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'The Role of Incubation’ in the Regeneration of Regional Economies of the 21e Century' Role model: BViT Cluster Incubator formula Ing. BSc. P.M. (Pim)

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Presentation on theme: "'The Role of Incubation’ in the Regeneration of Regional Economies of the 21e Century' Role model: BViT Cluster Incubator formula Ing. BSc. P.M. (Pim)"— Presentation transcript:

1 'The Role of Incubation’ in the Regeneration of Regional Economies of the 21e Century' Role model: BViT Cluster Incubator formula Ing. BSc. P.M. (Pim) de Bokx General Manager BViT innovation network

2 Presentation summary 1.Introduction 2.Organisation & Purpose 3.Definition of incubator & incubation 4.3 generations of incubators 5.Clusterincubator & incubation 6.Clusterincubator & innovation 7.Cluster incubation process 8.Value creation in Cluster 9.Development Involvement

3 Introduction –Entrepreneur since my 20 th (officially) –Several companies and organisations founded –Education in Landscape architecture and Business Science –Started BViT innovation network in 2000 with 2 partners and 1 VC –Workgroup member Incubator Forum –Chairman DIA (Dutch Incubator/-ion Association) –Etc.

4 Were?

5 Organisation & Purpose 1.Support innovative & creative ICT-entrepreneurs 2.Develop new enterprises and entrepreneurial economy 3.Help develop support structures & professional services

6 Definition of incubator & incubation An incubator is an organisation that boosts a (incubation-)process to support the accelerated growth of ventures into successful enterprises with an integrated service model, such as physical space, common services, culture, coaching, networking connections and (access to) capital.

7 3 generations of incubators 1.First Generation: flexible workspace and common services 2.Second Generation: FG+ Enterprise incubation service 3.Third Generation: SG+ Technology- Market focus & commitment, university involvement 4.Future Generation: Close involvement from investors and industry?

8 Clusterincubator & incubation Our future network of Cluster Incubators networked on levels of environment, management and incubatee.

9 Clusterincubator & innovation Attract and develop cluster of complementary businesses Market Thematic Clusterincubator Knowledge Source exploita tion applicat ion knowledge pmc

10 Cluster incubation process intake Pre-start exit Training entrepreneurship Coaching by entrepreneurs Experts on Product, Market & Finance Acces to innovation network Temporary work place Product exit Clustering Coaching by entrepreneurs Experts on Product, Market & Finance Full-service work place in Kraamkamer Management support Finance Marketin g exit Clustering Coaching by entrepreneurs Experts on Product, Market & Finance Full/ half service office units Management support Personnell Clients Growth exit Co-operate in network Coaching to starters Experts for Market & Organisation, Finance Personeel Innovation experts Merger & Growth The intake is focussed on finding the best possible match between entrepreneurs demand and our focus and resources

11 Value creation in Cluster 1.Personal development 2.Product development 3.Start-up development 4.Cluster development 5.Enterprise development

12 Performance over 7 years Jobs created108Survival95 % Investment attracted3,7 mioSold @ exit4 % Total Turnover Incubatees12,9 mioPrivate invest incubator€ 240.000 Average Length of stay23 monthsPublic invest in incubator€ 256.000

13 Development Involvement Clusterincubation & innovation: –I-care Leidenregion (with CeTIM a.o.) –Creativity Cluster & incubator Rotterdam –Innovation Factory ‘Caballerofabriek’ The Hague Start-up Steered Education® –Enterprising IN HOLLAND (Equal) –EnterpriZe Zoetermeer (Hague University) Training –Start-up simulation in education (Equal) –TIM+ | pan-European Training of Incubator Managers + online support (Gate2Growth)

14 Development Involvement Consulting & Resulting –Entrepreneurs Academy –CaballeroFactory ‘Creative & Entrepreneurial HotSpot’ (13.000 m2) –Community Service Provider The Hague (ANSWER+ City The Hague) –Space2business programme (spin-off & incubation) –Acces2finance South-Holland –‘Discover Enterprising Leiden’ –‘Holland Entrepreneurship Foundation’, Centre for Entrepreneurship The Hague/Leiden. Research & Development –History of Incubation: business models in generations –Practice in systematic Incubation Management (DIA)

15 Thank You Ing. BSc. P.M. (Pim) de Bokx +31(0)654 247 268 +31(0)88 66 42 777 Partner- & Memberships: Incubator Forum, DIA (Dutch Incubator/-ion Association), GNBI (Global Network of Business Incubation) KNIO (Knowledge Network Innovative Entrepreneurship) Kennisalliantie (Knowledge Alliance) TechnoPartner National Platform of Entrepreneurship Education

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