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Plant Structure and Function “He eats, shoots and leaves.”

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Presentation on theme: "Plant Structure and Function “He eats, shoots and leaves.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Plant Structure and Function “He eats, shoots and leaves.”
J.G. Mexal AGRO/HORT 100G

2 HORT Humor

3 Basic Plant Structure

4 Vocabulary Seed Structures Germination Seed Seed coat Cotyledon Embryo
Endosperm Hypocotyl Radicle Epicotyl (plumule) Germination Hypogeous Epigeous

5 Parts of a seed Dicot Monocot Seed coat Hypocotyl Epicotyl Cotyledons
Endosperm Radicle Cotyledon Dicot Monocot

6 Seed Germination Monocot Dicot Hypogeous Epigeous Radicle

7 Vocabulary Shoots Shoots Leaf Petiole Axillary bud Opposite Alternate
Whorled Node/Internode Shoots Evergreen/Deciduous Annual/Biennial/Perennial Xylem (earlywood/latewood) Phloem Cambium Meristem

8 Leaf Arrangement

9 Leaf Morphology

10 Leaf Morphology

11 Woody Plant Stem Stern 2006

12 Woody Stem Structure

13 What are the critical parts of a tree?
Xylem (earlywood/latewood) Bark Cambium/Phloem

14 Wood Plant Stem Stern 2006

15 Vocabulary Reproduction/Fertilization Flowers Cross pollination
Diploid Fertilization Gametes Genes Haploid Hybrids Pollination Self pollination Sexual reproduction Zygote Flowers Perfect/Imperfect Complete/Incomplete Petals/Corolla Sepals/Calyx Stamen (anther & filament) Pistil (stigma, style, ovary)

16 Flower Morphology

17 Structure: Flowers- missing parts
Floral Parts Structure Reproduction Sepals, Petals, Complete Perfect Stamens, Pistil Sepals, Stamens, Incomplete Perfect Pistil Sepals, Stamens Incomplete Imperfect

18 Structure- Compound Flower/ Sunflower

19 Structure- Flower- Compound Pistil/ Strawberry

20 Structure: Leaf Types

21 Structure: Leaf Venation

22 Structure: Leaf Arrangement

23 Structure: Flower Parts

24 Developing Root Stern 2006

25 Root Cross Section

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