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CT 310 Organizational Communication Dimensions of Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "CT 310 Organizational Communication Dimensions of Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 CT 310 Organizational Communication Dimensions of Structure

2 Structure describes: work roles communication relationships

3 ‘decision’ is derived from the latin word decidere, which means to cut off.

4 Structure varies by: goals technology environment size key individuals

5 the alternative to structure is chaos.

6 Structure describes: work roles communication relationships

7 ‘decision’ is derived from the latin word decidere, which means to cut off.

8 Structure varies by: goals technology environment size key individuals

9 the alternative to structure is chaos.

10 There are a number of formal structures possible: matrix Aircraft Company R&D Assembl Market civilian military commer

11 work teams A B C DE

12 spider plant

13 hierarchy

14 Dimensions of hierarchy: horizontal complexity = specialization

15 This is more horizontally complex.

16 Vertical complexity = number of levels Flat

17 tall

18 centrality = degree to which decisons are made at the top of the structure. centralized = at the top decentralized = workers empowered

19 Span of control narrow

20 wide narrow vs. wide??

21 formalization = how well follow chart? formal = follow to the letter. informal = not so stringent

22 we have an ideological commitment to the intransitory - Pilotta

23 Emergent communication networks = result of formal and informal communication among those who work together. It is who you are linked to...

24 So, to be more effective at work: you need to develop key relationships in your organization which will allow you greater control over your own participation.

25 Human Resources Fiscal V.C. Barb Ed. Cont. Ed.

26 Liaison = connects groups, but doesn’t belong boundary spanners (bridges) = represent group to the outside Isolates = out of luck

27 Why would this university form strategic alliances? Give an illustration The advent of EMOs.

28 Networked Society: I keep a list of scholars across the country with whom I communicate on a regular basis via the internet.

29 I belong to CRTNET, which sends me 8-10 messages daily relevant to my work. Check it out at: CRTNET@NATCOM.ORG Find your own networks.

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