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Digital Logic Review Discussion D8.7.

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1 Digital Logic Review Discussion D8.7

2 Positional Notation N = P4P3P2P1P0 = P4b4 + P3b3 + P2b2 + P1b1 + P0b0
Binary = 1 x x x x x 20 = = 2210

3 Positional Notation N = P4P3P2P1P0 = P4b4 + P3b3 + P2b2 + P1b1 + P0b0
Hex 3AF16 = 3 x A x F x 160 = 3 x x x 1 = = 94310

4 Binary Hex 6 A 8 F C

5 Finding 2’s Complement Complement remaining bits Copy all bits
to first 1 1 1 1 2’s complement

6 Negative Number Take 2’s Complement
FF -4B B4 +1 B5


8 Basic Gates NOT Gate AND Gate OR Gate XOR Gate NAND Gate NOR Gate

9 Basic Gates Y = ~X not(Y,X) NOT Z = X & Y and(Z,X,Y) AND Z = X | Y OR
1 Y = ~X not(Y,X) X Y NOT X Y Z X Z = X & Y and(Z,X,Y) AND Z Y X Y Z X Z = X | Y or(Z,X,Y) OR Z Y Any logic circuit can be created using only these three gates

10 NOT Gate X ~X ~~X 0 1 0 1 0 1 X ~X ~~X = X Behavior:
Behavior: The output of a NOT gate is the inverse (one’s complement) of the input

11 AND Gate Behavior: The output of an AND gate is HIGH only if all inputs are HIGH assign Z = X[1] & X[2] & ... & X[n]; assign Z = &X; and(Z,X[1],X[2],...,X[n]);

12 OR Gate Behavior: The output of an OR gate is LOW only if all inputs are LOW assign Z = X[1] | X[2] | ... | X[n]; assign Z = |X; or(Z,X[1],X[2],...,X[n]);

13 Exclusive-OR (XOR) Gate
Behavior: The output of an XOR gate is HIGH only if the number of HIGH inputs is ODD assign Z = X[1] ^ X[2] ^ ... ^ X[n]; assign Z = ^X; xor(Z,X[1],X[2],...,X[n]);

14 2-Input XOR Gate XOR X Z Y Z = X ^ Y xor(Z,X,Y) X Y Z 0 0 0 0 1 1
X Y Z Z = X ^ Y xor(Z,X,Y) Note: if Y = 0, Z = X if Y = 1, Z = ~X Therefore, an XOR gate can be used as a controlled inverter

15 Exclusive-NOR Gate XNOR (NOT – XOR)
Behavior: The output of an XNOR gate is HIGH only if the number of HIGH inputs is EVEN assign Z = ~(X[1] ^ X[2] ^ ... ^ X[n]); assign Z = ~^X; xnor(Z,X[1],X[2],...,X[n]);

16 2-Input XNOR Gate XNOR Z = ~(X ^ Y) Z = X ~^ Y xnor(Z,X,Y) X Z Y X Y Z
X Z Y Z = ~(X ^ Y) Z = X ~^ Y xnor(Z,X,Y) Note: Z = 1 if X = Y Therefore, an XNOR gate can be used as an equality detector

17 NAND Gate (NOT-AND) Behavior:
The output of an NAND gate is LOW only if all inputs are HIGH assign Z = ~(X[1] & X[2] & ... & X[n]); assign Z = ~&X; nand(Z,X[1],X[2],...,X[n]);

18 NOR Gate (NOT – OR) Behavior:
The output of an NOR gate is HIGH only if all inputs are LOW assign Z = ~(X[1] | X[2] | ... | X[n]); assign Z = ~|X; nor(Z,X[1],X[2],...,X[n]);

19 Gates4.v Verilog gate level primitives Verilog reduction operators
module gates ( X ,Z, Y ); input [4:1] X ; wire [4:1] X ; output [6:1] Z ; wire [6:1] Z ; output [6:1] Y ; wire [6:1] Y ; and(Z[6],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]); nand(Z[5],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]); or(Z[4],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]); nor(Z[3],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]); xor(Z[2],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]); xnor(Z[1],X[1],X[2],X[3],X[4]); assign Y[6] = &X; assign Y[5] = ~&X; assign Y[4] = |X; assign Y[3] = ~|X; assign Y[2] = ^X; assign Y[1] = ~^X; endmodule Verilog gate level primitives Verilog reduction operators

