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CSC321: Programming Languages1 Programming Languages Tucker and Noonan Chapter 9: Functions 9.1 Basic Terminology 9.2 Function Call and Return 9.3 Parameters.

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Presentation on theme: "CSC321: Programming Languages1 Programming Languages Tucker and Noonan Chapter 9: Functions 9.1 Basic Terminology 9.2 Function Call and Return 9.3 Parameters."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSC321: Programming Languages1 Programming Languages Tucker and Noonan Chapter 9: Functions 9.1 Basic Terminology 9.2 Function Call and Return 9.3 Parameters 9.4 Parameter Passing Mechanisms 9.5 Activation Records 9.6 Recursive Functions 9.7 Run Time Stack

2 CSC321: Programming Languages2 Basic Terminology Value-returning functions: –known as “non-void functions/methods” in C/C++/Java –called from within an expression. e.g., x = (b*b - sqrt(4*a*c))/2*a Non-value-returning functions: –known as “procedures” in Ada, “subroutines” in Fortran, “void functions/methods” in C/C++/Java –called from a separate statement. e.g., strcpy(s1, s2);

3 CSC321: Programming Languages3 Function Call and Return Example C/C++ Program Fig 9.1 int h, i; void B(int w) { int j, k; i = 2*w; w = w+1; } void A(int x, int y) { bool i, j; B(h); } int main() { int a, b; h = 5; a = 3; b = 2; A(a, b); }

4 CSC321: Programming Languages4 Parameters Definitions –An argument is an expression that appears in a function call. (Actual parameter) –A parameter is an identifier that appears in a function declaration. (Formal parameter) E.g., in Figure 9.1 –The call A(a, b) has arguments a and b. –The function declaration A has parameters x and y.

5 CSC321: Programming Languages5 Parameter-Argument Matching Usually by number and by position. I.e., any call to A must have two arguments, and they must match the corresponding parameters’ types. Exceptions: –Perl - parameters aren’t declared in a function header. Instead, parameters are available in an array @_, and are accessed using a subscript on this array. –Ada - arguments and parameters can be linked by name. E.g., the call A(y=>b, x=>a) is the same as A(a, b)

6 CSC321: Programming Languages6 Parameter Passing Mechanisms Pass by value Pass by reference Pass by value-result Pass by result Pass by name

7 CSC321: Programming Languages7 Procedure Forward Reference The procedure declaration and the body definition can appear separately (in different modules/blocks) Forward declaration: Most languages declare procedures/functions before call procedures/functions Declare anywhere (Algol, Java): the order of procedure declaration and calls does not matter

8 CSC321: Programming Languages8 Pass by Value Compute the value of the argument at the time of the call and assign that value to the parameter. –E.g., in the call A(a, b) in Fig. 9.1, a and b are passed by value. So the values of parameters x and y become 3 and 2, respectively when the call begins. So passing by value doesn’t normally allow the called function to modify an argument’s value. All arguments in Java are passed by value. But references can be passed to allow argument values to be modified. E.g., void swap(int *a, int *b) { … }

9 CSC321: Programming Languages9 Pass by Reference Compute the address of the argument at the time of the call and assign it to the parameter. Example Fig 9.3 Since h is passed by reference, its value changes during the call to B. int h, i; void B(int* w) { int j, k; i = 2*(*w); *w = *w+1; } void A(int* x, int* y) { bool i, j; B(&h); } int main() { int a, b; h = 5; a = 3; b = 2; A(&a, &b); }

10 CSC321: Programming Languages10 Pass by Value-Result and Result Pass by value at the time of the call and/or copy the result back to the argument at the end of the call. –E.g., Ada’s in out parameter can be implemented as value-result. –Value-result is often called copy-in-copy-out. Reference and value-result are the same, except when aliasing occurs. That is, when: –the same variable is both passed and globally referenced from the called function, or –the same variable is passed for two different parameters.

