them in by the due date  Come to the observing sessions when announced  Three quizzes and a final

5 Web Page  html  Outline gives readings and lecture topics  Lectures posted online before class  Download and print out before class  Fill in blank areas during class  Outline will be updated and modified as the class goes on  Web page will also list observing sessions

6 Grading  Three Quizzes -- 45% (15% each)  Observing -- 15%  In Class Activities -- 15%  Final -- 25%

7 Guidelines for Work Handed In  Written answers must be in complete sentences  Numbers must have units  Answers must reasonable  If not reasonable, explain why  All work must be neat and easily readable  Explain all work!

8 Survey  Please fill out the front page with information about your background  Answer the questions as best you can on the back page  Survey is optional  But please put your name on it for attendance  Information will be used to help improve the course

9 Why is Astronomy Unique?  How is astronomy different from all other sciences?  Astronomy is mostly observational  Observing and Planetary Science  Dawn of Time to 1600 AD  Naked Eye  1600 – 1959  Telescope  1959 – 2001  Spacecraft probes  Even spacecraft send back mostly images, i.e. just a fancier observation

10 Why Are Observations Important?  Science is an attempt to understand the universe  Problems:  The Universe is not simple  Humans tend to delude themselves  Our entire technological society is based upon careful and repeated observations  You don’t really know anything about the Universe you live in unless you observe it carefully

11 Observing  How does the Observing Project work?  Make several copies of the blank observing forms  Go outside on a clear night and sketch and label the required constellations  Answer the questions on a separate sheet  Come to the observing sessions and sketch the objects through the telescope  This class requires you to do work at night both on your own and in groups at the times announced in class!!

12 How to Observe  Face a cardinal point (N, S, E, W)  The semi-circle represents the half of the celestial dome in front of you  Draw each star as a dot  Size proportional to brightness  Draw to scale  Label and include comments!  For telescope views, draw what is in the eyepiece

13 Observing Tips  Take advantage of clear nights  Use resources to help find things  Star and Planet Locator  Sky maps in back of book  “The Sky” software  Make many copies of observing form and do a first “practice” sketch  Draw only what you can see  Do not cheat!

14 Next Time  Read Chapter 4  Question of the Day:  How have our ideas about the universe changed and why?  Observe if clear!

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