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1 BA 275 Quantitative Business Methods Quiz #7 Analyzing Survey Data Hypothesis Testing for Proportion(s) Chi-square Test of Independence Contingency Tables.

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1 1 BA 275 Quantitative Business Methods Quiz #7 Analyzing Survey Data Hypothesis Testing for Proportion(s) Chi-square Test of Independence Contingency Tables Agenda

2 2 Final Examination Tuesday, 3/20/2007 from 4:00 – 5:50 p.m. Room: GLFN Auditorium Check the seating chart when you arrive. You must sit in the assigned seat to receive your own exam booklet. Topics: Comprehensive Regression analysis accounts for 50%. Need a calculator that works and a good night sleep. The normal, t and  2 tables (Tables A, D, and F) will be provided. A 4” x 6” index card is allowed. Additional office hours during the finals week Monday, 3/19/2007, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, 3/20/2007, 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, 3/20/2007, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m.

3 3 Analyzing Categorical Data Do you own an iPod? ___Yes ___No Do you own a XBoX? ___Yes ___No Which of the following 4 soft drinks gives you the highest satisfaction? Type A ___ Type B ___ Type C ___ Type D ___ Your gender: ____Male ____ Female Your nationality: _____

4 4 Central Limit Theorem In the case of sample mean In the case of sample proportion

5 5 Example 1 Three politicians are attempting to win the Democratic nomination for senator. The result of a survey of 1000 Democrats is summarized below. Do we have enough evidence to indicate that Candidate A will receive more than 50% of the vote? Assume  = 5%. (use the rejection region and the p- value approaches.) Estimate with 95% confidence the true proportion? Candidate A550 Candidate B300 Candidate C150

6 6 Example 2 In recent years over 70% of first-year college students responding to a national survey have identified “being well-off financially” as an important personal goal. A state university finds that 153 of a random sample of 200 of its first-year students say that this goal is important. Do we have evidence to support that more than 70% of first-year students would identify being well-off as an important personal goal? (use the rejection region and the p-value approaches.) Assume  = 5%.

7 7 Example 3 A financial analyst wanted to determine the mean annual return on mutual funds. In a random sample of 15 returns she found a sample mean of 12.9% with a (sample) standard deviation 3%. Is there evidence to claim that the mean annual return on mutual funds is greater than 12%? Assume  = 5%.

8 8 Two-Sample Inference on p 1 – p 2 Population #1Population #2 Sample #2Sample #1

9 9 Example 4 Five months ago, a poll showed that 579 out of 908 voters in a sample supported the WaterFront project. This month, 360 out of 812 voters in a sample support the project. Is the project losing support? Assume  = 5%.

10 10 Contingency Table

11 11 Answer Key to Examples 1 – 3 Example 1. See Example 3 in the 3-7-07 slides (p.19) Example 2. See Example 4 in the 3-7-07 slides (p.20) Example 3. See Example 5 in the 3-7-07 slides (p.20)

12 12 Answer Key to Example 4 p 1 : % of support 5 months ago and p 2 : % of support now H 0 : p 1 = p 2 vs. H a : p 1 > p 2 Textbook Approach (using the pooled estimate): Reject H 0 if z > 1.645 In-Class Approach: Reject H 0 if z > 1.645

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