11 CSC321: Programming Languages11 Pass by Name Textually substitute the argument for every instance of its corresponding parameter in the function body. –Originated with Algol 60 (Jensen’s device), but was dropped by Algol’s successors -- Pascal, Ada, Modula. –Exemplifies late binding, since evaluation of the argument is delayed until its occurrence in the function body is actually executed. –Associated with lazy evaluation in functional languages (see, e.g., Haskell discussion in Chapter 14).

12 CSC321: Programming Languages12 Activation Records A block of information associated with each function call, which includes: parameters and local variables Return address Saved registers Temporary variables Return value Static link - to the function’s static parent Dynamic link - to the activation record of the caller

13 CSC321: Programming Languages13 Recursive Functions A function that can call itself, either directly or indirectly, is a recursive function. E.g., int factorial (int n) { if (n < 2) return 1; else return n*factorial(n-1); } self-call

14 CSC321: Programming Languages14 Run Time Stack A stack of activation records. Each new call pushes an activation record, and each completing call pops the topmost one. So, the topmost record is the most recent call, and the stack has all active calls at any run-time moment. For example, consider the call factorial(3) This places one activation record onto the stack and generates a second call factorial(2). This call generates the call factorial(1), so that the stack gains three activation records.

15 CSC321: Programming Languages15 Stack Activity for the Call factorial(3) Fig. 9.7 n 3 n 2 n 1 First callSecond call Third call returns 1 Second call returns 2*1=2 First call returns 3*2=6

16 CSC321: Programming Languages16 Stack Activity for Program in Fig. 9.1 Activation of main main calls A A calls B h undef i undef a 3 b 2 h 5 i undef a 3 b 2 h 5 i 10 a 3 b 2 x 3 y 2 i undef j undef x 3 y 2 i undef j undef w 5 j undef k undef Fig. 9.8 (links not shown)

17 CSC321: Programming Languages17 Parameter Replacement Positions in the list E.g. (C language) –Declare: int square(int x, int y) { return x*y;} –Call:square(5, 8) –Formal parameters: int x and int y –Actual parameters: 5 and 8 –Replacement as the positions: x  5, and y  8

18 CSC321: Programming Languages18 Default Parameters (I) C++, Ada Procedure call may omit some actual parameters, if these parameters have default values Procedure declaration must specify the default values, if any. E.g. void proc_name(int p1, int p2=0, int p3=1) { …} which means, if the actual parameter corresponding to p2 is defaulted to 0, while the default value of the actual parameter corresponding to p3 is 1. Thus, procedure call proc_name(1) is equivalent to the procedure call proc_name(1,0,1)

19 CSC321: Programming Languages19 Default Parameters (II) In the declaration, the parameters with default values must be at the end of the parameter-list. Why? Consider an example, if we declare the first parameter with default value: int my_proc(int p1=0, int p2, int p3=1) {…} Then the procedure call: my_proc(0,1) causes confusion: does it mean the call my_proc(0,0,1) (default p1) or the call my_proc(0,1,1) (default p3) ? Even put default values at the end of parameter list, still exist confusions. Consider the declaration: void my_name(int p1, int p2=1, int p3=1) {…} and the call: my_name(1,1). Does it mean whether p2 or p3 is default? To avoid this confusion, C++, Ada, Java use the rule: replace the formal parameters from left to right. Thus, the above call uses default p3.

20 CSC321: Programming Languages20 Arbitrary Number of Parameters Lisp/Scheme Declaration do not specify a parameter number as the number of parameters, and the number of actual parameters can be arbitrary. E.g. (list arg1 arg2 … argn)  parameters are: arg1 arg2.. argn

21 CSC321: Programming Languages21 Named Parameters PL/I, Fortran, Ada At call, specify the values with the named formal parameters. E.g. my_proc(p2=2); my_proc(p1=1,p2=2,p3=3); Advantage: clear Disadvantage: remember the formal parameters’ name

22 CSC321: Programming Languages22 Mixed Replacement Ada First in terms of positions, and then follow the named parameters E.g. –Declaration: proc(int p1, double p2, float p3, boolean p4) –Call: proc(1, 2.0, p4=>true, p3=>3.2)

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