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A Database Visualization Tool for ATLAS Monitoring Objects A Database Visualization Tool for ATLAS Monitoring Objects J. Batista, A. Amorim, M. Brandão,

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Presentation on theme: "A Database Visualization Tool for ATLAS Monitoring Objects A Database Visualization Tool for ATLAS Monitoring Objects J. Batista, A. Amorim, M. Brandão,"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Database Visualization Tool for ATLAS Monitoring Objects A Database Visualization Tool for ATLAS Monitoring Objects J. Batista, A. Amorim, M. Brandão, R. Neves, P. Pereira, J. Simões (Faculty of Sciences of University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal) (Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Oporto, Portugal) P. F. Zema (CERN/ATLAS, Geneva 23, Switzerland) S. Kolos (University of California (UCI), Irvine) 15 th IEEE NPSS Real Time Conference 2007 (RT07) – Fermilab, Batavia IL, 60510 – Apr 29 - May 5, 2007 – A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS (ATLAS/CERN) KTIDBExplorer is a C++, Qt-based browser for the navigation of databases and the display of its contents. KTIDBExplorer's database connectivity (MySQL, LCG/COOL, Oracle, PostgreSQL) and special object handling (ROOT, OKS, etc.) is fully handled by the TIDB2 API through its plug-in set. KTIDBExplorer can also display the Interval of Validity (IOV) of temporal objects stored in a TIDB2-managed database. The display of extended objects becomes possible with the ad-hoc KTIDBExplorer visualization plug-in set. For example, the display of ROOT histograms (previously stored in a TIDB2-managed database as BLOBs) is possible by using ROOT's C++ API classes, which include extended classes which support Qt bindings since ROOT 5. The KTIDBExplorer GUI's portability to other platforms is ensured by its components' individual portabilities (Qt, TIDB2). KTIDBExplorer, a database browser The Temporal Instrumental Database (TIDB2) is a extensible, lightweight C++ API for time-based instrumental databases with support for persistence of science objects. TIDB uses an extensible plug-ins set for database connectivity (MySQL, COOL/LCG, Oracle, PostgreSQL) and for special objects handling (ROOT, OKS, etc.). It is under intensive development at the University of Lisbon, is part of the TDAQ online software in the Configuration Management Tool (CMT) system and is in use by a number of software projects developed for the TDAQ. The TIDB2 Temporal Instrumental Database TIDB C++ classes Main TIDB classes TIDB external datatype classes TIDB database connection classes KTIDBExplorer browser KTIDBExplorer's Graphical User Interface (GUI). On the left pane, the list of server, database and table connections is shown, for MySQL and PostgreSQL engines. On the main pane (right), two opened tables are shown, next to two Interval of Validity plots depicting the time validity of each object (in table rows). The popup window shows the Qt dialog with details for establishing a new database connection. Top: KTIDBExplorer, compiled and running in Microsoft Windows Server 2003 ROOT histogram stored in a TIDB2-managed database. The KTIDBExplorer plug-in inherits from ROOT. The popup menu is from ROOT API A TIDB2 table with its Interval of Validity diagram. The diagram is drawn using Qt primitives Top: The majority of the TIDB2/KTIDBExplorer development was done using Open Source Software. Development for Oracle was conducted for the creation of the COOL/LCG database connection plugin Left: a list of server connections and available tables. The connections are possible through TIDB2's plug-ins The ATLAS experiment at CERN will start operating in late 2007. With its 140 million electronic channels and O(100MB/s) event rate, a Monitoring framework is essential to assess both hardware status and data quality. The Monitoring Working Group (MWG) is part of the Trigger and Data Acquisition (TDAQ) project of ATLAS. Its Monitoring Data Archive (MDA) project is one of the MWG objects persistency solutions, and has to handle an estimated O(10GB/run) monitoring data. The Online Objects Extended Database Browser (NODE) will be MDA's visualization tool, and its GUI will use KTIDBExplorer. ATLAS T/DAQ Monitoring Data Archive Online Monitoring framework CoCaMDA Histogr. repository MDA MDA database (COOL) CoCa server CoCa database (CORAL) MDA browser client CDR GRID registration job GRID DDM CASTOR server side client side LVL2 / / HLT ATLAS detectors Read-Out electronics front-end pipeline memories LVL2 farms LVL1 event filter farms mass storage ATLAS TDAQ layout NODE use cases diagram and GUI snapshot

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