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A Direct Manipulation style metaphor for the University of Liverpool Library System Proposal 2.

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Presentation on theme: "A Direct Manipulation style metaphor for the University of Liverpool Library System Proposal 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Direct Manipulation style metaphor for the University of Liverpool Library System Proposal 2

2 Metaphor Basing on the physical library itself seems to be the best option. It will be one that the end users will be familiar with and useful in allowing the end users to conceptualise.

3 Three main new operations Direct links to reading lists and end user commentary of the books Direct links from the books to authors website, related journals and perhaps Janet. Pop up or email service advising on the availabilities and due date returns of the books.

4 Basic Interface Basic Interface resembles the interior of the Sydney Jones Library though altered to fit all basic objects on one screen. Help Desk And Issue desk Filing Cabinet Doors

5 Help Desk and Issue Desk Selection will make available a number of options. Multiple types of interface. Box in right hand corner to allow for “straight” selection (a basic options list) OR selection of objects

6 Help Desk and issue Desk Clicking on the Librarian will allow one of two options either the contact details (email, tel number of the actual help desk) or to request a pop up or email service about the availability of specific books. –DORIS (digital outreach records interface system)

7 Selection of the Cash register Allow fines to be paid over the internet. –Number of security and administration issues however the option does not have to be introduced immediately but allows for backwards compatibility. Additionally this could be used to purchase books themselves as it puzzles me why a library doesn’t combined selling with loaning.

8 Filing Cabinet Allows searches by reading list (course code modules etc). I’ve been informed this service is available however not advertised to either lecturing staff or students for some unknown reason. So possibly have the filing cabinet in the red neon the university web designers are so fond of.

9 Doors Allow for actual searches and fulfil all the basic requirements of the old system. However I’m at a lost how to reduce this to a point and click option. Some of this can be handled for example corridor listing authors, titles etc on each door. But at the end typing will be necessary.

10 Searches However it is possible to allow for some direct manipulation clicking and dragging a picture of a book to a cart for example for booking. End user comments is controversial as opinions will differ in the usefulness of a particular book (by level of understanding if nothing else)

11 Possible issues Identification with the objects and their tasks is difficult and can be subject to both cultural and personal bias. This can be solved by as mentioned by multiple ways of interfacing (such as a menu and drop down box system)

12 Possible issues 2 Some of these new options require additional administration and maintenance time and in the example of payments and end user comments can carry security and privacy issues.

13 Benefits With the links to authors websites related journals etc in may be possible to access the relevant information without borrowing the book. Additionally using a real world metaphor may allow it to be seamlessly linked to other departments, virtual lectures and even opens up the terrorising possibility of a virtual senate house.

14 Benefits 2 Hopefully depending upon the complexity of the interface it will be possible for users to draw directly upon their experience of using the physical library to work out and understand how to operate it.

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