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Readings: Winter Chapter 7
Ternary Systems Readings: Winter Chapter 7
C = 3: Ternary Systems: Example 1: Ternary Eutectic Di - An - Fo
Anorthite Note three binary eutectics No solid solution Ternary eutectic = M As add components, becomes increasingly difficult to dipict. 1-C: P - T diagrams easy 2-C: isobaric T-X, isothermal P-X… 3-C: ?? Still need T or P variable Project? Hard to use as shown M T Forsterite Diopside
T - X Projection of Di - An - Fo
Isobaric diagram illustrating the liquidus temperatures in the Di-An-Fo system at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). After Bowen (1915), A. J. Sci., and Morse (1994), Basalts and Phase Diagrams. Krieger Publishers. X-X diagram with T contours (P constant) Liquidus surface works like topographic map Red lines are ternary cotectic troughs Run from binary eutectics down T to ternary eutectic M Separate fields labeled for liquidus phase in that field
Crystallization Relationships
Cool composition a from 2000oC At 2000oC: phi = ? (1 (liquid) F = ? F = C - f = = 3 = T, X(An)Liq, X(Di)Liq, and X(Fo)Liq only 2 of 3 X’s are independent Next cool to 1700oC Intersect liquidus surface What happens??
Pure Fo forms Just as in binary f = ? F = ? a Liquid An An + Liq
Di + Liq Di + An a An Pure Fo forms Just as in binary f = ? F = ?
f = 2 (Fo + Liq) F = = 2 If on liquidus, need to specify only 2 intensive variables to determine the system T and or and X of pure Fo is fixed X An liq X An liq X Fo liq
Continue to cool; Fo crystallizes and liquid loses Fo component
Xliq moves directly away from Fo corner “Liquid line of descent” is a -> b Along this line liquid cools from 1700oC to about 1350oC with a continuous reaction: LiqA -> LiqB + Fo
Lever principle ® relative proportions of liquid & Fo At 1500oC
Liq x + Fo = bulk a x/Fo = a-Fo/x-a At any point can use the lever principle to determine the relative proportions of liquid and Fo
Pure diopside joins olivine + liquid
What happens next at 1350oC ? Pure diopside joins olivine + liquid phi = 3 F = = 1 (univariant at constant P) Xliq = F(T) only Liquid line of descent follows cotectic -> M
New continuous reaction as liquid follows cotectic: Bulk solid extract
LiqA ® LiqB + Fo + Di Bulk solid extract Di/Fo in bulk solid extract using lever principle 1400 1300 1500 1274 1270 1392 Diopside Di + Liq M b c Fo + Liq 1387 Bulk solid extract crystallizing from the liquid at any point (T): draw tangent back to the Di-Fo join At 1350oC that is point c Use c and the lever principle to get the Di-Fo ratio crystallizing at that instant (not the total solid mass crystallized)
Liq/total solids = a-m/Liq-a total Di/Fo = m-Fo/Di-m
At 1300oC liquid = X Imagine triangular plane X - Di - Fo balanced on bulk a Liq x a Di m Fo Liq/total solids = a-m/Liq-a total Di/Fo = m-Fo/Di-m Total amounts of three phases at any T can be determined by a modified lever principle:
At 1270oC reach M the ternary eutectic
anorthite joins liquid + forsterite + diopside phi = 4 F = = 0 (invariant) discontinuous reaction: Liq = Di + An + Fo stay at 1270oC until consume liq Below 1270oC have all solid Fo + Di + An phi = 3 F = = 1
Similar process with bulk X in any other field
Cool d to 1400oC and anorthite forms first Xliq -> directly away from An and reaches cotectic at point e at 1290oC when forsterite joins An + Liq Now univariant and Xliq follows the cotectic where Di forms at 1270oC and the last liquid is consumed Can get any sequence of Di-An-Fo depending on bulk X Eutectic is always the last liquid and first melt Equilibrium Melting: the opposite of equilibrium crystallization Fractional crystallization (remove crystals): Same liquid line of descent (since no solid solution) only difference is final rock = M not a
Partial Melting (remove melt):
Try bulk = a First melt at M (1270oC) Stay at M until consume one phase (An) Why An? Only Di and Fo left Jump to Di-Fo binary No further melt until N at 1387oC Stay at N until consume one phase (Di) Only Fo left No further melt until 1890oC
Ternary Peritectic Systems: Fo - An - SiO2 (at 0.1 MPa)
3 binary systems: Fo-An eutectic An-SiO2 eutectic Fo-SiO2 peritectic Isobaric diagram illustrating the cotectic and peritectic curves in the system forsterite-anorthite-silica at 0.1 MPa. After Anderson (1915) A. J. Sci., and Irvine (1975) CIW Yearb. 74. Shown without liquidus contours to reduce clutter Binary peritectic behavior extends into the ternary system c = ternary peritectic d = ternary eutectic Liquid immiscibility extends slightly into ternary, then becomes miscible Final mineral assemblage determined by sub-triangle (Fo-En-An) or (En-An-Qtz)
Begin with composition a
Fo crystallizes first phi = 2 F = = 2 Xliq -> b as cool En now forms and F = 1 Xliq then follows peritectic curve toward c
