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AHDS History Zoe Bliss Acquisitions and Information Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "AHDS History Zoe Bliss Acquisitions and Information Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 AHDS History Zoe Bliss Acquisitions and Information Officer

2 Who we are  Founded in 1993  Formerly known as the History Data Service  One of the five centres of the Arts and Humanities Data Services Which is funded by the JISC and AHRB  Team of historians and IT specialists  Based in the UK Data Archive, University of Essex

3 What we do AHDS History collects, preserves, and promotes the use of digital resources, which result from or support historical research, learning and teaching.

4 What we actually do  Provide advice and training about creating, describing, using and preserving historical digital resources  Collect and preserve historical digital resources  Provide access to a wide-ranging collection of historical digital resources  Establish thematic special collections, and enrich and enhance selected data collections  Promote standards and best practice in the creation, description, use and preservation of historical digital resources

5 Advice Full advice service to creators of historical digital historical material  Managing a digitisation project  Data development  Documenting a digital resource  Digitisation methodologies  Standards  Sustainability and Preservation Telephone:01206 872326

6 Publications Guides to Good Practice  Digitising history: a guide to creating electronic resources from historical documents  A Place in History: A Guide to Using GIS in Historical Research Information Papers Case Studies

7 AHDS Collection Over 600 separate data collections transcribed, scanned or compiled from historical sources.

8 Temporal coverage The studies cover a wide range of historical topics, from the fifth century to the mid-twentieth century.  Religion, Dynasty and Patronage in Rome, 440-840  Credit, Class and Community: Working Class Belfast, 1930-2000  Trans-National Database and Atlas of Saints' Cults, c.700-2000

9 Geographic coverage  European State Finance Database  Social History of Alcohol in East Africa, 1850-1998  Prohibition Movement in the United States, 1801-1920  Demography of Sri Lanka, 1900- 1954 Primary focus of the collection is on the United Kingdom, it also includes a significant body of cross-national and international data collections.

10 Strengths  19th and 20th century economic and social history  Census data (1881 100% sample; 1851 2% sample; local census returns)  Great Britain Historical Database online  Taxation materials  Welsh and Irish historical statistics  Electoral data  Criminal court records (e.g. a collection of datasets on violent crimes 1600-1900)  Agricultural statistics  State finance data  Economic indicators/industrial production data

11 Further information

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