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Group 13 Heavy Lift Cargo Plane Stephen McNulty Richard-Marc Hernandez Jessica Pisano Yoosuk Kee Chi Yan Project Advisor: Siva Thangam.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 13 Heavy Lift Cargo Plane Stephen McNulty Richard-Marc Hernandez Jessica Pisano Yoosuk Kee Chi Yan Project Advisor: Siva Thangam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 13 Heavy Lift Cargo Plane Stephen McNulty Richard-Marc Hernandez Jessica Pisano Yoosuk Kee Chi Yan Project Advisor: Siva Thangam

2 Overview  Objectives  Schedule  Progress  Design Concepts and Analysis –Wing –Fuselage –Tail –Landing Gear  Goals

3 Objectives  Competition Specs are finally posted for the 2004 competition  The plane meets the specifications of the 2004 SAE Aero Design West competition  Construct the plane to design specifications  Test the plane and make optimizations  To compete well at competition and improve Stevens reputation  For the team to improve and expand their knowledge of the design and construction of airplanes

4 Schedule

5 Rules Comparison Design Specifications: This Year (2004) Previous Year (2003) Wing Span Minimum 10 ft Maximum 6 ft Wing Chord No restriction Maximum 1 ft Planform Area No restriction Maximum 1200in 2 Cargo Volume Minimum 120 in 3 Minimum 300 in 3 Maximum Takeoff Distance 200 ft Maximum Landing Distance 400 ft Engine.61 FX-OS.61 FX-OS or K&B.61 R/C ABC Battery Minimum 500 mAh

6 Approach  Limited wing planform area  Limited lift force produced  Optimize: –Fuselage design –Materials used  Goal: –Minimum drag –Minimum weight  Unlimited wing planform area  Limited thrust force produced  Optimize: –Wing span –Fuselage design –Materials used  Goal: –Minimum weight 20032004

7 Design Achievements  Breaking down the plane into smaller components  Brainstorming different ideas for designs  Team divided into smaller groups  Areas studied in smaller group: –Selection of airfoil –Selection of wing shape –Tail stabilizer (both horizontal and vertical) –Landing gear analysis –Fuselage design  Detailed design of aircraft finalized

8 Calculation Achievements  Calculation of every component completed  Equations and resources from: – textbooks –online researching –white paper (Provided by SAE)  Calculations done with Excel Spreadsheet –Easy to link one value to another –Graphs were easy to compare which design is more efficient –Change around numbers  compare which aircraft design performs best upon constructing and testing  Results used in selection of airfoil, wing shape, and tail stabilizer  Calculations of Landing and Take-off

9 Sample Equations Landing Run Distance  Differential Equation of Motion  Landing ground runway  Coefficients A and B  Stall Velocity

10 Sample Excel Caculations Horizontal tail: Vertical Tail: Re (NACA 0012) 175975.6 246365.9 chord (MAC) 7in 9.8in Swet0in^2Swet189in^2 Wing Span 40in Tail height 24in Sref280in^2Sref235.2in Clmax0 Clmax Cf (laminar) 0.003166 0.002675 t/c0.12 t/c0.12 x/c0.287 x/c0.287 FF1.271607 FF1.271607 Cdmin (laminar) 0 0.0027339

11 CAD model Achievements  Team finished Computer Aided Design on the aircraft with SolidWorks  Animations were created  Blueprint of the aircraft ready to be printed

12 Riser: Selig 1223 Balsa Wood Riser construction Dihedral Tail: NACA 0009 Balsa Wood Riser construction Plane Design

13 Wing Construction  Balsa Wood Risers  Bass Wood Spars  Dowel Leading Edge  Balsa Wood Trailing Edge  Horner Plate

14 Fuselage Fuselage cover Fuselage base Payload Battery/ Receiver /Fuel tank Engine: O.S..61FX Prop/ Nose Fuselage: Wooden panels Cargo bay (payload) Compartments Easily accessible

15 Tail Boom Tail Boom: Carbon fiber tube Attached to fuselage 12 degree incline

16 Landing gear: Aluminum Connecting Rod ¾ in Tires Plane Design

17 Final Design

18 Materials Budget MaterialSizeQuantity Item # Cost Balsa Sheets (16) 1/16x4x363TOWR1315$11.99 Square Stick 3/8"x3/8"x36"4WOO408$1.55 Wooden Dowel 1/4x36"4WOO363$0.75 Trailing edge (8) 3/8"x3/8"x36"2TOWR1655$2.59 Plywood1/16x12x24" 8WOO392$9.90 Composite 4.5 ft 1*$80.00 Foam Core -1*$80.00 Aluminum Plate -1*$20.00 Tires 3/4in3*$4.29 Connecting Rods 48in1LXD863$3.79 Engine O.S. 61 1*$150.00 Props 11x71*$2.49 Servo -5*$21.00 Fuel Tank 22oz1*$3.49 Battery 600mAh1*$20.00 Radio Receiver 6 channel 1*$80.00 Controller 1*$99.00 Total $786.19 Semester Total $133.34 Items denoted with * for item number are already in stock

19 Equipment Budget Equipment Quanti ty Item Cost Hobby Knife 3$3.19 #11 Blades (100) 1$12.99 ProCA+ Clue 4oz. Med. 3$18.39 Mono Cote Maroon 2$7.49 Mono Cote Aluminum 2$7.49 Misc.$50.00 Tot al $157.6 9

20 Goals  This Semester –Complete construction early –Test plane design –Modify to optimize  Compete in June

21 Summary  Objectives  Schedule  Last Semester’s Achievements  Design –Risers –Wing –Fuselage –Tail –Landing Gear  Goals

22 Thank You

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