Fo En Forsterite + Liq Enstatite + Liq a b y x As Xliq follows peritectic can get bulk solid extract at any T by tangent method example at point x the tangent -> y as bulk solid We know Fo, En, and Liq are the three phases since y = solids, it must be comprised of Fo and En but y falls outside the Fo-En join y = En + (-Fo) the reaction must be: Liq + Fo -> En which is a peritectic continuous reaction If y fell between En and Fo it would be L = En + Fo 1890
Continue cooling with continuous reaction until Xliq reaches c at 1270oC
Now get An + En + Fo + Liq phi = 4 F = = 0 stay here with discontinuous reaction: Liq + Fo = En + An until Liquid used up Since a plots in the Fo - En - An triangle these must be the final phases
i k Works the same way as the Fo - En - SiO2 binary
1557 If the bulk X is between Fo and En the liquid disappears first at the peritectic temperature and Fo + En remain as the final solids If, on the other hand, the bulk X lies to the right of En, then Fo is consumed first and the liduid continues to evolve toward the eutectic
As a variation on this sequence: begin with e
Fo is first phase to crystallize. As it does so, Xliq -> b where En also forms As before get continuous reaction Liq + Fo = En But, when Xliq reaches f the Xbulk (e) lies directly between En and Xliq
Fo En Forsterite + Liq Enstatite + Liq e b f Whenever Xbulk lies directly between two phases, these two phases alone add to comprise the system: En + f = e Thus En and liquid are all it takes, so the olivine must be consumed by the reaction at this point phi = 2 and F = = 2 Xliq then leaves the peritectic curve -> En + Liq field (directly away from En)
Xliq -> g where An joins En + Liq
As before get continuous reaction Liq = An + En Xliq -> d where Tridymite also forms Again stay at d with discontinuous reaction: Liq = An + En + S until last liq gone Since e lies in the triangle En - An - SiO2, that is the final mineral assemblage
Other areas are relatively simple Liq h
Fo first and Xliq ® i An joins and Xliq ® c F = 0 and stay at c until liquid consumed never leave c You pick others?
Fractional crystallization
Only real difference on liq path is in the Fo field Since lose Fo, it can’t react with the liquid to -> En So cross peritectic curve at b where En begins to crystallize and head straight -> e Here An forms and follow cotectic -> d Tridymite forms Final rock = d
Isobaric diagram illustrating the liquidus temperatures in the system diopside-anorthite-albite at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). After Morse (1994), Basalts and Phase Diagrams. Krieger Publushers Oblique View Cotectic trough slopes down continuously from Di - An (1274oC) to Di - Ab (1133oC) Di - An Eutectic Di - Ab Eutectic Ab - An solid solution
Isobaric polythermal projection
Isobaric diagram illustrating the liquidus temperatures in the system diopside-anorthite-albite at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa). After Morse (1994), Basalts and Phase Diagrams. Krieger Publishers. Isobaric polythermal projection Isothermal contours on the liquidus only. None on the solidus (so Xplag indefinite). Cotectic in red. Some tie-lines connecting plagioclase compositions with cotectic liquids shown in green Let’s begin by cooling composition a
Above 1300oC phi = 1 so F = C - phi + 1 = 3 - 1 + 1 = 3
At 1300oC diopside forms at the liquidus temperature F = = 2 (liquid is restricted to the liquidus surface) As cool further get continuous reaction liqA -> Di + liqB and Xliq moves directly away from Di
At 1230oC plagioclase joins diopside and liquid b
F = = 1 So Xliq now restricted to the cotectic curve Xplag can now be found from tie-lines (since they apply to cotectic liquids) Xplag = An80
Xliq follows cotectic as continuous reaction:
liqA -> Di + Plag + liqB proceeds At any point the bulk composition a must be within the triangle Di - Plag - Liq which comprise it When Xliq reaches c Xplag reaches An50 Now Di-a-Plag are colinear Thus c is the last drop of liquid
Now we cool a liquid of composition d
First solid to form will be plagioclase BUT, we cannot tell what composition it will be Plag forms at about 1420oC Xplag is about An87 Must be higher than An75 Why?
Now follow continuous reaction of type: liqA + plagB ® liqC + plagD
Plagioclase follows path at base Liquid follows curved path (since moves away from a moving plagioclase comp.) At 1230oC liquid reaches e and diopside forms along with cotectic liquid and plag An75 (tie-line works now)
Continuous reaction: liqA + plagB -> Di + liqC + plagD
As liquid moves e -> f and plag moves -> An65 When Xplag ® An65 then Di - d - plag are colinear Thus the last liquid = f
Binary character is usually maintained when a new component is added
Eutectic behavior remains eutectic Peritectic behavior remains peritectic Solid solutions remain so as well
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