20 and(Z[6],X[1],... nand(Z[5],X[1], ... or(Z[4],X[1], ... nor(Z[3],X[1], ... xor(Z[2],X[1], ... xnor(Z[1],X[1], ... assign Y[6] = &X; assign Y[5] = ~&X; assign Y[4] = |X; assign Y[3] = ~|X; assign Y[2] = ^X; assign Y[1] = ~^X;

21 NAND Gate X X Z Z = Y Y Z = ~(X & Y) Z = ~X | ~Y X Y W Z 0 0 0 1
X Y ~X ~Y Z

22 De Morgan’s Theorem-1 ~(X & Y) = ~X | ~Y Change & to | and | to &
NOT all variables Change & to | and | to & NOT the result

23 NOR Gate X X Z Z Y Y Z = ~(X | Y) Z = ~X & ~Y X Y Z X Y ~X ~Y Z 0 0 1
X Y ~X ~Y Z

24 De Morgan’s Theorem-2 ~(X | Y) = ~X & ~Y Change & to | and | to &
NOT all variables Change & to | and | to & NOT the result

25 Sum of Products Design X Y minterms 0 0 m0 = ~X & ~Y 0 1 m1 = ~X & Y

26 Sum of Products Design Design an XOR gate X Y Z 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1
m1 = ~X & Y m2 = X & ~Y Z = m1 | m2 = (~X & Y) | (X & ~Y)

27 Product of Sums Design X Y minterms maxterms
m0 = ~X & ~Y M0 = ~m0 = X | Y m1 = ~X & Y M1 = ~m1 = X | ~Y m2 = X & ~Y M2 = ~m2 = ~X | Y m3 = X & Y M3 = ~m3 = ~X | ~Y

28 Product of Sums Design Design an XOR gate X Y Z 0 0 0 M0 = X | Y 0 1 1
M0 = X | Y M3 = ~X | ~Y Z = M0 & M3 = (X | Y) & (~X | ~Y)

29 Venn Diagrams ~X & Y X Y

30 Unity ~X & Y X & Y X Y (X & Y) | (~X & Y) = Y
Dual: (X | Y) & (~X | Y) = Y

31 Absorption-1 X & Y X Y Y | (X & Y) = Y Dual: Y & (X | Y) = Y

32 Absorption-2 ~X & Y X Y X | (~X & Y) = X | Y
Dual: X & (~X | Y) = X & Y

33 Distributive Law - a X | (Y & Z) = (X | Y) & (X | Z)

34 Distributive Law - b X & (Y | Z) = (X & Y) | (X & Z)

35 Venn Diagrams and Minterms

36 Venn Diagrams and Minterms

37 Three-variable K-Maps
X YZ 00 01 11 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 1 1 F = m0 | m2 | m5 | m7 = S(0,2,5,7)

38 Three-variable K-Maps
X YZ 00 01 11 10 1 1 1 1 1 F = X & Z | ~X & ~Z

39 Three-variable K-Maps
X YZ 00 01 11 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F = Y | ~Z

40 Four-variable K-Maps F(W,X,Y,Z) = S(2,4,5,6,7,9,13,14,15) WX YZ 00 01
11 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 13 14 15 F(W,X,Y,Z) = S(2,4,5,6,7,9,13,14,15)

41 Four-variable K-Maps YZ 00 01 11 10 WX 00 1 F = ~W & X | X & Y
| ~W & Y & ~Z | W & ~Y & Z 01 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 10 1

42 Four-variable K-Maps YZ 00 01 11 10 WX F = ~W & Z 00 1 1 1 1
| W & X & Y 01 1 1 | ~X & ~Z 11 1 1 10 1 1

43 A 1-Bit Comparator The variable Gout is 1 if Gin = 1 or if Ein = 1 and x > y. The variable Eout is 1 if Ein = 1 and x = y. Gout = Gin | Ein & x & ~y Eout = Ein & ~x & ~y | Ein & x & y = Ein & (~x & ~y | x & y) = Ein & (x ~^ y)

44 module comp4 ( x, y, gt, eq, lt );
input [3:0] x ; wire [3:0] x ; input [3:0] y ; wire [3:0] y ; output lt ; wire lt ; output gt ; wire gt ; output eq ; wire eq ; A 4-Bit Comparator x y 1 1 1 lt 1

