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Grandparents and Grandchildren Gero 408 Jan 2011.

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1 Grandparents and Grandchildren Gero 408 Jan 2011

2 Grandparents 80% of older people are grandparents, however, lower fertility means more grandparents for fewer grandchildren. Boomers will have fewer grandchildren and 1/5 will have no grandchildren. 6% of children in 1900 had four G/P by the age of 10, by 2000 41% of 10 year olds had four biological G/P’s. By age 30 ¾ still had one G/P(grandmothers in particular) Regular contact with GP’s is the norm-80% see adult GC in the past month. 44% once per week. Telephone contact is common and proximity is a critical variable. Baby Boomer GD are more likely to be in contact with GM and maternal GP’s have more contact than paternal.

3 GP’s The order of contact is as follows: Last married GP’s, widowed, remarried, divorced. GM’s have more contact than GF’s no matter what the status. Virtually all interaction however is dependent on parents until late adolescence and adulthood. GP’s may play the role of mediator between children and GC. Five kinds of ties: Influential-GP’s involved and emotionally close to GC who often live close by. There may be one targeted GC. Supportive-exercise no authority or discipline and have less contact. Authority Oriented-involved with targeted GC, but are most authoritarian and often the youngest GP’s

4 GP’s Passive/Detached-not involved with GC but believe they have close ties. GM’s-closeness, warmth, fun, while GF’s-advisor, teacher, mentor. GM’s may have greater impact on value formation due to mutual understanding and communication. See pages 194-196 Caring for GC’s. With high divorce rate and single parenthood and labor force participation there has been a change to intensive support in many cases. 1/5 preschoolers have GP child care. This increases with co-residency and multi- generational households. 4% of GP’s live with GC

5 GP’s 50% of caring GP’s have looked after GC for three or more years. 1/5 for 10 or more years. Time in this role increases with age. Read pages 198-200. GP’s can become parent figures in cases of drug abuse, divorce, mental illness or legal problems. Often physical health crisis will trigger this role. The health status of the GP is therefore a critical variable in extending the GP role into GC adulthood. Consequences of Caring-Energy and physical limitations, competing challenges such as caring for a spouse or no spouse, time and economic factors and geographic situations. What are the reciprocity factors? Page 202

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