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Session C8 Coronal Data Products AIA/HMI Science Team Meeting 16 February 2006 Marc DeRosa.

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Presentation on theme: "Session C8 Coronal Data Products AIA/HMI Science Team Meeting 16 February 2006 Marc DeRosa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Session C8 Coronal Data Products AIA/HMI Science Team Meeting 16 February 2006 Marc DeRosa

2 Goals of this Session In the coronal topical sessions this week, the data products needed to accomplish the AIA science objectives were identified. The numerical algorithms associated with each data product are in various stages of development. Here, we will assess each algorithm based on its stage in the development process, and identify working groups that will implement and integrate these codes into the JSOC.

3 Three Categories Algorithms which essentially are ready for the JSOC today. Algorithms which are expected to be ready for the JSOC at launch, but are not ready today. Algorithms for which it is unclear whether they will be incorporated into the JSOC, either because these algorithms are still in the nascent stages of development, or because the computational demands are expected to be too high.

4 AIA Science Objectives 1) Coronal energy inputs, storage, and release (Metcalf/Schrijver) 2) Coronal heating and irradiance (Warren/Martens) 3) Coronal transients (Golub/Nitta) 4) Connections to geospace (Fuselier/Mikic) 5) Coronal seismology (De Pontieu/DeLuca)

5 Coronal Data Products Feature/Event Recognition: sunspots, ARs, filaments, coronal dimming, loop tracings flux emergence, flares, filament eruptions, loop oscillations Summary movies Irradiance, Thermal Maps, DEMs Magnetic field models: synoptic, potential, LFF, NLFF, MHD Visualization tools

6 Automated Feature Recognition Sunspots Active regions Filaments Coronal dimmings Bright points Loop recognition (anything else?)

7 Automated Event Recognition Flux emergence Flare Filament eruptions CMEs Oscillatory power (via wavelet analysis) (anything else?)

8 Summary Movies Low resolution of full disk Full resolution cutouts of ROI Three-color maps Difference maps (anything else?)

9 Emission-Related Irradiance curves Forward models of coronal emission DEM inversions (anything else?)

10 Magnetic Fields Synoptic maps Global PFSS Linear force-free Non-linear force-free MHD-based Coronal hole maps from observations Coronal hole maps from models Topology skeletons Background wind (anything else?)

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