45 Turning on an LED

46 Turning on an LED This is what we use in Lab

47 7-Segment Display

48 7-Segment Display Truth table D a b c d e f g 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
seg7dec D(3:0) AtoG(6:0) Truth table D a b c d e f g D a b c d e f g A b C d E F

49 Verilog hex7seg.v a f b g e c d module hex7seg(D,AtoG); input [3:0] D;
output [6:0] AtoG; reg [6:0] AtoG; case(D) 0: AtoG = 7'b ; 1: AtoG = 7'b ; 2: AtoG = 7'b ; 3: AtoG = 7'b ; 4: AtoG = 7'b ; 5: AtoG = 7'b ; 6: AtoG = 7'b ; 7: AtoG = 7'b ; 8: AtoG = 7'b ; 9: AtoG = 7'b ; 'hA: AtoG = 7'b ; 'hb: AtoG = 7'b ; 'hC: AtoG = 7'b ; 'hd: AtoG = 7'b ; 'hE: AtoG = 7'b ; 'hF: AtoG = 7'b ; default: AtoG = 7'b ; // 0 endcase endmodule hex7seg.v Verilog a b c d e f g

50 SW7seg.v Verilog AAtoGG AtoG
// Title : Toggle switches to 7-Segment Display // Author : R. E. Haskell module SW7seg(SW,LEDR,AtoG,AAtoGG); input [7:0] SW; output [7:0]LEDR; output [6:0] AtoG; output [6:0] AAtoGG; wire [6:0] AtoG; wire [6:0] AAtoGG; wire [7:0] LEDR; assign LEDR = SW; hex7seg d7L(.D(SW[7:4]),.AtoG(AAtoGG)); hex7seg d7R(.D(SW[3:0]),.AtoG(AtoG)); endmodule AAtoGG AtoG

51 Wiring up the top-level design in Verilog
AAtoGG AtoG hex7seg d7L(.D(SW[7:4]),.AtoG(AAtoGG)); hex7seg d7R(.D(SW[3:0]),.AtoG(AtoG));

52 Wiring up the top-level design in Verilog
AAtoGG AtoG hex7seg d7L(.D(SW[7:4]),.AtoG(AAtoGG)); hex7seg d7R(.D(SW[3:0]),.AtoG(AtoG));

53 Multiplexers 4 x 1 MUX s1 s0 C0 C1 Y C2 C3 s1 s0 0 0 C0 0 1 C1 1 0 C2
A multiplexer is a digital switch 0 0

54 Multiplexers 4 x 1 MUX s1 s0 C0 C1 Y C2 C3 s1 s0 0 0 C0 0 1 C1 1 0 C2
0 1

55 Multiplexers 4 x 1 MUX s1 s0 C0 C1 Y C2 C3 s1 s0 0 0 C0 0 1 C1 1 0 C2
1 0

56 Multiplexers 4 x 1 MUX s1 s0 C0 C1 Y C2 C3 s1 s0 0 0 C0 0 1 C1 1 0 C2
1 1

57 Problem How would you make a Quad 2-to-1 MUX?
s 0 A 1 B Quad 2-to-1 MUX [A3..A0] [Y3..Y0] [B3..B0] s

58 mux.v [A3..A0] [Y3..Y0] [B3..B0] s Quad 2-to-1 MUX
module mux24a(A,B,s,Y); input [3:0] A; input [3:0] B; input s; output [3:0] Y; reg [3:0] Y; if(s == 0) Y = A; else Y = B; endmodule Quad 2-to-1 MUX [A3..A0] [Y3..Y0] [B3..B0] s

59 module mux24a(A,B,s,Y); input [3:0] A; input [3:0] B; input s; output [3:0] Y; reg [3:0] Y; if(s == 0) Y = A; else Y = B; endmodule

60 ~S-~R Latch ~S ~R Q ~Q 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Disallowed 1 0 Set
0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 Disallowed 1 0 Set 0 1 Reset 1 1 0 1 Store 1 0 Q0 !Q0 X Y nand 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 To close or lock with or as if with a latch, To catch or fasten

61 S-R Latch module RSlatchNOR ( Q ,R ,S ); input R ; wire R ; input S ;
wire S ; output Q ; wire Q ; wire F1, F2; nor #10 (F1,F2,R); nor #10 (F2,F1,S); assign Q = F1; endmodule 10ns propagation delay

62 R S Q 0 0 Q0 store set reset disallowed

63 D Latch S ~S ~R R D CLK Q ~Q Note that Q follows D
X 0 Q0 ~Q0 D CLK Q ~Q Note that Q follows D when the clock in high, and is latched when the clock goes to zero.

