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Johns Hopkins Motor “Pneu Step” The Surgical hand of the future.

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1 Johns Hopkins Motor “Pneu Step” The Surgical hand of the future

2 Pneu Step  Developed by the Engineers at the Johns Hopkins Urology Robotics Lab located between Maryland and Washington D.C  It is no wonder that this invention was derived from this particular lab. Over 100 medical devices have been produced here.

3 Pneu Step  This invention dubbed “Pneu Step” is a new motor that is going to be the new hand in biopsies, therapies, and MRIs.  It is made entirely out of plastics, ceramics and rubber, and driven by light and air.

4 Pros of Pneu Step  Biopsies have been performed blind up to this point with our present day imaging tools. Now this motor and robot can target tumors.  Since the motor is made without metal or electricity, this should increase accuracy in locating and collecting tissue samples, reduce diagnostic errors and also improve therapy.  The motor that drives the devices can be so precisely controlled by computer that movements are steadier and more precise than a human hand.

5 Pneu Step  No other motor satisfies the combined MRI compatibility, medical safety, and reliability required for precision MRI instrumentation  Encoding was performed with fiber optics so that the motors are electricity free, exclusively using pressure and light

6 How Precise?  This robot moves slowly but very precisely.  In fact, experiments show that the needle always comes within a millimeter of the target now with this new motor.

7 How It Works  The gears are turned by air flow, which is in turn controlled by a computer located in a room adjacent to the MRI machine.  The robot goes alongside the patient in the MRI scanner and is controlled remotely by observing the images on the MR.  The motor is rigged with fiber optics, which feed information back to the computer in real time, allowing for both guidance and readjustment.

8 Problems  The strong magnetic interference was a huge issue before. This caused the distortion of MR images and big diagnostic errors.  Also was the issue of accuracy which has vastly improved since doctors are not guessing when going in blind and are now equipped with better images.

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