64 D Latch module Dlatch ( Q ,EN ,D ); input EN ; wire EN ; input D ;
wire D ; output Q ; reg Q ; or EN) if(EN == 1) Q = D; endmodule D Latch D EN Q Q follows D when EN is high, and remains unchanged when EN is low.

65 D Latch

66 D Flip-Flop D gets latched to Q on the rising edge of the clock.
clk D Q !Q X 0 Q0 !Q0 D clk Q !Q Positive edge triggered D gets latched to Q on the rising edge of the clock. Behavior clk) Q <= D;

67 DFFclr.v module DFFclr (D, clk, clr, Q, notQ ); input clk ; wire clk ;
input clr ; wire clr ; input D ; wire D ; output Q ; reg Q ; output notQ ; wire notQ ; clk or posedge clr) if(clr == 1) Q <= 0; else Q <= D; assign notQ = ~Q; endmodule DFFclr.v Asynchronous clear

68 D Flip-Flop with Asynchronous Clear

69 A 1-Bit Register

70 A 1-Bit Register If LOAD = 1, then INP0 gets latched to Q0 on the rising edge of the clock, CLK

71 A 4-Bit Register

72 Implementing Registers in Verilog
// A 4-bit register with asynchronous clear and load module reg4(Clk,Clear,Load,D,Q); input [3:0] D; input Clk,Clear,Load; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; Clk or posedge Clear) if(Clear == 1) Q <= 0; else if(Load) Q <= D; endmodule

73 4-Bit Shift Register

74 shift4.v Note non-blocking assignment
module ShiftReg(clk,clr,data_in,Q); input clk; input clr; input data_in; output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; // 4-bit Shift Register clk or posedge clr) begin if(clr == 1) Q <= 0; else Q[3] <= data_in; Q[2:0] <= Q[3:1]; end endmodule Note non-blocking assignment

75 shift4 simulation

76 Ring Counter

77 ring4.v module ring4(clk,clr,Q); input clk; input clr; output [3:0] Q;
reg [3:0] Q; // 4-bit Ring Counter clk or posedge clr) begin if(clr == 1) Q <= 1; else Q[3] <= Q[0]; Q[2:0] <= Q[3:1]; end endmodule

78 ring4 simulation

79 Johnson Counter

80 johnson4.v module johnson4(clk,clr,Q); input clk; input clr;
output [3:0] Q; reg [3:0] Q; // 4-bit Johnson Counter clk or posedge clr) begin if(clr == 1) Q <= 0; else Q[3] <= ~Q[0]; Q[2:0] <= Q[3:1]; end endmodule

81 Johnson Counter

82 3-Bit Counter Behavior clr count3 Q(2 downto 0) clk
clk or posedge clr) begin if(clr == 1) Q <= 0; else Q <= Q + 1; end

83 counter3.v module counter3 (clk, clr, Q ); input clr ; wire clr ;
input clk ; wire clk ; output [2:0] Q ; reg [2:0] Q ; // 3-bit counter clk or posedge clr) begin if(clr == 1) Q <= 0; else Q <= Q + 1; end endmodule Asynchronous clear Output count increments on rising edge of clk

84 counter3 Simulation

85 Recall Divide-by-8 Counter
Q0 Q1 Q2 D0 D1 D2 s s s s s s s s State Q2 Q1 Q D2 D1 D0 Present state Next state Use Q2, Q1, Q0 as inputs to a combinational circuit to produce an arbitrary waveform.

86 Example State Q2 Q1 Q D2 D1 D y Q2 Q1 Q0 00 01 11 10 1 s s s s s s s s y = ~Q2 & ~Q1 | Q2 & Q0

87 Sequence Detectors Moore machine: Output is a function
of only the state -- 5 states output Mealy machine: Output is a function of the state and the input -- 4 states

88 Mealy Machine Note: Output changes when input changes

89 Mealy Machine

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